7 Quick Takes Friday (set #155)

7 Quick Takes Friday

This week: A new movie asks “Why would anyone become Catholic?” Lauren Hill will soon play the game of her life, maybe. A good wrap-up report on the Synod of the Family. Planned Parenthood tries to hide how central abortions are to their business. Understanding vs. denying the facts and size of radical Islam. The work of a terminal cancer patient. A bicyclist literally caught in the middle of a truck and car collision.

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A new movie project asks “why would anyone become Catholic?” A good question, answered in part by many fellow bloggers linked on my Convert Stories page. Answered also in a new movie currently in development.

The movie is Convinced. They have an Indiegogo campaign to finish it, but what they have so far is already awesome. There are converts (including the likes of Scott Hahn, Francis Beckwith, Taylor Marshall, Holly Ordway, Abby Johnson, Jeff Cavins, Devin Rose, Matthew Leonard, Mark Regnerus, Jason Stellman, John Bergsma, Christian Smith, Kevin Vost, David Currie, Richard Cole, and Kenneth Howell) and other experts (such as Patrick Madrid and Donald Asci). Check-out the trailer:

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For Lauren Hill, the opening women’s basketball game at Mount St. Joseph University will be the “game of a lifetime…” if she lives that long.

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EWTN’s Raymond Arroyo has this good wrap-up segment on the Synod of the Family.

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You might think that people would see through the lies of Planned Parenthood, but a surprisingly large number of folks don’t. PP does their best to obscure the facts, but as LifeNews.com has pointed-out, the abortion numbers (number, total income, percent of all abortions, percent of revenue, etc.) is huge for PP. When you think abortion, think PP. Students for Life takes a look at PP’s manipulations to make abortion appear as only a tiny part of their business (exactly opposite of the truth):

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I take some issue with some of this guy’s (in the video below) numbers and broad definition of radical Islam. He overstates the case, but the overall point is valid. Yet, the PC crowd remains staunch deniers. Fr. George Rutler talks about that in his excellent piece for Crisis Magazine: Mad Intelligence: The Secularist Response to Islam.

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Greg Thomas lost his propane delivery job at 57…   after he was diagnosed with stage 4 head and throat cancer. He was nourished by a feeding tube. His family was told to prepare for the inevitable. One thing he could do in his final days is take walks, where he came upon a Catholic church in a bean field, abandoned for a hundred years. Read more here.

Spotted by Fr. Z

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Not his time. Watch this multi-vehicle accident unfold, with a bicyclist in the middle of it. The guy didn’t stand a chance…

He actually goes through the wreckage of the car, between the body and the bumper assembly. Then, the truck tilts off its left wheels just in time to miss him before rolling back over on that side.

Some random thoughts or bits of information are worthy of sharing but don’t warrant their own full post. This idea was started by Jennifer Fulwiler at Conversion Diary to address this blogging need. So, some Fridays I too participate when I have accumulated 7 worthy items. Thank you Jen for hosting this project!

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