Are you searching?

We seem always to be searching.
Searching for the next best thing… for how to improve ourselves… for someone or something to make us happy – to bring us fulfillment.
Sometimes a particular life experience will move us to search for more – to examine our faith and how we live our lives.
Maybe a friend or family member recently became Catholic. Someone may have invited you to Mass and you want to know more. A major life-change such as an engagement, the birth of a child or even the death of a loved one has drawn you to examine your life more closely.
You’re trying to make sense of what you see going on in the world today. Maybe you feel called to live a Christian life but you are unsure what that means.
Or perhaps you’re searching for God’s Plan for your life.
Whatever the reason, you find yourself now searching for answers.
Let us share with you some of the many reasons we love our Catholic faith.
You are invited to explore the Catholic faith
The beauty and richness of the Catholic faith is rooted in the fact that our Church is the only universal Christian Church that has existed since the time of Jesus. During these 2,000 years the doctrines of the Catholic Church have never changed but have only been further examined and more deeply understood by the Church’s official teachers, the pope and the bishops united with him. This is the fullness of authentic Christian faith.
The way, the truth and the life

Jesus tells us he is “the Way, the Truth and the Life.” He came to show us the way to Heaven, the road to salvation. He spoke a truth that would challenge us in our humanity but would draw us closer to him. He promised us eternal life if only we trust and follow him.
Your Word is a lamp for my feet…
God’s Word, the Bible, is truly a lamp. In it’s pages the light of Christ shines through. His Word brings peace as it dispels the darkness in our lives. Much of what you find in our Catholic way of life is deeply rooted in scripture – our liturgy, prayers, call to serve others and our need for community.
Family values
The Church is the Family of God. We cherish our family and value each other for the many different gifts God has given us. As a family when one member suffers we all suffer, when one member rejoices we rejoice with them. We recognize that while we are called to a personal relationship with God, we should live out our faith in community. One of the greatest joys we experience as family is when we welcome others in this Family of God.
Reaching out
“As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another.” (1 Peter 4:10) Our faith moves us to reach past the walls of our Cathedral and out to those in need from our local community and beyond. We provide for the homeless, serve in soup kitchens, visit those who are sick, support local food pantries and embrace the elderly shut-ins of our family parish.
Hear us, O Lord!
In our deepest sorrows and our greatest joys, when facing an important decision or acknowledging God’s blessings – we turn to God in prayer. Prayer gives us strength and courage, brings us peace and draws us closer to God. The beauty of prayer in the Catholic Church is it’s varied forms of expression and a call to grow daily in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Whether in private or in community, through prayer we seek God’s will for our lives.
Grace – the hidden treasure
Grace is a gift from God that helps us respond to his call – a special help that allows us to live according to God’s will. Even before our baptism, God gives us grace to draw closer to him. We receive special graces when we participate in the sacraments of the Church. God gives us the grace and power to get us through the tough times. As Catholics, we thank our Father in Heaven for loving us – knowing we need His help to meet the challenges of this earthly life.
Learn more
We would love to answer all your questions about the Catholic faith! Our RCIA classes are for non-Catholics who wish to learn more. No commitment is necessary. Call your local parish and ask for the RCIA coordinator.