The administration’s unprecedented attack on religious freedom infringes on fundamental rights of Americans of every faith. Recently, the Cardinal Newman Society reported that non-Catholic colleges now outnumber Catholic ones in bring suit against the HHS mandate. That mandate FORCES us to fund highly immoral abortion inducing drugs and sterilizations for all. Over 100 plaintiffs (colleges and other institutions) have now brought suit.
Spreading Misinformation
In the recent vice presidential debates, Joe Biden falsely claimed:
With regard to the assault on the Catholic Church, let me make it absolutely clear. No religious institution – Catholic or otherwise, including Catholic social services, Georgetown hospital, Mercy hospital, any hospital – none has to either refer contraception, none has to pay for contraception, none has to be a vehicle to get contraception in any insurance policy they provide. That is a fact. That is a fact.
NOT TRUE – Biden’s statement is completely false. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) immediately issued a statement exposing how blatantly wrong he is. This is not a matter of interpretation but black and white wrong.
I do not know why Biden made such an error-filled, outlandish claim. Paul Kengor makes some interesting points:
Joe Biden was wrong, and blatantly so. And it’s hard to imagine that Biden, a “pro-choice Catholic,” could not have known he was wrong. In fact, Biden has privately expressed misgivings with the policy.
According to the New York Times and Politico, both Joe Biden and Obama Chief of Staff Bill Daley urged the White House to carefully consider the backlash from the Catholic Church and Catholic voters over the HHS mandate. Unfortunately, they lost to Obama advisers Valerie Jarrett and Kathleen Sebelius. According to the Times, Biden even arranged for Cardinal Dolan “to meet with the president and express the church’s view.”
This means that Joe Biden privately did good work, whatever his motivation. Unfortunately, it means he didn’t do good work during the vice-presidential debate. Quite the contrary, during the debate, he misrepresented the mandate, and was factually wrong before a huge audience, surely convincing countless Catholic Democrats that the HHS mandate has been overblown. At the debate, Biden towed the party line and fell on his sword for Barack Obama. He did so before millions of fellow Catholics, and at the expense of his Church and religious liberty.
Some more articles on this blatant whopper:
- Biden on the HHS Mandate: A Lie or a Terminological Inexactitude?
- Biden on the HHS Mandate: The Vice President’s Response was Two-Faced
- Inaccurate Statement of Fact on HHS Mandate Made During Vice Presidential Debate
- Joe Biden’s HHS Double-Talk
- Sorry, Mr. Vice President, That Is Not a “Fact”
- USCCB Fires Back at Joe Biden
- USCCB Responds To Inaccurate Statement Of Fact On HHS Mandate Made During Vice Presidential Debate
How Obama’s Mandate Affects Businesses
Many business people – Catholics and other people of faith – have shared their stories. These are the job creators who will suffer costly penalties due to this mandate. That means, less jobs folks. Here are two recent examples:
The Green family talk about their Christian faith, their business (Hobby Lobby) and how religious freedom is being infringed.
Another businessman, employer and healthcare provider for many, speaks about the impact of ObamaCare on him. Listen to Autocam CEO John Kennedy:
Other Resources on Religious Freedom
Here are several good resources:
- ARF Newsroom
- American Religious Freedom
- Religious Freedom Coalition
- Stand Up for Religious Freedom
- The Manhattan Declaration
- US Conference of Catholic Bishops
Further Reading
Here is a sampling of some new articles written on this topic in the last few weeks:
- America edging toward confrontation on religious freedom, Archbishop Chaput warns
- Amicus Briefs Filed in First Federal Appeal Regarding the HHS Mandate
- Appeals Court Grants Expedited Review of HHS Mandate
- August 1st: Mandate-day for Business Owners – A Dark day for Religious Liberty in America
- Ave Maria President: HHS Mandate Threatens Millions in Fines, Harms Faculty, Drains Resources and Endangers Future
- Becket Fund Testifies Before Congress
- Biden’s Remarks Debunked as Catholic Institutions and 13 States File Amicus Briefs Opposing HHS Mandate before DC Circuit Court of Appeals
- Cardinal George says mayor overstepped with Chick-fil-A remarks
- Catholic Doctors Tackle How to Survive in an ‘Increasingly Toxic Culture’
- Christianity Demands More Than Just Freedom To Worship!
- Conscience rights for pharmacists upheld in Illinois ruling
- Constitutional Experts Call Obama’s Abuse Of Power Historic
- Corporate Exercise of Religion and Other Thoughts on the RFRA Claim in the Mandate Litigation
- East Texas Baptist University and Houston Baptist University Sue over HHS Mandate
- Federal Court Asked to Dismiss Lawsuit Against Montana Jesus Statue
- For This Employer, Faith Is No Hobby
- Former diplomat prods US to widen worldwide religious freedom efforts
- Hobby Lobby Sues over HHS Mandate
- Hobby Lobby responds to DOJ brief against religious freedom
- Hobby Lobby v. Sebelius
- Illinois cannot make pharmacists give ‘morning after’ pill-court
- Mayors chicken out of true family values
- New study finds rise in religious restrictions worldwide
- Obama Administrations attack on Catholics in healthcare
- Obama reaffirms support for HHS mandate, downplays controversy
- Obama vs. Religious Freedom: Why his administration threatens your right to worship
- Religion and the Election of 2012
- Reply Filed in HHS Mandate Case
- Supreme Court to Consider Hearing Weighty Church-State Controversy
- The Government’s Argument is Atrocious!
- Thousands join grassroots women’s movement opposing HHS mandate
- What’s Next for Conscience Rights
- Wheaton College Seeks Emergency Relief Against HHS Mandate