This week: Father John Hollowell’s homily on “who am I to judge.” Father Barron explains why communion is much more than a meal. Scott Hahn discusses the biblical basis for the assumption of Our Lady. A new video production from Outside da Box. A priest vocation video from the Archdiocese of Washington. Two priests are robbed outside a church at gunpoint. How a penny can feel like a million dollars.
The word “judging” has some complicated connotations. We ARE called to fraternal correction in charity (see my piece Always be nice!). That necessarily involves “judging” objectively sinful ACTS. We can NOT judge the state of a person’s soul and it is NOT our job to do so, thank God!
Father John Hollowell tackles this topic in light of the media’s shallow and context-free quote of Pope Francis. To the liberal media (redundant), “who am I to judge” means we are to be “tolerant” and “accepting” of generally all personal sin. Naturally, they think that Pope Francis meant something that he certainly did not (or at least they want you to think that).
There are some, Catholics and non-Catholics, who look at communion as little more than a community dinner where you are supposed to “remember” Christ. True enough, but that is only a crumb of understanding the Eucharist. As a meal, it is part of a series in salvation history beginning with the forbidden fruit, to the Passover and on to the Last Supper. It is not only an act of communion, but importantly the supreme sacrifice of all time and the real presence of our Lord — literally His body, blood, soul and divinity.
Father Barron does a good job explaining this further:
Scott Hahn discusses the assumption of Our Lady:
This is My Church – a new video production from Outside da Box:
This is a good priest vocation video from the Archdiocese of Washington:
Father Lesly Jean and a 77 year old visiting priest were robbed outside St. Helen at gunpoint near Miami:
Tania Luna tells of her childhood in the Ukraine, coming to America and her experiences:
Some random thoughts or bits of information are worthy of sharing but don’t warrant their own full post. This idea was started by Jennifer Fulwiler at Conversion Diary to address this blogging need. So, some Fridays I too participate when I have accumulated 7 worthy items. Thank you Jen for hosting this project!
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