7 Quick Takes Friday (set #23)

7 Quick Takes Friday

This week: Planned Parenthood support for the sex trade is not an isolated problem. Philadelphia’s Dr. Gosnell’s actions are in-line with president’s stated position. How abortions affect women – a video. World Youth Days 2011. Why I’m Catholic is launched. Google Goggles solves Sudoku.

— 1 —

OK, say you are a pimp in the sex trade. Naturally you think of Planned Parenthood as your ally. Yea, I covered this in a previous quick takes but surely that was an aberration, right? Sadly no, this is the third such video taken at different PP termination centers around the country. As much as their defenders try to say it was not “company policy,” it is indeed their very nature:

Friends, this is not a management failure. This is what moral depravity looks like. In an environment that celebrates the murder of unborn children, what do you expect?

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Inside Catholic has a piece from Deal Hudson noting how the grisly actions of Dr. Kermit Gosnell in Philadelphia were squarely in-line with the stated position of Barack Obama. He isn’t known as the most pro-abortion president for no reason. Read the story.

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The Manhattan Declaration folks ran a pro-life video contest. The top 3 winners have been selected. Of those, my favorite is this one told by women who have had abortions:

(This video is no longer available.)

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This “promo” for World Youth Days is inspiring:

Thanks Marcel for finding it. You are a source of so much great material!

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Why I’m Catholic is a new website that features high-quality presentations of Catholic conversion stories. Last week they featured aspect mine! Be sure to check them out.

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Now, something totally different. Google has been busily improving their Google Goggles mobile service that performs a search by simply taking a picture. The latest version, among other things, solves Sudoku puzzles:

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Saturday Evening Blog Post

Elizabeth Esther kindly hosts a feature she calls The Saturday Evening Blog Post. Published monthly every first Saturday, it features the best post in the preceding month on each of a few dozen Christian blogs. The “best” entries are chosen by the authors themselves (so they should know!).

It is a great way to discover new blogs. Be sure to check-it out. Last month entries were solicited for December and January. My entries were Some leave the Church and Who are we?.

Some random thoughts or bits of information are worthy of sharing but don’t warrant their own full post. This idea was started by Jennifer Fulwiler at Conversion Diary to address this blogging need. So, some Fridays I too participate when I have accumulated 7 worthy items. Thank you Jen for hosting this project!

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