Archives for March 2011

Membership available

Memberships Available

Welcome Internet visitor.

We are pleased to offer immediate openings for new members with the valuable opportunity for everlasting life! Previous affiliation is not required. We do not discriminate on any basis…   all are welcome.

Originally, our organization had only one membership level. While we sincerely hope for a return to our Founder’s intended structure, membership is currently available in three levels.

Bronze Level

Bronze level memberships are available for new members who prefer an introductory level experience. This level is ideal for those seeking basic information, limited participation and minimal commitment. Bronze level memberships include these valuable benefits:

  • full initiation (we call this feature “Baptism”)
  • complimentary membership in the Body of Christ (probationary)
  • complimentary membership in the Communion of Saints (probationary)
  • exposure to Sacred Scripture (the written word of God)
  • worship services (non-judgmental, fully tolerant sermons only)
  • the basic moral compass feature
  • maximum personal flexibility in beliefs
  • the theological fruits of over 50 years experience

The bronze level is the entry level of our 2 “partial communion” membership levels. We commonly refer to these levels as “Protestant” and those at the bronze level as “progressive” or “liberal.” Note that all Protestant memberships are offered in several styles (also known as denominations).

Silver Level

Silver level membership is available for more discriminating members. This level offers:

  • all the benefits of the bronze level
  • deeper understanding of, and fidelity to, Sacred Scripture
  • enhanced worship services (God’s true word over “tolerance”)
  • an improved, better formed conscience feature
  • truth (this far superior feature replaces personal flexibility)
  • the theological fruits of over 500 years experience

The silver level is the preferred level of our 2 “partial communion, Protestant” membership levels. Unlike the bronze level, silver members enjoy significantly greater fidelity with the word of God, with the graces and blessings that flow therefrom. Within a Protestant style (a/k/a denomination), this level is commonly referred to as their “orthodox,” “conservative,” or “traditional” wing. Many bronze level styles are also available in silver level counterparts.

Gold Level

The gold level is our highest (earthly) level of membership. This level offers:

  • all the benefits of the silver level
  • the Holy Eucharist – the real presence of our Lord (body, blood, soul and divinity)
  • leadership by the Vicar of Christ
  • valid holy orders through apostolic succession (pastors are replaced by priests who may act in persona Christi)
  • the Holy Mass (more than a worship service – a foretaste of heaven!)
  • full access to all 7 sacraments
  • Sacred Tradition (all of God’s word, written and unwritten)
  • guaranteed correct, uniform interpretation of the word of God (guarantee is underwritten by the Holy Spirit)
  • the theological fruits of over 2,000 years experience

The gold level is the highest level of membership, enjoying full communion with Christ’s Church. Members at this level enjoy the fullness of the Christian faith and are commonly known as “Catholic.”

We invite you to join our organization at whatever level you feel comfortable with. You may choose to upgrade your membership level at any time as your faith deepens. Upgrades are free, as is membership itself at any level.

All membership levels offer a path to eternal life. While the highest level is recommended for best results, any level is preferred to non-membership. Disclaimer: membership alone (at any level) does not automatically assure salvation.

If you previously joined but your membership has lapsed, please know that your brothers and sisters in Christ eagerly await your return. There is no reinstatement fee and full membership benefits are available immediately upon return.

Act NOW. This is a limited time offer which expires with each life. Do not miss this great opportunity while you still have time. Priests and pastors are standing by.

Baltimore Catechism: unity and trinity of God

Baltimore Catechism

Lesson 3

“Unity” means to be one, and “Trinity,” three in one.

21 Q. Is there but one God?
A. Yes; there is but one God.

22 Q. Why can there be but one God?
A. There can be but one God because God, being supreme and infinite, cannot have an equal.

“Supreme,” that is, the highest. “Equal,” when two are equal one has everything the other has. You could say one pen is the equal of another if it is just as nice and will write just as well; one mechanic is the equal of another if he can do the work equally well. Two boys are equal in class if they have exactly the same marks at the end of the month or year. You could not have two persons chief. For example, you could not have two chief generals in an army; two presidents in the nation, or two governors in a state, or two mayors in a city, or two principals in a school, unless they divide equally their power, and then they will be equals and neither of them chief. God cannot divide His power with anyone – so as to give it away entirely – because we say He is infinite, and that means to have all. Others have only the loan of their power from God. Therefore, all power and authority come from God; so that when we disobey our parents or superiors who are placed over us, we disobey God Himself.

