7 Quick Takes Friday (set #212)

7 Quick Takes Friday

This week: The latest issue of New Evangelists Monthly awaits your perusal. Fr. Mike explores the trilemma (Jesus: liar, lunatic or Lord). Ben Shapiro takes a look at the currency of “feelings” and the increasing tendency to favor them above actual, you know, “facts”. Lia Mills claims pro-life is pro-woman and pro-choice. Young, thinking millennials discuss pro-life. Bishop Barron on the philosophical musings of Bill Nye. A big surprise when this dude exited his vehicle.

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New Evangelists Monthly

Issue #53, May 2017, of New Evangelists Monthly is ready for your enjoyment! Scores of faithful Catholic bloggers have contributed their very best pieces from April. Contributing authors this month include: Stephen Korsman, Brian Gill, Michael Seagriff, Dave Wanat, Fr. Ben Hadrich, Carolyn Astfalk, Virginia Lieto, Frank Rega, Mike Landry, Kirby Hoberg, Lisa Ponchak, John Schroeder, Rick Becker, Mary Cooper, Claire McGarry, Nancy Shuman, Chris Capolino, Fr. Stephen Morris, Blythe Kaufman, David Wong, Fr. Errol Fernandes, Susan Stabile, Fr. Richard DeLillio, Larry Peterson, Leslie Klinger, Laura Pearl, Sr. Maresa Lilley, Dn. John Donaghy, Dn. Scott Dodge, Barbara Szyszkiewicz, Ellen Kolb, Vinny Carr, Vijaya Bodach, De Maria, Tucker Cordani, Aimee O’Connell, Allison Howell, Theresa, Fr. Gilles Surprenant, Tom Perna, Fr. Adrian Danker, Robert Collins, Rich Maffeo, Rick Rice, Barbara Hosbach, Carissa Douglas, Roxane Salonen, Tom Smith, David Torkington, Ashley Crane, Alicia, Bartimaeus Timeo, Christian Miraglia, Matt Marks, Margaret Felice, Bonnie Way, Kim Padan, Erin Cupp, Christina Nagy, Monica McConkey, Anita Moore, Melanie Jean Juneau, Thomas Cruz-Wiggins and Tony Agnesi.

This monthly “meta-magazine” showcases faithful Catholicism from theology to family life and “everything in between.” Enjoy it now at NewEvangelists.org.

Read Now

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Jesus — liar, lunatic or Lord? Fr. Mike Schmitz provides an excellent explanation of C.S. Lewis’ trilemma.

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Ben Shapiro looks at the role of “feelings” in the great American ideological debate.

The issue, IMHO, is broader than that. Most importantly, it applies to religious “beliefs.” I quote “beliefs” because we all have all many of them. As far as they apply to religion, beliefs and the feelings that back them up are fundamentally irrelevant. What is important are facts.

Where can we get those facts? From God, through His Son our Lord and the means He provided to spread them throughout the world until the end of time. Hint: He never mentioned any book, even one that is unerringly inspired by Him.

Anyway, the video…

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Lia Mills raps on choice and life (really, it is much better than that sounds).

One small nit, I know she meant it in a very specific context, but said “I know my rights don’t require someone to die for me” (at 8:40). Yes, they did. Many died, but most importantly Our Savior.

Also, reflect on this: science, not “religion,” says a human being is created at conception. By definition, the body containing that person is their mother. By definition, that person is her child. By definition, when that person emerges from the body of their mother they are born. “Choice” (as commonly used) refers to the legal act of a mother to decide if her child is to be killed before his or her birth.

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Young, thinking pro-life women:

They make some good points. One that popped-out at me was the need to support women in their choice (to have babies). Yes, that is called marriage. Real marriage, not the currently perverted legal and social conception of it (gender independence, dissolubility, contraception, gender roles, etc.).

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Bishop Barron takes a look at the philosophical insights of Bill Nye, the science guy. (Actually, mediocre science guy and radical, leftist political guy would be a better description – but I digress.)

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Finally, from the Convert Journal “out of the blue” department we have this guy exiting his vehicle. Always look left, then right, then left again. Or something like that:

(That was a deer. Both were apparently OK.)

Some random thoughts or bits of information are worthy of sharing but don’t warrant their own full post. This idea was begun by Jennifer Fulwiler and is now continued by Kelly Mantoan. So, some Fridays I too participate when I have accumulated 7 worthy items. Thank you Kelly for hosting this project!

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