This week: Bishop Michael Bransfield speaks about God. Restoring the splendor of our Cathedrals and Basilicas for the Glory of God. The Lord’s Prayer beautifully sung in Swahili. The fruits of the Anglican Ordinariate. The concept of reverence. Fr. Barron looks at tolerance gone wild. The man on the street, boldly taking a stand — against the Bill of Rights!
Bishop Michael Bransfield (Wheeling-Charleston, WV) speaks about God, His pursuit of you and knowing what it is like to be a true Christian.
Undoing the post-conciliar attempts to “protestantize” our beautiful Cathedrals and Basilicas is a specialty of Conrad Schmitt Studios. Here is some of their restoration work:
The Lord’s Prayer (Baba Yetu), set to music and sung in Swahili by the Soweto Gospel Choir:
The Anglican Ordinariate has provided a means for Anglicans to retain elements of their patrimony AND be in full communion with Rome. They (those who have accepted then Pope Benedict’s offer) are now fully Catholic. They benefit being in full communion with the one Church instituted by Christ — and the Church benefits from them. This is true ecumenicalism.
Reverence, treating God as if… as if He is… God. The point is made relative to excellent conferences held at Franciscan University of Steubenville, but is much more broadly applicable.
Fr. Barron can not stop chuckling as he recounts the antics of Jefferts Schori, the current Episcopalian presiding bishop. He comments on the “loopy ideology of inclusively,” interpreting scripture and what true love is.
Jefferts Schori was featured aspect in my piece in May entitled “the Episcopal experiment” where she preaches that diversity, not Jesus, saves (really, you can not make this stuff up). Her “Christian teaching” is so outrageous as to be funny, like something you might see in a satirical skit — except she is serious. People listen to and believe this crap and endanger their immortal souls. Is it any wonder why Jesus gave His Church an infallible Magisterium to preserve the truth?
UPDATE: satire site Eye of the Tiber comments.
Our citizens are far too busy these days delivering death in the womb and to those of old age, deciding what gender to marry and even deciding what gender to be. The last thing they need to slow them down is antiquated, legalistic mumbo-jumbo like the Bill of Rights!
Some random thoughts or bits of information are worthy of sharing but don’t warrant their own full post. This idea was started by Jennifer Fulwiler at Conversion Diary to address this blogging need. So, some Fridays I too participate when I have accumulated 7 worthy items. Thank you Jen for hosting this project!
We have a nun from Tanzania who stays with us every year, and she first introduced us to the Soweto Gospel Choir. She even sang the Baba Yetu song when she visited the local Catholic school.
Baba Yetu made my day! I had to go back and watch it again after #7!!! Thanks for sharing!