This week: The latest issue of New Evangelists Monthly awaits your perusal. Four cardinals have formally asked 5 clear and crucial questions – so far unanswered. Facebook and Twitter are censoring more and more Christian content – including the most basic pro-life speech. Martin Luther, “the man” as researched by a popular secular YouTube personality. Corpus Chrisi, Cologne Germany, 1947 (ironically, the good old days). A Catholic high school offers a simple prayer. Utopia University wants your children (fictional, but a proxy for much of modern academia).

Issue #55, July 2017, of New Evangelists Monthly is ready for your enjoyment! Scores of faithful Catholic bloggers have contributed their very best pieces from June. Contributing authors this month include: Stephen Korsman, Virginia Lieto, Chris Capolino, Fr. Stephen Morris, Matthew Coffin, David Wong, Dave Wanat, Carolyn Astfalk, Erin Cupp, Ellen Gable Hrkach, Blythe Kaufman, Bonnie Way, Rick Becker, Billie Jo Stoltz, James Hahn, Michael Seagriff, Mary Cooper, Kathleen Laplante, Aimee O’Connell, Victoria Clarizio, Shannon, Tom Perna, Susan Stabile, Elizabeth Reardon, Scott Smith, Laura Pearl, Melanie Jean Juneau, Roy Cooney, Larry Peterson, Alicia, Tucker Cordani, Matt Marks, Vijaya Bodach, Fr. Ben Hadrich, Sherry Antonetti, Thomas and Deborah Richard, Nancy Shuman, David Torkington, Rich Maffeo, Dn. Scott Dodge, De Maria, Leslie Klinger, Dn. John Donaghy, Sr. Maresa Lilley, Claire McGarry, Roxane Salonen, Lisa Ponchak, Maria Johnson, Brian Gill, Robert Collins, Jennifer James, Barbara Hosbach, John Schroeder, Rae Stabosz, Mike Maturen, Fr. Errol Fernandes, Rick Rice, Amy Wiggin, Margaret Felice, Tom Smith, Dn. Greg Horton, Thomas Cruz-Wiggins, Brian Mullins, Christian Miraglia, Larry Fox, Fr. Joseph Mungai, Jennifer Elia, Fr. Richard DeLillio, Bartimaeus Timeo and Ebeth Weidner.
This monthly “meta-magazine” showcases faithful Catholicism from theology to family life and “everything in between.” Enjoy it now at NewEvangelists.org.

Four cardinals have 5 clear questions, raised by conflicting understanding of our faith. Our faith is universal, but in recent years even neighboring bishops can have completely opposite practices for the civilly remarried. Truth does not vary diocese to diocese nor does it change over time. If you are unaware of the controversy, this clip from EWTN’s Raymond Arroyo will be very helpful.
Sadly one of the four – Cardinal Joachim Meisner – died this week, his questions unaddressed and left unanswered.
Facebook and Twitter are increasingly censoring Christian pro-family content including pro-life support. They use internal and external “fact checkers,” invariably left leaning, to make their determination of “fake news”, “hate speech” and the like. Half of America, if not more, need better alternatives to these biased services.
It has been 500 years since the Protestant revolution which split the universal Christian Church into countless variants. This was of course, initiated by the famous heretic Martin Luther. What kind of man was he? Here is a SECULAR piece that takes a non-religious look:
In 1947, a devastated Germany still managed to recognize Corpus Christi. It was important to them as it should be. Today the churches still stand but are largely vacant. Their faith it would seem, lies in their government.
Schools welcome and embrace the most marginal of values, but at the same time vigorously reject God (* except Islam). A Catholic high school produced this piece:
This promotional video for Utopia University is supposed to be a spoof, but is unfortunately closer to the truth than not:
Some random thoughts or bits of information are worthy of sharing but don’t warrant their own full post. This idea was begun by Jennifer Fulwiler and is now continued by Kelly Mantoan. So, some Fridays I too participate when I have accumulated 7 worthy items. Thank you Kelly for hosting this project!