23 Q. How many persons are there in God?
A. In God there are three divine persons really distinct and equal in all things – the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.

“Distinct,” not mingled together. We call the first and second persons Father and Son, because the second is begotten by the first person, and not to indicate that there is any difference in their age. We always see in the world that a father is older than his son, so we get the idea perhaps that it is the same in the Holy Trinity. But it is not so. God the Father, and God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost existed from all eternity, and one did not exist before the other. God the Son is just as old as God the Father, and this is another great mystery. Even in nature we see that two things may begin to exist at the same time, and yet one be the cause of the other. You know that fire is the cause of heat; and yet the heat and the fire begin at the same time. Though we cannot understand this mystery of the Father and Son, we must believe it on the authority of God, who teaches it. First, second, and third person in the Blessed Trinity does not mean, therefore, that one person was before the other, or brought into existence by the other.

24 Q. Is the Father God?
A. The Father is God and the first Person of the Blessed Trinity.

25 Q. Is the Son God?
A. The Son is God and the second Person of the Blessed Trinity.

26 Q. Is the Holy Ghost God?
A. The Holy Ghost is God and the third Person of the Blessed Trinity.

27 Q. What do you mean by the Blessed Trinity?
A. By the Blessed Trinity I mean one God in three Divine Persons.

*28 Q. Are the three Divine Persons equal in all things?
A. The three Divine Persons are equal in all things.

29 Q. Are the three Divine Persons one and the same God?
A. The three Divine Persons are one and the same God, having one and the same divine nature and substance.

Though they are one and the same, we sometimes attribute different works to them. For example, works of creation we attribute to God the Father; works of mercy to God the Son; and works of love and sanctification to the Holy Ghost; and you will often find them thus spoken of in pious books; but all such works are done by all the Persons of the Trinity; because such works are the works of God, and there is but one God.

*30 Q. Can we fully understand how the three Divine Persons are one and the same God?
A. We cannot fully understand how the three Divine Persons are one and the same God, because this is a mystery.

“Fully” – entirely. We can partly understand it. We know what one God is and we know what three persons are; but how these two things go together is the part we do not understand – the mystery.

*31 Q. What is a mystery?
A. A mystery is a truth which we cannot fully understand.

“A truth,” that is, a revealed truth – one made known to us by God or His Church. It is a truth which we must believe though we cannot understand it. Let us take an example. When a boy goes to school he is taught that the earth is round like an orange and revolving in two ways, one causing day and night and the other producing the seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter. The boy goes out into the country where he sees miles of level land and mountains thousands of feet in height. Again he goes out on the ocean where sailors tell him it is several miles in depth.

Now he may say: how can the earth be round if deep valleys, high mountains, and level plains prove to my senses the very opposite, and the countless things at rest upon its surface tell me it is motionless. Yet he believes even against the testimony of his senses that the earth is round and moving, because his teacher could have no motive in deceiving him; knows better than he, having learned more, and besides has been taught by others who after long years of careful study and research have discovered these things and know them to be true. If therefore we have to believe things that we do not understand on the authority of men, why should we not believe other truths on the authority of God? Yes, we must believe Him. If a boy knew all his teacher knew there would be no need of his going to school; he would be the equal in knowledge of his teacher, and if we knew all that God knows we would be as great as He. As well might we try to empty the whole ocean into the tiny holes that children dig in the sand by its shore, as fully to comprehend the wisdom of God. This is the mistake unbelievers make when they wish to understand with their limited intelligence the boundless knowledge and mysterious ways of God, and when they cannot understand refuse to believe. Are they not extremely foolish? Would you not ridicule the boy who refuses to believe that the earth is round and moving because he cannot understand it? As he grows older and learns more he will comprehend it better; so we, when we leave this world and come into the presence of God, shall see clearly many things that are unintelligible now. For the present, we have only to believe them on the authority of God teaching us. Another example. We take two little black seeds that look just alike and place them in the same kind of soil; we put the same kind of water upon them; they have the same sunlight and air, and yet when they grow up one has a red flower and one a blue. Where did the red and where did the blue come from? From the black seed, or the brown soil, or the pure water, air and sunlight? We do not know. It is there, and that is all. We see it and believe it, though we do not understand it.

