7 Quick Takes Friday (set #102)

7 Quick Takes Friday

This week:The latest issue of New Evangelists Monthly is complete and ready for you. Father Finigan’s A Day With Mary sermon. Pro-aborts chanting “Hail Satan.” A baby, not a choice. Abortion hurts the fathers too. Mainstream media doing all it can to block the truth. An odd Molson’s commercial.

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New Evangelists Monthly

Issue #7, July 2013, of New Evangelists Monthly is complete! Dozens of faithful Catholic bloggers have contributed their very best pieces from June. This month brought these great topics: Fr. Tim RIP, matrimony, purposefully joyful, intercession, historical evidence, Oz moments, online dating, “liberation theology,” Carmelite Saints eBook, new age Catholics, feast days, gay scouts, Marian devotion, Come O Creator, unfairness, Consuming the Word, one-car family, illustrating Genesis, Pope Francis, liberal rage, God first, Eleazar’s model, Eparch Samra, John’s birthday, strong-willed Judith, a picture book, biblical Hail Mary, children and vocation, shaking faith, restless hearts, wolves and charity, conversion, St. Banabas, laity’s mission, monastic intercession, point of Emmaus, scandalous politicians, yoke of evil, East/West Communion, Mary, monogamy, Eucharist, last lecture, hope, Don Jon, comments, a conversation, vacare in Deo, ad hominem, abuse in BSA, discernment, Bishop Folda, intentional, courage, time, evangelism, Hollywood, tongues, wingless chickens, Body and Blood, practice, God’s ways, burning ones, balance, Jesus music, redemptive suffering, all things, rosary dating, remnant, traditional Catholics, the harvest, twin evils, our vs. mine and suffering Church.

This monthly “meta-magazine” showcases faithful Catholicism from theology to family life and “everything in between.” Enjoy it now at NewEvangelists.org.

Read Now

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Father Timothy Finigan (a friend of Fr. Z) spoke recently at St. Anselm’s (Dartford, UK) A Day With Mary. His sermon on Our Lady touches upon modern threats to life and the family – and our Blessed Mother’s role – in a very gentle, loving way.

Father blogs at The hermeneutic of continuity.

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Texas endeavored to (1) protect innocent lives, at least once they can actually feel pain and (2) protect their mothers from butcher shop abortions. Outside the congressional chambers, pro-life people tried to drown-out the raucous pro-aborts by singing Amazing Grace.

Guess what the pro-aborts were chanting over and over? Hail Satan. They known not what they do.

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A baby, not a choice.

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Men, when you are younger and dumber, abortion may seem like a good solution to a “problem.” You may think regrets, if any, would only be with the person you “knocked-up.” Other than maybe costing a few bucks, no big deal – right?

Spotted by Matthew Archbold

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I often write about the extreme, liberal bias in the mainstream media. Blocking this ad is just another illustration of it:

Ad 20week Baby

No gore, no inflammatory language, nada. This merely shows what a human baby looks like at 20 weeks. That is, it looks like a baby because it is a baby. Obviously too “controversial.”

Of course, this goes against the culture of death’s script. They see how the picture might confuse someone to believe this is other than a clump of cells / product of conception. It might even build support for ultrasound legislation which would only confuse mothers when they see who is inside them. The newspapers who shamefully rejected this ad (USA Today, Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune and others) are desperate for advertisers but their radical liberal ideology must always come first. See more on this here.

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This is just…   odd. It’s a commercial for Molson’s (beer brewed in Canada):

Spotted by my friend Tom C.

Some random thoughts or bits of information are worthy of sharing but don’t warrant their own full post. This idea was started by Jennifer Fulwiler at Conversion Diary to address this blogging need. So, some Fridays I too participate when I have accumulated 7 worthy items. Thank you Jen for hosting this project!


  1. I hadn’t seen the “Love Life” nor “No Voice” ad before. Thank you, George, for sharing those!

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