This week: Thomas Aquinas College students organize a Christmas flash mob. Remembering an English Eucharistic flash mob. Belgium will soon euthanize children. Fr. Barron on some obscure magazine’s “person of the year.” The human carnage left in the wake of one abortionist. Successful, positive health care reform is possible (not ObamaCare, of course). Joe Biden humor: “a war on Christmas.”
Students at Thomas Aquinas College (motto: Truth Matters) staged this Christmas flash mob 2 weeks ago:
A Catholic Eucharistic flash mob formed 2 years ago for Ascension Thursday (in Preston, Lancashire, England). The organizer was Brother Paul, a Capuchin (Franciscan) friar. It is a wonderful remembrance for this Advent too.
Belgium is a world leader against life. Not only in the womb, but really anytime. They embrace euthanasia for those over 18… if they are “sound mind” (widely ignored). Now that is being expanded to born CHILDREN as well. Belgium, a national face of evil where no life is sacrosanct. LifeSiteNews has the story.
Many of us are surprised at Time magazine’s “person of the year.” Not their selection of Pope Francis, an extremely obvious choice. The surprise is in the fact that they are still published and anyone notices or cares what they say. I have not read them in decades and will not now. Fr. Barron has read at least this piece and offers some observations:
Abortion: safe, legal and rare. They don’t even claim that any more. It is only legal and far from safe or rare. It is (almost) always fatal for the child. The mother is not guaranteed a trouble-free outcome either. She will have long-term issues. Some don’t make it to the long-term:
Catholic social justice is based upon the concepts of solidarity and subsidiarity. Basically, that is helping each other at the most local level possible. The socialized healthcare track we are on attempts to address only the first (and will fail at that). It is just the opposite of achieving the second. Here is one alternate solution:
Humor: a Joe Biden (“war on”) Christmas…
Some random thoughts or bits of information are worthy of sharing but don’t warrant their own full post. This idea was started by Jennifer Fulwiler at Conversion Diary to address this blogging need. So, some Fridays I too participate when I have accumulated 7 worthy items. Thank you Jen for hosting this project!
#1: I actually participated in a Christmas flash mob a few years ago. It was AWESOME!