So if we refuse to believe everything we do not understand, we shall soon believe very little and make ourselves ridiculous.

Public sinners

Public Sinners

There is something deeply disturbing about public figures and their very public sins. Not long ago, the reaction would have been shock. Their popularity would tank. Their deeds only whispered and then not in the presence of children. Today their free-spirited (that is, free of the Holy Spirit) thinking is celebrated. They become a model for others to emulate or are another instance of immoral behavior, proudly and boldly following in the footsteps of others.

Hollywood is a rich source of examples. Professional athletics is another. Popular music performers still another. As upsetting as so many of these individuals often are, theirs is a context that at least numbs our reaction. They are usually acting as individuals, representing only their own moral depravity and directly affecting only their own sad lives. They generally do not claim to be followers of Christ.

There is another group of public figures who share the attributes of the others noted above, but unlike them have a special trust with the public. They are elected, public servants. We have selected them, above all others, to represent us. We look to them for leadership and guidance. Some are elected partially on their professed Christian or even Catholic faith.

It is exceedingly disappointing then, when our elected officials turnout to be notorious and non-repentant sinners. To my mind, there are 3 areas of concern.

First, concern for their souls. They are listening to Satan’s lies. They have separated themselves from God. Whatever benefit they think that they are gaining in this life is at a forfeit of life in the next. Maybe they are simply placing the idol of their political party above God. Maybe they are looking for the approval of their friends. Perhaps they do not really believe the faith they profess. Maybe despite what their faith has taught them, they believe they can do these things, plead their case before God (most are attorneys) and then be saved by God’s mercy. Maybe, but that is a very risky assumption. God knows their hearts. This seems suicidal to me. Pray for these people, that their hearts soften, that the Holy Spirit fill their hearts, that they truly repent and work to mitigate the damage they have done.

Second, concern for that damage. The damage upon society for the policy actions they have taken may be great. This damage is real and inflicted at their hands regardless of how they try to have it both ways (“while I am personally against…”). The most clear-cut example is abortion. Babies are killed. Lives lost. Facilitated quite directly by the policy actions of these public servants. There is no way to dance around this one.

Third, for the scandal. This is really two parts. Part 1 is the reassurance to the public that these actions are not really sinful but even good. That they should be embraced and celebrated. This “leadership” is misleading and at the service of Satan, not God. Part 2 is for those who profess a Catholic identity. Some of our brothers and sisters may believe that through these examples, it is acceptable to be Catholic and yet embrace this or that sin as a “personal matter and choice, guided by their own (ill-formed) conscience.” It is NOT. Through the scandal, other souls may be “dragged down” with these very public sinners.

Support for abortion is the largest issue, above all others. Significant too is support for capital punishment, attacks on the family (gay marriage, divorce), unjust wars, promotion of contraception and even criminal acts such as accepting bribes.

Public servants are a special case of sinners for another reason. We can join them in their sins! Through our votes, we become complicit if their record is one which supports immorality. In some areas, there can be mitigating reasons for supporting them. This is absolutely not valid in the case of abortion which is recognized by the Church as an intrinsic evil. Voting for a pro-abortion candidate over a pro-life one is sinful as numerous bishops have repeatedly pointed out. We are not in an election cycle now. We are in Lent. This is a good time to reflect upon past choices, to examine our conscience and to repent.

7 Quick Takes Friday (set #25)

7 Quick Takes Friday

This week: A St. Patrick’s Day flash mob. Walk for “Choice” pro-aborts speak up. Ethicist explains our moral obligation to keep only the smart via IVF. Adoration U. Shining moments in socialized medicine. General Petraeus following Charlie Sheen’s tactics says a US Congressperson.

— 1 —

St. Patrick’s Day flash mob:

— 2 —

The good people over at have produced another great video. Actually, they didn’t do much at all. They simply took a camera and recorded Planned Parenthood supporters. What more needs to be said?

