A few weeks ago I wrote about my hopes for “reform the reform” (here and here).
I noted about the problem of changes done in the “spirit” of Vatican II (i.e. invalid and damaging). I said “What exactly Mass is becomes lost. The poorly catechized may not see it as particularly different than any Christian worship service. Their sense of the real presence of Christ becomes questioning. Ultimately they may leave. The zeal of the faithful is also diminished. It is a very serious issue.”
Well, it seems that Cardinal Raymond Burke (Prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura) and Cardinal Antonio Cañizares Llovera (Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments) have expressed similar sentiments. Last week they attended the launch of a book by Father Nicola Bux entitled How to Go to Mass and Not Lose Your Faith. Provocative, no?
The cardinals are quoted in the Catholic Herald:
A weakening of faith in God, a rise in selfishness and a drop in the number of people going to Mass can be traced to liturgical abuse or Masses that are not reverent, two Vatican cardinals and a consultant have said.
US Cardinal Raymond Burke, head of the Vatican’s supreme court, said: “If we err by thinking we are the centre of the liturgy, the Mass will lead to a loss of faith.”
Cardinal Burke told those gathered for the book presentation that he agreed with Fr Bux that “liturgical abuses lead to serious damage to the faith of Catholics.”
Unfortunately, he said, too many priests and bishops treat violations of liturgical norms as something that is unimportant when, in fact, they are “serious abuses.”
Cardinal Cañizares said that while the book’s title is provocative, it demonstrates a belief he shares. “Participating in the Eucharist can make us weaken or lose our faith if we do not enter into it properly,” and if the liturgy is not celebrated according to the Church’s norms, he said.
“This is true whether one is speaking of the Ordinary or Extraordinary form of the one Roman rite,” the cardinal said.
Cardinal Cañizares said that at a time when so many people are living as if God did not exist, they need a true Eucharistic celebration to remind them that only God is to be adored and that true meaning in human life comes only from the fact that Jesus gave his life to save the world.
Fr Bux said that too many modern Catholics think the Mass is something that the priest and the congregation do together when, in fact, it is something that Jesus does.
“If you go to a Mass in one place and then go to Mass in another, you will not find the same Mass. This means that it is not the Mass of the Catholic Church, which people have a right to, but it is just the Mass of this parish or that priest,” he said.
Read the whole article entitled Cardinals: liturgical abuse weakens the faith.
Better yet, read Father Zuhlsdorf’s excellent annotated commentary.
"…too many modern Catholics think the Mass is something that the priest and the congregation do together when, in fact, it is something that Jesus does."
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