![7 Quick Takes Friday 7 Quick Takes Friday](/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/quick_takes_fp1331654495.png)
Some random thoughts or bits of information are worthy of sharing but don’t warrant their own full post. This idea was started by Jennifer Fulwiler at Conversion Diary to address this blogging need. So, some Fridays I too participate when I have accumulated 7 worthy items. Without further ado:
Gary Zimak put together Ten Facts Most Catholics Don’t Know (But Should!). I was surprised to see that I already covered more than half of them at least partially (the links below point to my essays).
- Women Will Never Be Priests
- Fridays Are Still Days Of Penance
- The Bible Is A Catholic Book
- The Mass Is The Same Sacrifice As Calvary
- Annulments Are Not Catholic Divorces
- In Vitro Fertilization Is Morally Unacceptable
- There Is No Salvation Outside Of The Catholic Church
(please see clarification in Ute’s excellent comment below!) - In An Emergency, Anyone Can Baptize
- Hell And Purgatory Still Exist
- Catholics Don’t Worship Mary And The Saints
Not long ago in Argentina, a consecrated host fell to the floor. The priest put it into water so it would dissolve then be returned to the earth. Instead of dissolving, red stains formed. Watch this video (in Spanish, but with passable subtitles) which presents the scientific investigation that followed.
The powers that be (Marcel) over at the Aggie Catholics blog are the salt of the earth assembling the top 50 popular biblical phrases. My cup runneth over reading this list of forbidden fruit produced by the sweat of (his) brow. Read it all Out of the mouths of babes.
Father John Corapi is a popular Catholic speaker. This is his conversion story:
I have been giving a lot of thought to the phrase “good Catholic.” Who exactly qualifies? How do you recognize them? Are you one?
My conclusion is that a good Catholic is anyone who recognizes they are not one, but struggles to be.
OK, don’t watch this if you are easily offended. I found Ignatius the Ultimate Youth Pastor to be hilarious. To me it is funny because it exaggerated the kind of stuff some think are necessary to engage youth. They are much, much smarter than that! Thanks to Mark Shea for finding this oddity. This one won’t be making the cut for my new favorite videos tab!
I have added a new feature to this blog, a compilation of my original essays – 44 in total (so far). The entries are listed in chronological order including their title and a key paragraph from the piece. They may be reached by clicking the Essays button at the top (or clicking here).