This week: A bushel of miscellaneous takes this week beginning with the case of the fallen signs. Why kids become Altar Servers. CNS covers the Monks of Norcia. A wonderful campaign from Robert Mondavi. Mark Dice find people eager to sign a petition to dope the water supply with ABC. That South American sense of humor. Can America afford Bo?
The case of the fallen signs…
First, a happy sight! The closure of a Planned Parenthood in Texas. Attention “progressives”: this is progress:

Second, a less happy sign. Anglicans distancing themselves further and further from the truth. The photographer had the right idea in how he/she framed this image:

I recently featured aspect a video from Two Sense Films on the Traditional Latin Mass. Below is another of their videos, this time on why kids become Altar Servers and what it means to them:
I covered the story of the Benedictine Monks of Norcia, their ministry and means of support last year. CNS has noticed them too and covered them in this pair of videos:
Robert Mondavi is running a campaign to raise awareness of childhood cancer. For every person who watches this video, they will donate $1 (up to $50,000) to the Rally Foundation for Childhood Cancer:
Mark Dice is still at it. Here, he wants to see if people would sign a petition to add artificial birth control to the water supply:
There is something about these South American pranks that is intriguing. Last year there was the one in the elevator. Now, the job interview of doom:
Obama has a new dog – Sunny. Some might criticize the president for spending $2,300 for a pet but it is after all his money to spend. A valid concern is not how the first family manages their money, but can we – the American taxpayers – afford Sunny?
The first family has rightly been criticized for not traveling together on their top-tier vacations to destinations such as Martha’s Vineyard, Hawaii, Aspen, Spain, Africa (this business / pleasure trip cost more than $100,000,000 alone), and many more. This causes the already huge taxpayer funded vacation expenses to balloon. What you may not know is traveling in separate planes, with separate support and security personnel, is not limited to the humans in the first family. We taxpayers paid for Bo, the existing first-dog to travel first class in a high-tech, presidential aircraft (MV-22 Osprey) for his much needed break from the day-to-day. I bet it took the entire taxes of 25 to 100 middle-American families to fund Bo’s vacation travel costs (exact costs are hard to get).
What if Sunny and Bo don’t get along? If Sunny requires similarly independent travel accommodations, we may need to cut back even further to cover it.

Some random thoughts or bits of information are worthy of sharing but don’t warrant their own full post. This idea was started by Jennifer Fulwiler at Conversion Diary to address this blogging need. So, some Fridays I too participate when I have accumulated 7 worthy items. Thank you Jen for hosting this project!
So much for understanding the Holy Trinity.
Usually I split up pictures, but I think you are referring to #1b. (#2 is on Altar Servers.) Sorry for the confusion!
Thanks, yes. I was referring to the Anglican sign. I hoping it was a photoshopped Church sign.
Thanks for sharing. Most blog posts I read don’t do much more than waste time. To be enriched and to help a child with cancer through a small donation makes this one worlds above! God Bless!