This week: The May issue of New Evangelists Monthly is out! Publix airs a beautiful Mother’s Day ad. The mainstream media Gosnell blackout is partially lifted, but still very effective. Another new, undercover video shows the legal and operating late term (up to 28 weeks) abortionists. Planned Parenthood explains their position on post-birth abortions (spoiler: not a problem). One abortion survivor owes his life to the inconvenient distance of the closest abortuary. Feminists For Life have some questions for the New York governor.

Issue #5, May 2013, of New Evangelists Monthly is complete! Over 80 faithful Catholic bloggers have contributed their very best pieces from April. This month brought many great topics: saved by hope, devotion GWTW style, a prayer, surviving terrorism, Saint Kateri, The Bible series, Mary’s grace, facing reality, the Rosary, relativism, God’s affection, NFP, a fortress, roses, keys to prayer, loving Catholicism, darkness, on Hail Mary, book reviews, souls priority #1, what ifs, lukewarmness, conscience and hope, marriage, Pope Francis joy, Divine Mercy, warden in lunacy, c-words, Cardinal Schönborn, conversion +1 year, key in hand, Mr. Wrong, persecution, the Lord’s voice, resurrection, apologist perspectives, Pinterest, young mom, Saul or Paul, Christians’ pope, hardships, infertility blessing, waves, Heaven, Gosnell, caricatures, Michelle trusting God, comparisons, abortion language, God?, do over, religious belief, knots undoer, singing Alleluia, DM and confession, children at Mass, imperfect life, heaven at Mass, hipster, Sacred Heart, hatred, a memoir, it’s OK, sacrilege, higher love, online activity, stay-at-home?, gender hierarchy, relics, Aqueduct of Grace and end abortion.
This monthly “meta-magazine” showcases Catholicism from theology to family life and “everything in between.” Enjoy it now at NewEvangelists.org.

Happy Mother’s Day!!! Publix is airing this beautiful promotional advertisement for Mother’s Day. It is pro-motherhood and pro-life. Some will hate it.
Last week I (along with everyone else NOT in the mainstream media) noted how the media had maintained a blackout on abortionist Dr. Kermit Gosnell’s trial. The good news is yes, the blackout is now partially lifted. The bad news is that partially lifted means mentioned, but rarely. They are still keeping most of the American public uninformed as intended.
Of course the abortion industry and their media minions do not want to discuss late term abortions. Gosnell is just ahead of his time in the post-birth abortion business… or at least getting caught (see this). This is no aberration.
Not quite at the level of Gosnell, Leroy Carhart comes close. Here is how it works:
Planned Parenthood explains their position on live births, to a legislature and to late term pregnant women. It is alarming how matter-of-fact they are in their big business, baby killing service. Brutal and inhuman.
Sometimes babies live simply because the nearest abortion clinic is not conveniently located. Indiana Representative Marlin Stutzman is one such example.
Feminists For Life ask some good questions. It is rhetorical, of course. The answer is “because he is a radical, extreme liberal”.
Some random thoughts or bits of information are worthy of sharing but don’t warrant their own full post. This idea was started by Jennifer Fulwiler at Conversion Diary to address this blogging need. So, some Fridays I too participate when I have accumulated 7 worthy items. Thank you Jen for hosting this project!
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