This week: Turning last Friday’s March for Life lemons into lemonade. The main stream media lost control of the narrative for once. 28 week old preemies hold hands. RISEN looks like it may be a wonderful movie this Lent. Jeff Harris illustrates the difference between the National Catholic Register and the schismatic tabloid with a similar name. A beautiful, special sunrise in Michigan. Your dreams of setting the Rubik’s cube speed record have just been obliterated.
Last Friday’s March for Life was a success, despite the weather. Dozens of buses heading west were snowed-in on the Pennsylvania Turnpike. Stranded in place for many hours, what to do? Celebrate Mass on a snow altar!
USUALLY, despite almost a million marchers (half that this year), the liberal main stream media maintains a tight lid on the event. The media blackout is effective in keeping the march invisible to many. This time, with the snow altar Mass, they lost control of the narrative and news actually reached the public. The hand of God!
Kristiana and Kristian Rushford were born January 3rd at 28 weeks. Here they are a week later, holding hands while staying warm on dad’s chest:
RISEN is a new movie scheduled to be released this Lent (on February 19th). It is an interesting take on Easter, focused on (mostly fictional) events after the resurrection. Early reviews are quite positive.
Jeff Harris at Sword of Peter recently captured the difference between two publications. First, the highly schismatic National catholic Reporter (Fr. Zulhsdorf alternates between calling them the “National Schismatic Reporter” and calling them simply “Fishwrap”). Second, the faithful, orthodox National Catholic Register. Never get them confused.

Mechaele Loraff had to pull over on her way to work recently. This reason… this amazing Michigan sunrise:

If you hope to set a record one day in solving Rubik’s cube, give up now.
Some random thoughts or bits of information are worthy of sharing but don’t warrant their own full post. This idea was begun by Jennifer Fulwiler and is now continued by Kelly Mantoan. So, some Fridays I too participate when I have accumulated 7 worthy items. Thank you Kelly for hosting this project!