Obama’s brazen assault on religious liberty remains intransigent. His political calculus has apparently determined that faithful Christian voters are not part of his base. Yet, this issue is so much broader than one demographic. This is yet another extralegal step, disregarding the Constitution of the United States and his oath of office. It certainly is not the first one (e.g. refusing to enforce laws he personally disagress with like the Defense of Marriage Act).
Before he enter on the execution of his office, he shall take the following oath or affirmation: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
US Constitution, Article II, Section 1
The possible resolutions are:
- Obama reverses course and either drops this mandate or provides at least minimal conscience protections that he has promised again and again.
- This administrative action is overridden by a law, with a veto proof majority. This has already been tried but failed in the Democrat controlled senate.
- The courts rule against it. This seems very probable, but will take a long time.
- Obama is not reelected. It is a certainty that a different administration will correct this.
This issue is too important not to cover, but I also want to keep my normal publishing schedule of Tuesday and Friday open for my regular content. Therefore, beginning today this update (and any future ones on this topic) will be published on Sundays as needed.
My last summary was 2.5 weeks ago. This is the latest update. To see the whole series, click here.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
First Amendment to the United States Constitution
Further Reading
Here is a good sampling of the zillion new articles written on this topic in the last two and a half weeks:
- “The HHS Mandate is Demeaning to Women.” And Women Are Speaking Out
- “Well, basically, we’re not looking to the Constitution on that aspect of it”
- ‘Decrease in Human Beings Will Cover Cost of Contraception Mandate,’ Claims Sebelius
- ‘Unified, focused’ bishops pledge to continue religious liberty defense
- ‘We Are Crossing the Rubicon’: House Tackles HHS Mandate Threat
- A sermon explaining what Pres. Obama is doing.
- Abominations Will Be Forced On Us By The Government
- Administration ‘Taking another Mulligan’
- Americans Strongly Oppose Obama Mandate, New Poll Shows
- Amish, Ok. Catholics, No.
- An Embarrassing History Lesson
- And Upon This Poll I Will Build My Church
- Becket Fund on Bill O’Reilly: Misconceptions and New Polls
- Biden: We “Screwed Up” Conscience Issues in the Mandate
- Bishop tells committee about ‘absurd’ effects of contraceptive mandate
- Bishops Call Day of Prayer, Fasting, Abstinence for Religious Liberty
- Bogus Birth Control Controversy
- Bp. Lori responds for USCCB to America Magazine’s cave in on Pres. Obama’s HHS attack
- CL: Lefty ‘catholics’ shilling for Pres. Obama
- Cardinal Dolan Implies That Obama Lied To Him
- Cardinal Dolan’s Update on the HHS Mandate Fight
- Cardinal Dolan: religious liberty concerns ‘off the table’ for White House
- Cardinal George: All Catholic Hospitals Will Close in Two Years Under HHS Mandate
- Cardinal George: All Catholic hospitals will close in two years under HHS mandate
- Catholic laity urged to bring faith-based convictions to public square
- Church plans to redouble effort for law to protect religious conscience
- Church’s Alliance with Government Comes Crashing Down
- Contraception Not as Important as Abortion to Obama
- Contraception hurts minorities, says African American leader
- Contraception, Against Conscience
- Controlling Language in the “Contraceptive” Debate
- Debunking Obama’s Myths About Catholics and Contraception
- Diverse panel testifies against contraception mandate
- Does the ObamaCare individual mandate make contracts unenforceable?
- Don’t Claim to Speak for All Women
- Driving The Narrative
- Ethics group says babies are not “actual persons”, and killing them is fine.
- Executive Overreach: The HHS Mandate Versus Religious Liberty
- First They Came for the Catholics: Obama’s Contraceptive Mandate
- Forcing A Kosher Deli To Sell Ham Is Akin To Forcing A Catholic to Pay For Contraception
- Free Beer Mandate
- Freedom of Worship?
