7 Quick Takes Friday (set #24)

7 Quick Takes Friday

This week: There’s a little black spot on your head today. Planned Parenthood’s tireless, evil efforts. Joel Northrup places morality above athletics. Snow, and what one dad spent 80 hours building for his kids. Our executive branch unilaterally usurps the power of the legislature and judiciary to attack genuine marriage. Following in Mother Theresa’s footsteps. Happiness.

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With Lent beginning next Wednesday, I thought that I would pull out this video from last year. It is called This Time of Forty Days but I would have named it after its lead verse – “There’s a little black spot on your head today…”

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The old adage, “if you are going to do something, do it well” is seriously taken to heart by Planned Parenthood. Like Satan, they do not want to loose even one soul to life. If that means breaking laws on custodial rights and ignoring a police officer’s lawful orders – so be it. Read this story on PP’s tireless determination to arrange a late term abortion for a 14 year old.

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Joel Northrup (35-4) was favored in the Iowa wrestling championships against his opponent (20-13). Instead he did not even try. His opponent was a girl and young, home-schooled Joel felt such contact to be inappropriate. “Joel believes, based on his conscience and faith, that girls should be treated with dignity and respect – taking nothing away from those two female athletes – but wrestling is a combat sport,” Joel’s dad explained. Joel is a refreshing ray of hope.

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Some people take advantage of the snow. Here is what one dad made for his kids (only 80 hours of shoveling):

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President Obama announced last week that he has decided to break his solemn oath to uphold the constitution and laws of the United States, although he omitted describing it that way. The president has decided, on his own, to no longer defend federal law defining marriage as a union between a man and a woman. This federal law will be no longer enforced, as if it was duly repealed by the legislature or overturned by the judiciary…   which it was not.

At about the same time, his administration also announced that they will be breaking their promise to uphold conscience protections for healthcare professionals.

I suppose that he is doing these things now so that they will be “old news” during his re-election campaign. Maybe no one will notice with their attention on Libya, the failed economy, continuing joblessness and other issues. Both of these moves are immoral, probably illegal, and like so many of his other moves cause lasting harm. Very discouraging.

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Narayanan Krishnan no longer has time to be an award-winning chef at a five-star hotel. Since 2002, he has responded to the plight of those who are forgotten and ignored on the edge of society. Watch his story here and read more about it here. Deacon Greg says “Grab a Kleenex. Then, take three minutes and see the face of God.”

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Some random thoughts or bits of information are worthy of sharing but don’t warrant their own full post. This idea was started by Jennifer Fulwiler at Conversion Diary to address this blogging need. So, some Fridays I too participate when I have accumulated 7 worthy items. Thank you Jen for hosting this project!

7 Quick Takes Friday (set #23)

7 Quick Takes Friday

This week: Planned Parenthood support for the sex trade is not an isolated problem. Philadelphia’s Dr. Gosnell’s actions are in-line with president’s stated position. How abortions affect women – a video. World Youth Days 2011. Why I’m Catholic is launched. Google Goggles solves Sudoku.

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OK, say you are a pimp in the sex trade. Naturally you think of Planned Parenthood as your ally. Yea, I covered this in a previous quick takes but surely that was an aberration, right? Sadly no, this is the third such video taken at different PP termination centers around the country. As much as their defenders try to say it was not “company policy,” it is indeed their very nature:

Friends, this is not a management failure. This is what moral depravity looks like. In an environment that celebrates the murder of unborn children, what do you expect?

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Inside Catholic has a piece from Deal Hudson noting how the grisly actions of Dr. Kermit Gosnell in Philadelphia were squarely in-line with the stated position of Barack Obama. He isn’t known as the most pro-abortion president for no reason. Read the story.

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The Manhattan Declaration folks ran a pro-life video contest. The top 3 winners have been selected. Of those, my favorite is this one told by women who have had abortions:

(This video is no longer available.)

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This “promo” for World Youth Days is inspiring:

Thanks Marcel for finding it. You are a source of so much great material!

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Why I’m Catholic is a new website that features high-quality presentations of Catholic conversion stories. Last week they featured aspect mine! Be sure to check them out.

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Now, something totally different. Google has been busily improving their Google Goggles mobile service that performs a search by simply taking a picture. The latest version, among other things, solves Sudoku puzzles:

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Saturday Evening Blog Post

Elizabeth Esther kindly hosts a feature she calls The Saturday Evening Blog Post. Published monthly every first Saturday, it features the best post in the preceding month on each of a few dozen Christian blogs. The “best” entries are chosen by the authors themselves (so they should know!).

It is a great way to discover new blogs. Be sure to check-it out. Last month entries were solicited for December and January. My entries were Some leave the Church and Who are we?.

