I missed Tuesday’s post, so here is Friday’s a day early. Saturday is time again for New Evangelists Monthly to begin a new edition. Today, I would like to bring to your attention 3 original, brief essays that you may have missed. If you don’t have time to read all three, I especially recommend the first one — Planned Parenthood considering the horrific recent reports. Somehow, things have only gotten worse in the 5 years since I wrote this piece.

Listening to Planned Parenthood and the politicians who fanatically support them, one might believe that they are really all about maternal health. That is partially true. However, do not let that distract you. A central portion of their “core business” is the taking of innocent life. In FY2006-2007, their gross revenue was over $1 billion dollars, including $357 million from clinics and $336 million from the government. They offered abortions at 287 locations across the country (expanding to 55 new abortuary locations in 2007 alone).
…read it all: Planned Parenthood

We believe that the Old Testament foretells the New Testament and the New Testament fulfills the Old Testament. One really good example of this is the Last Supper and Passion of Our Lord. There are actually several applicable Biblical stories, but one especially stands out for me. That is, the story of Passover.
…read it all: Passover

Jesus had many disciples, but only a dozen Apostles. He personally called those men. During His ministry, the Apostles were essentially in formation for their future role in the Church. Their mission was to spread the Gospel after Christ’s death and resurrection through the institution of the Church.
…read it all: Apostolic succession
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