— 3 —

There is an exciting new development in the world of (secular) morality from the Australian Director of the Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics. Professor Julian Savulescu has determined that it is our “moral obligation” to choose only the most intelligent embryos via IVF. Advanced ethical thinking combined with modern medicine will surely bring us all a brighter, happier tomorrow.

— 4 —

The Cardinal Newman Society is promoting Eucharistic Adoration through a campaign they call Adoration U. Thanks to Matthew Archbold at Creative Minority Report for the pointer:

— 5 —

Comrades, rejoice in more triumphs of socialized medicine! Baby Joseph is not a unique case. (He is the baby that the Canadian “healthcare” system did its level best to kill.) News now comes from the UK, of their “healthcare” system and a hospital born child found guilty of being born 12 days too early to qualify for care. He struggled for 46 minutes, shunned by the staff.

— 6 —

What is more outrageous from this congressperson – comparing American hero General David Petraeus‘ work to the antics of Charlie Sheen, or turning to Rolling Stone columnists for insight? Is this the representation the voters of Santa Rosa (Saint Rose) and San Rafael (Archangel Raphael) hoped for?

(This video is no longer available.)

— 7 —

Saturday Evening Blog Post

Elizabeth Esther kindly hosts a feature she calls The Saturday Evening Blog Post. Published monthly every first Saturday, it features the best post in the preceding month on each of a few dozen Christian blogs. The “best” entries are chosen by the authors themselves (so they should know!).

It is a great way to discover new blogs. Be sure to check-it out. My entry for last month was my Reform the reform posts.

Some random thoughts or bits of information are worthy of sharing but don’t warrant their own full post. This idea was started by Jennifer Fulwiler at Conversion Diary to address this blogging need. So, some Fridays I too participate when I have accumulated 7 worthy items. Thank you Jen for hosting this project!

Only prayer

Only Prayer

Sometimes we (and by “we,” I mean “I”), without thinking, forget that we do not have the power to fix everything that is wrong or to right all that is unjust. We witness or hear of terrible suffering and our first thought is to do something about it. That impulse is good and should be acted upon, but we err (a more polite description than “are delusional”) when we think that we alone can save the world, even subconsciously. Our real hope rests with God.

Consider natural disasters such as experienced in Japan last week. Thousands have died, many more are heavily impacted and nuclear power issues continue to unfold. Remember Haiti too, with a quarter million dead and almost complete devastation. Pray for all these people.

Pray also for the persecuted Christians in the Middle East. There are more martyrs every day at the hands of Muslim extremists. Supposedly democratic revolutions seem to always result in death and displacement for Christians.

Pray friends for the poor and homeless, including those suffering financial hardships related to the prolonged recession. Many people have lost their jobs, their savings, their homes and the possessions earned over a lifetime (or several lifetimes). This has been especially difficult on children.

Always remember the children whose lives are snuffed-out in the womb of their mother. Over 3,500 die every day in the United States of America. A black baby in New York City has only a 40% chance of seeing daylight and taking a breath. Remember too the scar this tragedy leaves on the aborting mother and medical professionals who inflict it.

Pray brethren for politicians whose hard hearts relentlessly promote a culture of death and the destruction of the family. Pray especially for those who put on the cloak of faith, particularly those who profess the Catholic faith – yet so obviously serve a different master.

Finally, pray for our religious vocations. May God call more dedicated men and women to His service and bless their ministries. Pray too for those who lead their flocks along paths disobedient to Holy Mother Church or teach only subsets of her truth (as Pope Benedict recently warned). Do not forget to pray for the intentions of our Holy Father.

Pray brothers and sisters as God is the source of all good that can overcome such struggles. God turns tragedy into renewal, provides for the needy, heals the sick and softens hard hearts. He does all this, but we must ask.

This Lent, yes, pray for the needs of the world. Pray too for ourselves, that we open our hearts, grow closer to God and conform our will to His. Slow down. Be introspective. Set aside time for adoration and daily Mass. Pray. Convert.

Live Lent! The journey this season leads us to Christ and the cross. Through Him we are saved and through Him we receive eternal joy. The hope of Lent gives us life beyond the end of this earthly exile. Our pilgrimage on earth, while often difficult, is blessed by infinite grace. Thanks be to God!
