This week: The ELEVENTH video documenting the evil depravity of Planned Parenthood has been released. Remembering Planned Parenthood’s “compassionate response” to 9/11. Fr. Mike Schmitz explains proper understanding of the Old Testament. Jeff Harris illustrates the false and real nature of St. Francis of Assisi. Two good video clips from the political debates. How liberal arts education has been killed and replaced with progressive indoctrination. Maybe or maybe not presidential material, but the Donald has had an impact.
Unlike what has been reported again and again in the mainstream media (progressive press), the undercover videos showing Planned Parenthood’s significant baby organ business have been released in their entirety to show they are NOT selectively edited or taken out of context. Anyone (including progressive politicians who refuse to) may see them in their entirety.
The 11th video has now been released, where Dr. Amna Dermish (a PP abortionist) describes in gruesome detail how she delivers babies with an eye to maximizing their resale value.
PP keeps sinking lower and lower into its cesspool of immorality. I really think at this point that they have lost all sense of truth, beauty and humanity. Do you remember their “compassionate response” to 9/11?
Often, those with disregard for context, understanding of literary types, knowledge of historical fact, or simply familiarity with the text of Holy Scripture criticize it and the Christian faith. One faulty claim is that we pick laws to follow and to ignore. Fr. Mike Schmitz explains Old Testament laws in this Ascension Press video:
Pope Francis’ recent visit to the US has renewed interest in his chosen namesake. Jeff Harris at Sword of Peter contrasts the false vision of St. Francis with the real one:
The televised political debates are media biased, choreographed political theatre and mostly a waste of time, IMHO. There are two video clips however worthy of some attention. They are both about progressive media forums, beginning with the recent Republican debate. I have heard people say the question is not which candidate won, but rather that the Republican’s won and the networklost. This clip illustrates it well:
The second clip is on the Democratic debate. It’s a good summary from EWTN:
There is little liberal arts education anymore. Instead of learning to think, college students are indoctrinated. You may be surprised by how far this has gone.
Trump’s numbers are down, but regardless if they rise again or not, he has had an impact. Bill Whittle explains:
Some random thoughts or bits of information are worthy of sharing but don’t warrant their own full post. This idea was begun by Jennifer Fulwiler and is now continued by Kelly Mantoan. So, some Fridays I too participate when I have accumulated 7 worthy items. Thank you Kelly for hosting this project!