7 Quick Takes Friday (set #176)

7 Quick Takes Friday

This week: Now we know why Planned Parenthood has been such a staunch defender of late-term abortions (hint: the lucrative market for baby organs). Long neglected tropical diseases are being tackled by a San Diego non-profit bio-tech firm. A good shepherd in Madison, His Excellency Robert Morlino. A satirical take on unruly children at church. The New Horizons spacecraft has finally reached Pluto. Sensing “in air” motions for device control using a tiny radar chip. What are the causes of Islamic extremism (hint: it is not mostly poverty).

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I do not understand the outrage people have over Planned Parenthood’s latest “PR kerfuffle” (or as the AP refers to it simply the “disposition” of a fetus). Is PP somehow more evil for developing another revenue stream related to their abortuary operations than they already are for killing millions of innocent human beings? They are evil. This is what they do. They kill the innocent for money.

Lifesite News covers this particular outrage (and has a lot of additional coverage).

For those who think the above 9 minute video is out of context (I don’t see how), the entire uncut video (2 hours, 42 minutes) with PP’s national executive, Senior Director of Medical Services Dr. Deborah Nucatola (an accomplished abortionist in her own right) is here .

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A San Diego non-profit bio-tech firm focuses on long neglected tropical diseases. This is an area that can help many poor people but which offers little financial reward.

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Inheriting Madison is a tough beat for a faithful, orthodox bishop. Of course the diocese has (somewhat miraculously) many devout Catholics, but it also has quite a sprinkling of those with “less orthodox” viewpoints.

Anyway, since becoming bishop His Excellency Robert Morlino has grown the number of men in priestly formation from 6 to 35, ordaining 6 this year alone (the first time in 42 years). This is not at all unusual. Where faithful, orthodox bishops reign seminaries flourish. Where “progressive” bishops rule, they wither.

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Those wacky folks at Lutheran Satire have done it again! Here, “Mr. Thompson” and “the Vicar” ponder what to do with those annoying ragamuffins who interrupt the service.

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The NASA New Horizons spacecraft reached Pluto on July 14th. This trip began 9 1/2 years ago. Pluto is not exactly nearby. When it zipped by, it began sending back high-resolution images of the planet’s surface for the first time ever.

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Virtual, “in air” sensing can be difficult, bulky, expensive and inaccurate. Google has been working on this in their “Project Soli” resulting in a tiny chip which senses via radar. This could open all sorts of new possibilities.

Project Soli is developing a new interaction sensor using radar technology. The sensor can track sub-millimeter motions at high speed and accuracy. It fits onto a chip, can be produced at scale and built into small devices and everyday objects.

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What makes someone become an Islamic extremist? Is it poverty, lack of education, a search for meaning? Dr. Haroon Ullah, a senior State Department advisor and a foreign policy professor at Georgetown University, shares what he discovered while living in Pakistan.

Some random thoughts or bits of information are worthy of sharing but don’t warrant their own full post. This idea was begun by Jennifer Fulwiler and is now continued by Kelly Mantoan. So, some Fridays I too participate when I have accumulated 7 worthy items. Thank you Kelly for hosting this project!

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