This week: Ken Yasinski reflects on the nature of Christmas Peace. The Vatican Christmas tree is in St. Peter’s Square for the 33rd year. Nativity scenes from around the world are displayed in Rome. A school district edits the heart out of A Charlie Brown Christmas. A New South Wales Catholic Education office performs a rendition of the Little Drummer Boy. The Piano Guys are accompanied by a cast of 1,000 in their performace of Angels We Have Heard On High. LifeSiteNews reminds us what true freedom is this Christmas.
Christmas peace, not sales, not parties, not Santa, certainly not carbon credits. Christ! That is where our focus should be, in this Advent short-stretch before Him.
The Vatican Christmas tree again appears in St. Peter’s Square. This tradition dates back only to 1982 during the reign of Pope St. John Paul II. Always included with the tree is a life-sized Nativity scene.
Nativity scenes from around the world are on display in Rome. This annual tradition is celebrating its 40th anniversary, featuring 167 Nativity scenes from 33 countries.
A Kentucky school district is performing A Charlie Brown Christmas (yea) with the apparently objectionable “religious part” ripped-out on the advice of their attorneys (boo). Here is what they will miss (i.e. the whole point):
The Catholic Education Office of the Diocese of Parramatta (Australia) offers this just released a cappella version of the Little Drummer Boy:
The Piano Guys, along with over 1,000 friends, perform a mix of Angels We Have Heard On High:
True freedom. Government can persecute us for not worshiping them, but can never take our true freedom away as it does not come from them. Never did, never will.
Some random thoughts or bits of information are worthy of sharing but don’t warrant their own full post. This idea was begun by Jennifer Fulwiler and is now continued by Kelly Mantoan. So, some Fridays I too participate when I have accumulated 7 worthy items. Thank you Kelly for hosting this project!
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