This week: YouTube has some excellent “channels,” real gems, mixed in with much junk. These are some of my favorites, including recent videos from each. Actually, this is only part of my list so I will have to continue it another time. For now, check these out!
Christopher Stefanick is one of my go-to sources for videos. His style is engaging for people of all ages as he faithfully discusses a wide range of Catholic teaching. His YouTube channel is but one place you will find him. Here is a piece on the existence of God:
I have long admired Fr. (now Bishop) Robert Barron’s work on YouTube. He not only teaches the faith, but engages sometimes hostile commenters. His YouTube channel is here with a recent piece on Bill Nye and Philosophy:
C.S. Lewis writings come alive via video doodles on the CSLewisDoodle YouTube channel. Of the many videos offered, here is one from his original radio broadcasts on Right & Wrong:
Ascension Presents covers many Catholic topics with wonderful speakers including Jeff Cavins, Fr. Josh Johnson, Fr. Mike Schmitz, Matt Fradd, Paul Kim, Jackie Francois Angel, Bob Lesnefsky, Jessica Rey and many more. Their YouTube channel is here. In this video, Fr. Mike looks at the question Will my pet be in heaven?:
Ascension Press‘ own site is also very good. Here on their YouTube channel is a piece entitled “Who are you?”
YouTube channel PragerU covers a wide range of morality and political topics. Highly respected Catholic philosopher Dr. Peter Kreeft has appeared several times, including on this piece examining God and Suffering:
I often end my 7QTF posts with conservative commentary. Catholicism is clearly not represented by political parties or their ideologies. One must always put the truth of Christ above whatever party they are nominally aligned with. That said, when I look at the political leanings of faithful Catholics (i.e. those who support the teaching of Holy Mother Church without exception), they seem to be predominantly conservative.
YouTube channel TruthRevoltOriginals features insightful and funny pieces from Bill Whittle, Andrew Klavan and Ben Shapiro.
Here, Andrew Klavan explains Magical Leftist Thinking (it’s satire, but funny because it is true):
Some random thoughts or bits of information are worthy of sharing but don’t warrant their own full post. This idea was begun by Jennifer Fulwiler and is now continued by Kelly Mantoan. So, some Fridays I too participate when I have accumulated 7 worthy items. Thank you Kelly for hosting this project!
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