7 Quick Takes Friday (set #29)

7 Quick Takes Friday

This week: An amazing vocation video. Seven young men called to the priesthood, answer questions. The presence is real…   in both cases. A simple graphic on the bounds of choice. Pro-abortion and gay “marriage” students demonstrate tolerance. The general perception of severely autistic people may be quite inaccurate. The personal generosity of those quick to redistribute the wealth of others.

— 1 —

Wow! This may be the most amazing vocation video I have seen. Powerful.

Thanks go to Marcel for this one.

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Answering the call to the priesthood – questions and answers by 7 young men in the Diocese of Rockville Centre (New York / Long Island):

Marcel is on a roll!

— 3 —

The presence is real…   in both cases…

— 4 —

Not Your Choice

— 5 —

All pro-abortion, pro-sodomy forces ask for is acceptance (“equality” to moral acts), tolerance and understanding. In this video, you will see Brown University students powerfully display those virtues so that we may be converted:

For the full story, see TFP Student Action. Thanks to Fr. Tim Finigan at The hermeneutic of continuity for this one.

— 6 —

Severe “low functioning” autism, serious developmental issues, behavioral wildness, hopelessness. Why do those so afflicted act the way they do? What do they think? Do they grasp anything about their surroundings? You may be surprised…

Thanks Mark Shea for this one.

— 7 —

Many liberal college students favor redistribution of wealth from the rich (always viewed as not themselves) and transferring it to others. If it was something THEY worked for, perhaps they would not be quite as magnanimous. How could this hypothesis be tested? Propose the redistribution of GPA from the top students to those in need:

Redistribution of wealth is socialism, NOT Catholic social justice. St. John Chrysostom to our recent Holy Fathers have been clear.

Thanks go to Matthew at Creative Minority Report for finding this video.

Some random thoughts or bits of information are worthy of sharing but don’t warrant their own full post. This idea was started by Jennifer Fulwiler at Conversion Diary to address this blogging need. So, some Fridays I too participate when I have accumulated 7 worthy items. Thank you Jen for hosting this project!

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