This week: A new documentary on our Holy Father airs this Sunday. Peter Kreeft on God and suffering. Three vocational videos: Sr. Mary Immanuel of the Sisters of the Immaculata, the The Poor Clares, and Sr. Faustina of the Sisters of Life. Obamacare’s impact on young women, seniors and doctors. The all-new, ground-breaking, must-have one-more-thing from Apple: the iPhone 5 (again; a/k/a “S”ame).
The Knights of Columbus have produced a new hour-long documentary on our Holy Father: Francis: The Pope from the New World. It airs on Sunday at 5pm EDT (2pm PDT) on the Fox Business channel.
Peter Kreeft discusses God’s existence vs. human suffering. His work is, as always, excellent:
Sr. Mary Immanuel speaks about her vocational calling (Sisters of the Immaculata, Sydney Australia):
Another vocational video, this one for The Poor Clares, Galway (Ireland):
Sr. Faustina of the Sisters of Life talks about her vocational call. This is a bit longer, about 15 minutes, but quite engaging.
Obamacare is going to have a significant impact, unfortunately a very bad one. New revelations are apparent every day. The question is: will we be able to undo it once everyone finally understands how bad it is? One list, for example: Top 8 Ways Young Women are Hurt By ObamaCare. Another is
Side Effects: Seniors Will Lose Big Under Obamacare. Prepare too for the big *reduction* in the number of doctors willing to practice. Here is how one is impacted:
Dog or cat? Android or Apple? Preferences. I know many of you are different than me (dog / Android), but you (Apple fanbois) must still see the truth in this:
Some random thoughts or bits of information are worthy of sharing but don’t warrant their own full post. This idea was started by Jennifer Fulwiler at Conversion Diary to address this blogging need. So, some Fridays I too participate when I have accumulated 7 worthy items. Thank you Jen for hosting this project!
I’m assuming many doctors will go completely ‘cash only’ type services. Just to keep up staff to deal with insurance/billing alone is a lot for these offices.