This week: YouTube has some excellent “channels,” real gems, mixed in with much junk. This is “part 2” of my favorites (gems, not junk!), including videos from each. Part 1 was posted last week. I have more so maybe this isn’t the end of the series.
The St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology is a wonderful project featuring videos from Scott Hahn and Matthew Leonard. Here Prof. Hahn presents Mary: Christ’s Greatest Masterpiece:
Vericast Network produces several podcasts per week, but also offers them as videocasts (i.e. videos). Good stuff! Here is a piece on relativism recorded on the feast day of St. Anthony of Padua (the patron saint of my marriage parish):
SpiritualDirection offers a variety of content including some from EWTN but also pieces from Fr. John Bartunek and Dan Burke. Here they discuss what it means to “offer up” suffering:
The folks at ToSeeJesus have not updated for a while, but there is still good content there. Included is a mix of materials, including some conversion stories like this:
Kolbe1019 (a young guy, I think) has produced some good videos and collected others worthy of your attention. Here is one on the beautiful tradition of the chapel veil:
BTW – one of my permanently featured aspect videos on this blog is published on Kolbe1019’s channel. It is, in my opinion, a truly wonderful presentation on Mary from scripture. This video shows connections many Protestants are blinded to, but with God’s grace may the scales fall from their eyes. As I started this paragraph, I was just going to give a link but changed my mind. Here it is (watch it, then watch it again, then show other people):
As Christians, love of neighbor means we are pro-life without exception. 12-year old Lia Mills got our attention 7 years ago and is still producing solid videos. Here is a flashback to when she started out:
Some random thoughts or bits of information are worthy of sharing but don’t warrant their own full post. This idea was begun by Jennifer Fulwiler and is now continued by Kelly Mantoan. So, some Fridays I too participate when I have accumulated 7 worthy items. Thank you Kelly for hosting this project!
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