Some random thoughts or bits of information are worthy of sharing but don’t warrant their own full post. This idea was started by Jennifer Fulwiler at Conversion Diary to address this blogging need. So, some Fridays I too participate when I have accumulated 7 worthy items. Thank you Jen for hosting this project!

7 Quick Takes Friday (set #22)

7 Quick Takes Friday

This week: Stealth technology hides pro-life marches. Press coverage is more than merely biased. A 2011 SFO March for Life picture essay. Chick-Fil-A under attack for their Christian values. Ongoing scandal at the CCHD. Tax payer support for child sex slave entrepreneurs. Martin Luther King would support homosexual marriage – NOT.

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Ever wonder how hundreds of thousands of pro-life (also true for Tea Party) supporters can march in Washington and nobody notices? Even a hundred pro-abort protesters are immediately detected by the mainstream media. Matthew Archbold discloses it can only be explained by the use of super-secret stealth technology being deployed by the pro-life forces. The military must be investigating. Imagine making 2 entire armies, 6 corps, 20 divisions, 100 brigades / regiments – totally invisible! Read his fascinating exposé for the full scoop. It’s a hoot!

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More seriously, here is an excellent video that takes a look at the mainstream media’s bias. Well, not just blatant bias, but unabashedly fraudulent coverage:

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While the Washington DC 2011 March for Life was many, many times larger – local rallies such as this one in San Francisco were notable too. This one alone had around 50,000 pro-life supporters vs. around 100 (loud, obnoxious) pro-aborts. ProtestShooter.com tells the story wonderfully in pictures, such as this one:

Pretend I Am A Tree

For some great picture coverage of the Washington DC March, see Matt Cassens’ St. Blogustine blog.

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Chick-Fil-A is a privately owned restaurant chain operated by Christian principals. Their food, cleanliness and service are all top-notch. They deserve your support.

Recently, the gay lobby locked onto them because one of their locations donated food to a local seminar called “The Art of Marriage: Getting to the Heart of God’s Design.” Of course, they were outraged. The rigid intolerance of the gay lobby for any viewpoint but their own is on full display. Please support Chick-Fil-A. How many other large businesses do you know of that actually operate by true Christian beliefs? If you use Facebook, be sure to “like” their page.

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The Catholic Campaign for Human Development has long standing problems. Specifically, they have an (unfortunately) on-going history of funneling your contributions to organizations and groups with positions exactly opposite of authentic Catholic teaching. There are numerous examples. Patrick Archbold uncovered the fact that the campaign’s director concurrently served as the treasurer for a pro-abortion democrat attempting to unseat a pro-life republican. He also endorsed her campaign and permitted his name to be used.

In a follow-up, his excuse as summarized by Matthew was “even though McCloud and Davis were co-workers and such BFF’s that she asked him to vouch for her by being treasurer, the topic of abortion never came up and he never thought to ask. Plus, he wasn’t a very good campaign treasurer, so poor in fact that he completely forgot that he was treasurer for an entire year while Director at the CCHD.” Really. Follow the link and read it for yourself.

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OK, say you are a pimp and just imported a batch of under-aged sex slaves (as young as 14). You want to get them tested. You want birth control and abortions as necessary. You don’t want to pay much. Who do you turn to? Planned Parenthood, of course. They will help you work around the laws or teach you how to violate them without getting caught. They will handle your language problems. Consider them your small business partner. Here is a recent case study:

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With the recent Martin Luther King day, many recalled his good works. Some, chose to pervert his conservative Christian values into exactly the opposite. That was the work, predictably, of homosexual activists. Shameful. The CNA has a good piece on this entitled Christian leaders rally against gay activists ‘hijacking’ Martin Luther King legacy.

Some random thoughts or bits of information are worthy of sharing but don’t warrant their own full post. This idea was started by Jennifer Fulwiler at Conversion Diary to address this blogging need. So, some Fridays I too participate when I have accumulated 7 worthy items. Thank you Jen for hosting this project!

7 Quick Takes Friday (set #21)

7 Quick Takes Friday

This week: Making San Francisco safe from “Happy Meals.” Capitalizing on the Tucson tragedy. Thank our troops. I “heart” NY, unless I am an unborn child. The extinction of pro-life Democrats. Automated confessions. A quote of the week.

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The nanny state of San Francisco bans toys from McDonald’s “Happy Meals.” This is just too funny, even if it is from The Daily Show:

If your browser doesn’t show the video above, click here.

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By now we have all heard about the horrible tragedy in Tucson. The horror and evil speak for themselves. The purposes of the perpetrator are irrelevant and not worthy of consideration, even if they were sane (which may not be the case). Those who would use this for their own political purposes are beneath contempt, yet some were very quick to do so.