- HHS Issues New Rule on ObamaCare Scheme to Fund Abortion Insurance
- HHS Mandate Creates Absurd Results, Bishop Lori Tells House Judiciary Committee
- HHS Resources
- Have Laws Been Replaced by Decrees?
- Holder: First Amendment Allows Us to Force Catholics to Buy Contraception
- House Judiciary Hearing Raises Concerns of Government Intrusion Into Family Life
- HuffPo: We Must Regulate Fertility Industry
- In defense of the Catholic Church
- Interesting Glen Beck video
- Joe Klein Shocker: Requiring Insurers to Cover Birth Control ‘Major Overstepping of the State’s Role’
- Laughable Hypcorisy from Obama
- Leaving the Democrats
- Legion Of Evil (Senate) Kills Blunt Amendment
- Lutheran leader sides with Catholics on contraceptives issue in fiery testimony
- Missouri Synod President tells House Committee: LCMS ‘religiously opposed to supporting abortion-causing drugs’
- National rallies seek religious freedom restoration on March 23
- New Poll Shows How Strongly Americans Oppose the HHS Mandate
- Non possumus! We Cannot!
- Not about Catholics or Contraception
- Now is Not the Time For Silence or Compromise
- Obama Abandoning Pro-Life Embryo Adoption Program
- Obama Admin Cuts Off Birth Control Funding for Low-Income Women in Texas
- Obama Admin lectures Card. Dolan and USCCB. Dolan responds
- Obama Admin’s HHS kills Texas women’s health program because State prohibits money to help Planned Parenthood
- Obama Administration Takes Another Pass on Defending HHS Mandate
- Obama Mandate Could Fine Religious Groups $2,000 Per Employee
- Obama Risks $100 Billion If Catholic Hospitals Close
- Obama VS. Religious Freedom – Don’t Let the Point Get Lost!
- Obama gives Amish complete exemption. Catholics? Talk to the hand! Why? Why do you think?
- Obama’s Remaking of America
- Obamacare Regs 2.5X As Long as the Bible
- Pa. bishops respond to HHS mandate with day of fasting and prayer
- President Obama: Render Unto God the Things that Are God’s
- Pretending Contraception is the Crisis
- Religious Freedom: It’s not just Pakistan and China
- Senate Dems stop “conscience exemption” to Obama birth control coverage policy
- Sleeping Giant-A Parody of All Along the Watchtower Concerning the HHS Debacle
- Speaking Loudly About Human Liberty
- Spoon-feeding partisan talking points
- Stand Up For Religious Freedom on March 23
- Tell your Senator: Stop HHS Mandate!
- The Bogus Birth Control Debate
- The Evolution Of A Right
- The Forgotten Birth Control Battle
- The Mandate Controversy and the Bishops’ Response
- The Senate Betrays the People
- The Suppositions Behind Obama’s Contraception Coverage
- The right to conscientious objection
- U.S. Senate Defeats Amendment to Protect Religious Liberty
- Umbrellas in a Tornado
- United for Religious Freedom
- WH to Dolan: We’re not listening but you should!
- We don’t need no stinking Bishops!
- What if Catholic bishops aren’t bluffing?
- What the heck does that have to do with our freedom of religion?
- What’s Going On?
- White House Tells US Bishops’ Staff How To Interpret Catholic Teaching
- Why the State Must Respect Your Conscience
- Women’s voices you don’t hear in the mainstream media
It’s amazing and overwhelming the press this has gotten within a short time. Thank you, again for keeping up with this.
Are you absolutely “certain” that a different administration would resolve the issue? It’s hard to know, but one would hope so.
It is impossible to know with absolute certainty exactly what another administration would do, but short of absolute certainty I am personally confident that at least conscience protections for religious institutions would be restored. I would hope for much more in reversing the seemingly countless ways this administration has promoted (even forced) the abortion agenda here and worldwide. I really can’t picture another administration of either party being this bad.
I hope so. It’s very hard to get rid of incumbent, though. The religious liberty may have to be adjudicated by the courts, ultimately.