This week: Paul Ryan, just another “Catholic” politician? God’s Story – the history of everything important. Episcopal parish converts en masse. Cardinal Raymond Burke discusses the LCWR. Gays at Chick-fil-A show their rainbow colors. A 4-part video series on Sexual Brokenness. How new technology helps a disabled two-year old.
Have you ever heard Joe Biden or Nancy Pelosi speak about their professed Catholic faith? It is possible that they are solidly grounded theologically, just completely unable to articulate any of it (e.g. this painful example). It is possible that they are obedient to the Magisterium, other than being opposed to the Magisterium’s teaching on abortion, on marriage, on subsidiarity, etc. (e.g. these examples). Such issues notwithstanding, Biden and Pelosi often wear their supposed Catholicity on their sleeve. We call that scandal.
Contrast that to Paul Ryan. Unlike Pelosi, he does not hold himself out as an “ardent practicing Catholic.” Yet, he obviously knows his faith extremely well *and* informs his judgment by it. Imagine that – to actually learn and live by the faith!
There are, of course, those Catholics who think that the preferential option for the poor means voting in favor of big government vs. any personal responsibility. Unlimited debt and the injustice of its burden on future generations do not concern them. Neither does the Catholic teaching on subsidiarity (and often life itself or true marriage). These people do not like Paul Ryan and have wildly misrepresented his position. We have a word for that too – calumny. This has already gotten to the point that Bishop Robert Morlino, Ryan’s bishop, has had to defend him.
- Timothy Cardinal Dolan has a few words on Paul Ryan.
- Charlie Spiering contrasts Biden and Ryan
- G. Tracy Mehan, III also comments on Paul Ryan.
- Colleen Carroll Campbell also compares Ryan to Biden.
- Anna Williams lists Ryan’s positions on various issues.
- Paul Ryan’s states his position on life.
God’s Story — the history of everything important in 7 minutes:
St. Luke’s parish, an Episcopal church, converted to Catholicism last October. Here is a PBS produced piece on their transition. For them, it is surprisingly objective:
There is some random noise in it, but key points are the need for truth and authority. The former is increasingly lacking today’s Episcopal church and the latter was simply never there (which explains the former). I identify with parishioner Anne Marie Whittaker who felt that her Protestant church left her, not the other way around.
The Episcopal bishop puts a brave face on their situation, but their numbers are seriously declining. He commented that they have about 90% in common with Catholicism other than authority. I think that may have been true 20 years ago but is not today. Since then, Episcopalians seem willing to replace any truth with a new, improved truth:
- they are pro-choice and opposed to any government action that limits “abortion rights”
- they perform same-sex unions (avoiding only the word “marriage” – for now)
- they ordain women as deacons, priests and bishops
- they ordain openly homosexual deacons, priests and bishops
Many people will often rationalize 1 shocking change here or there. I know that I did. At some point, if you really care about your Christian faith and are honest with yourself, you realize what your church teaches is simply *wrong*. The truth is not in a church that says taking a child’s life is a difficult, personal decision. The truth is not in a church that says God’s love is reflected in homosexual acts. The truth is not in a church that says women are interchangeable with the male priesthood chosen by our Savior. You know this.
His Eminence Raymond Cardinal Burke succinctly explains the problem with the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR):
Honestly, this is so simple, as Cardinal Burke notes. The sisters are consecrated religious who have professed to live in Christ-like poverty, chastity and obedience. It is their choice to remain obedient, faithful Catholics (which can only be defined by the Magisterium) or not. What can no longer continue is for them to remain as Catholic consecrated religious who oppose the authority of the Magisterium, oppose Catholic doctrine and scandalize the Church.
Chicago, where faithful Christian values are officially unwelcome. Apparently the only Chick-fil-A served as the venue for the much ballyhooed gay “kiss-in.” Protesters were doing their loud, intolerant thing when someone noticed an elderly homeless man, off to the side, reading his Bible. They were non-judgmental and treated him with dignity and respect.
At a follow-up protest, as the protesters marched in a circle chanting “we’re here, we’re queer, get used to it” another gentleman concerned about their eternal salvation enters their midst to pray for them. He did not bring a bull-horn, carried no large banner, shouted no slogans. Father Gerald O’Reilly quietly prayed the Rosary. Out of respect of his concern for them, and in the interest of dialog, they welcomed the good padre.
Contrast these few protesters with the thousands who came in support of Chick-fil-A. The differences could not be more stark. This story was spotted by my friend John B.
The Colson Center has put together a very good 4-part series on Sexual Brokenness. It includes many of the themes taught by Bl. John Paul II’s Theology of the Body (introduction: online here and here or this book).
Continue with parts two , three and four .
One of the conveniences of the Starship Enterprise was the replicator. It is envisioned as a device that could construct needed objects without the usual manufacturing process. We are not there yet (if ever), but we now have 3D printers that can construct prototypes and other unique, low-volume objects.
Two year old Emma was born with the congenital disorder arthrogryposis multiplex congenita (AMC) from which she lost use of her arms. The metal prosthetic usually prescribed is far too heavy for a 25-pound child. Check-out the story:
Some random thoughts or bits of information are worthy of sharing but don’t warrant their own full post. This idea was started by Jennifer Fulwiler at Conversion Diary to address this blogging need. So, some Fridays I too participate when I have accumulated 7 worthy items. Thank you Jen for hosting this project!
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