This week: Pentecostal Alex Jones and the early Church Fathers. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and his actions. A new Dominican vocation video. A touching piece on the sudden death of a faithful Catholic. Christian militants, not Islamic radicals, are the focus of one Congress woman. Public sector unions declare Gov. Chris Christie the Hitler of our times.
Caution Protestants! Do not study the early Church and the writings of the Church Fathers. What happened to this guy could happen to you:
Deacon Alex converted a few years back, but his story has been reappearing in the blogosphere lately. It is a powerful story and honestly, I just like this guy! Other video parts of Alex Jones’ story are here , here and here . Deacon Greg Kandra wrote about Alex a few years ago here.
P.S. Protestants — you may be surprised how often this happens.
In a recent piece, I mentioned the Governor of New York as an example of someone whose public acts warrant condemnation. As a high-profile Catholic, his actions continue to be in major schism with Holy Mother Church. Unrepentant, he has now spearheaded into NY law the fantasy of “gay marriage.” Expert canonist Ed Peters has written about it. In his inimitable style, Father Zuhlsdorf adds to it. Bishop DiMarzio has commented (also with commentary from Father Z).
The Dominican Friars of England and Scotland have a new vocation video produced by one of their own, Fra’Lawrence Lew OP. Good stuff!
Christina King recounts an unexpected turn from a trip to her parish picnic. This is an excellent, horrifying yet ultimately touching piece.
For those of you who believe in heaven, then you realize what an amazing blessing it was that the hour of her death was 15 minutes of union with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, followed by 15 minutes of suffering, surrounded by people in prayer and a priest anointing her and comforting her. The prior 30 minutes was the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. For me, that would be a blessing. I pray her family sees it that way.
Please read it all: Divine Providence Or Coincidence?.
Christian militants might bring down the country. So says Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (Democrat) at a congressional hearing on Muslim radicalization. She repeatedly pushed a witness to agree with her, but he could only answer “I don’t know that Christian militants have foreign country backing or foreign country financing.”
Obviously, something must be done to control Christians before they do something like, I dunno, maybe overturn the right of a woman to kill the baby in her womb (Rep. Lee did mention abortion).
Hitler executed a million people at Auschwitz. A comparatively grave holocaust is under way in New Jersey right now (as Gov. Chris Christie struggles for solvency by reducing taxpayer-funded pensions in an economic crisis). That is the thinking of public sector unions as they sing “Sent to Auschwitz.” A proud day for all union members.
Actually, Christie as Hitler is their recurring theme. Here, a union leader declares war on “Adolf Christie” explaining “it took World War II to get rid of the last Adolf Hitler, it’s going to take World War III to get rid of Adolf Christie! Are you ready for World War III?” Yes, a proud day to be a union member.
Some random thoughts or bits of information are worthy of sharing but don’t warrant their own full post. This idea was started by Jennifer Fulwiler at Conversion Diary to address this blogging need. So, some Fridays I too participate when I have accumulated 7 worthy items. Thank you Jen for hosting this project!
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