Convert Journal Memes:
- Essays: brief, original essays on a wide variety of Catholic topics.
- Elsewhere: articles I found elsewhere that deserve wider exposure – with additional commentary introductions.
- 7 Quick Takes Friday: brief items (mostly videos) of special interest. I use this convenient digest format instead of more frequent, short posts.
- Convert Spotlight: the moving journeys of people to the Church.
- Not in Scripture: scripture verses on a particular topic with a twist –
strike-thruchanges to match how some misinterpret the Word of God. - Parish Life: brief photo essays showcasing an event or other parish activity.
- Catholic Resources: introductions to notable, faithful online information sources.
- Reviews: reviews of recent books on Catholicism.
- Baltimore Catechism: a classic reference on our faith, published 1 chapter at a time.
- War on Religion: attacks on the freedom to practice our faith. Sadly, we Christians are slowly losing this war led by the political left.
- Video Favorites: not a meme, but a special page of my all-time, favorite videos!
Special Convert Journal Projects:
- New Evangelists Monthly: a popular monthly “meta-magazine” (online and eBook!) showcasing the best posts of faithful Catholic bloggers.