7 Quick Takes Friday (set #179)

7 Quick Takes Friday

This week: The national 54-day rosary novena for the family begins tomorrow! Video #6 documenting Planned Parenthood’s baby organ sale business has been released, contradicting their assertion of mothers’ permission. Andrea Bocelli’s view on abortion. A video introducing the excellent Council of Majors Superiors of Women Religious. Guardian angels in action. The Admiral X Force 145, a seagoing vessel for the whole family. Finally, we find out what really happened to Hillary’s missing e-mail messasges.

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54day Rosary

Tomorrow, Saturday August 15th is the beginning of a 54-day rosary novena for family and marriage. Many dioceses around the country are urging their flock to participate in this initiative ahead of the fall’s continuing synod on the family. Details are at 54days.org. Their poster is here.

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The 6th video on Planned Parenthood’s widespread sale of baby organs has been released. It directly refutes PP’s claim of harvesting organs from freshly killed babies only with the mother’s consent.

PP’s political and media backers continue to parrot what PP tells them to say. Part of that is to claim they have not seen the videos. Instead, they are told to remind us of the important role PP plays in women’s health, such as life-saving mammograms (a service PP does not offer anywhere, BTW) and that abortion is only 3% (of a large number PP fabricated) of PP’s “services.”

Eye of the Tiber (a Catholic satire site) makes a poignant observation in their piece: World Somehow Shocked After Sting Operation Reveals Corporation Widely Known For Murdering Helpless Babies Involved In Unethical Practices.

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The very troubled Leadership Council of Women Religious (LCWR) is having their annual get-together this week. They are continuing their prideful march to oblivion since the Vatican has effectively given-up on them.

In contrast to the new-age focused LCWR, the faithful and obedient women of the other US council is thriving. Here is an overview of the Council of Majors Superiors of Women Religious:

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Yup, sure, there is no such thing as a guardian angel. I suppose these people were just “lucky”:

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I need to relax more and a little bit of sailing might do the trick. I have recently had my eye on this little beauty, the Admiral X Force 145. It looks comfortable enough. Why don’t you pick one up and we could sail together? Details and plenty of pictures are here.

If you put aside just $1 per day, you will have enough for this in no time (about 3 million years actually).

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A popular Internet meme (one I featured aspect here several times) takes a movie of Hitler in his bunker, speaking in German, but “translated” to something hilarious. Finally, a spoof based on a different (but still Nazi) movie segment. This one explains what happened to Hillary’s missing e-mail messages:

Spotted by my friend Tom.

Some random thoughts or bits of information are worthy of sharing but don’t warrant their own full post. This idea was begun by Jennifer Fulwiler and is now continued by Kelly Mantoan. So, some Fridays I too participate when I have accumulated 7 worthy items. Thank you Kelly for hosting this project!

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