7 Quick Takes Friday (set #129)

7 Quick Takes Friday

This week: A lingerie company produces videos featuring beautiful women, unlike what you might assume. A liquor company produces a video with a touching story. (Some ads are getting better!) Father Barron explores what it means to be called by God. Another wreckovated church works to restore beauty dedicated to the Glory of God. The Girl Scouts, doing what they do these days.

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A lingerie company features beautiful women in its video promotion. Nothing new there, we expect to see pretty young models, photo-shopped to impossible physique and scantily clothed for all to see. That is not what Wacol (a Thai company) had in mind. They show REAL beauty in their Beauty Inside campaign. Definitely counter-cultural, just like the Church.

Each video tells a touching story showing strength of character, humility and charity. There is a subtext that runs through these videos: real men notice real beauty. Watch for it. There are 3 in total, 6 to 7 minutes each. Inspiring.

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2 of 3 (yea, I didn’t have enough 7QTF notes for this week so am padding this one out).

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3 of 3 (still padding, but good enough to warrant their own 7QTF item numbers).

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Speaking of advertisements, Bell’s (a hard liquor purveyor from South Africa) has this touching ad. It’s viral at over 1.2M views.

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Father Barron’s latest video examines God’s calling. BTW, by virtue of our own baptisms and confirmations we too are called as priests, prophets and kings. How have you been answering that call?

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Another post Vatican II wreckovated church is being restored. The once very beautiful Holy Name of Jesus in Brooklyn has raised $2.35M to begin undoing the “modernization” damage:

Gregory Dipippo covers this story at the New Liturgical Movement.

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Girl Scouts Tears

People are beginning to understand that the Girl Scouts USA organization (the one who gets 85% of cookie sale proceeds, not the local troops) of 2014 is not the one of old. You will find that spirit in the American Heritage Girls and others who have sprung-up as moral replacements for today’s GSUSA.

Naturally, GSUSA wants to protect their revenue stream. To that end, they are threatening LifeNews, a news organization, linking the girl scout logo to their articles (not an infringement). The story with background info is at: Girl Scouts USA Threatens LifeNews After Reporting Its Link to Planned Parenthood.

Some random thoughts or bits of information are worthy of sharing but don’t warrant their own full post. This idea was started by Jennifer Fulwiler at Conversion Diary to address this blogging need. So, some Fridays I too participate when I have accumulated 7 worthy items. Thank you Jen for hosting this project!


  1. #6: I cannot understand *WHY* people “modernize” beautiful churches. My worship professor in seminary was all about doing that and the only thing I can think of is that he was a mission planter so he never pastored a church where the stained glass and other things went back 5 generations to when peoples’ ancestors came over from the “old country”.

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