In the past I have featured aspect some excellent videos by Andrew Klavan, a lucid and insightful commentator. His recent column is well worth reading on this issue. (Want to know who to blame? Pat Achbold has that covered over at the National Catholic Register.)

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Xerox Thanks Troops

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New York City, abortion capitol of the world! An unborn child in New York has a 40% chance of being killed in the womb. If they are black, 60% (genocide – n : systematic killing of a racial or cultural group [syn: {race murder}, racial extermination]).

These are the fruits of this proud bastion of the liberal mindset. Commentator G. Tracy Mehan notes: “All of the usual suspects, of course, have raised the cry for even more sex education and contraception without any sense of irony that these value-free approaches to human sexuality merely propel a self-defeating treadmill of more promiscuity, more out-of-wedlock births, more social and marital breakdown, more deaths of unborn children, more male irresponsibility, and the denigration of women and mothers.” Read his article over at The American Spectator NYC: The Statue of Liberty or The Grim Reaper?.

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The termination of a pregnancy is not a choice, it is murder. Yes, that is blunt but it is the truth our faith teaches. Neither major US political party has a monopoly on good ideas or even consistent ideology. Faithful Catholics could choose pro-life candidates from either party without becoming complicit in the death of innocents (regardless of the candidates other worthy positions).

How sad it is then that one party, with some otherwise honorable goals, has gone so completely pro-abortion that it now virtually defines them as the party of death. Please read Dr. Paul Kengor’s recent piece in The American Spectator entitled Death of the Pro-Life Democrat.

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Check-out this humorous video entitled Automatic Confession:

Thanks to Kathleen Blease.

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Quote of the week:

The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that “the buck stops here. Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.

Barack Obama, 2006

Thanks to Patrick Archbold.

Some random thoughts or bits of information are worthy of sharing but don’t warrant their own full post. This idea was started by Jennifer Fulwiler at Conversion Diary to address this blogging need. So, some Fridays I too participate when I have accumulated 7 worthy items. Thank you Jen for hosting this project!

7 Quick Takes Friday (set #20)

7 Quick Takes Friday

This week: Fr. Barron’s Catholicism Project. CatholicVote.org’s Top 10 Reasons for Hope. Fr. Manfredonia explains when judging is appropriate. Rick Santorum talks about the false “doctrine” of church and state. A solution to unwanted teen pregnancy. Children are the solution to, not cause of, poverty. A quote of the week.

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Father Robert Barron has been working on a 10-part series to be released next fall called The Catholicism Project. Here is a preview:

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I have featured aspect several videos from CatholicVote.org. These excellent videos reflect the conscience of faithful Catholics in the voting booth. They just released Top 10 Reasons for Hope:

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Judging others is wrong, right? Should not tolerance, acceptance and understanding always prevail? Definitely not. This excellent homily from Father Ignatius Manfredonia gives the proper perspective:

Thanks go to The Catholic Wife for noticing it.

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I wrote previously about the concept of “separation of church and state,” how it was to keep the state out of religion – not the other way around and the damage done by JFK. Rick Santorum recently explained this too:

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An amazing new discovery, shown to be 100% effective in the prevention of teen pregnancy, has been announced. This apparatus will avoid all the downsides of teen sex when properly used!

Thanks Mark.

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A while back, in Quick Takes Friday set #4, I featured aspect 3 videos that explain exactly why overpopulation is a myth. The organization that produces them has a new one. This time, why having children is the solution (not the cause) for poverty.

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The quote of the week comes from a reader comment at NCR:

We raised our family of six children in middle Georgia. The Catholic community in a county of 25,000 consisted of 125 souls who practiced their faith. Our children were marked for persecution by their peers and by several teachers in the school system. The Catechism of the Catholic Church was referred to frequently at the dinner table to explain Church teaching. The children were able to explain the more controversial teachings (especially regarding the Eucharist and the Blessed Mother) in a lucid and convincing manner. My oldest daughter, now a busy mother of 3 under 5, received a face book message from a former high school classmate that she and her husband were in RCIA and were coming into the Catholic Church because they recognized the Church was the bulwark of truth and also she recalled my daughter’s strong defense of the faith in High School. The Catholic Church has the answers that well-intentioned Christians are seeking.

Mike Lambert

Some random thoughts or bits of information are worthy of sharing but don’t warrant their own full post. This idea was started by Jennifer Fulwiler at Conversion Diary to address this blogging need. So, some Fridays I too participate when I have accumulated 7 worthy items. Thank you Jen for hosting this project!
