This week: Paris suffers a terrible tragedy (that simply could not at all have been foreseen). Cute children holding portraits of their preemie selves. Three stories on people who should have been killed: Martin Pistorius (a “vegetable” for over a decade), Jeanette Hall (only months to live, 15 years ago) and family “infant members” (said Margaret Sanger, venerated founder of Planned Parenthood). What time is it (the horror of daylight saving time)? Freedom of speech quickly becoming a fond memory.
This tragedy was a complete shock! There is no way something like this could possibly have been foreseen. Really? — Judith Bergman takes a close look at this in How Can Anyone Be Shocked?.
Bored Panda has a wonderful story showing children holding portraits of how they looked when they were premature babies. The average gestation was under 28 weeks with two born at 23 weeks.
Martin Pistorius became ill when he was 12 and entered into what many would describe as a “vegetative state.” His eyes were open, but he was unaware of everything and would never recover. All but “brain dead” for over a decade.
Except he wasn’t.
How many people like Martin have been euthanized one way or another because they couldn’t say stop, don’t kill me?
In 2000 Jeanette Hall was given a death sentence of inoperable colon cancer – 6 months to live. She did not want to suffer and had supported Oregon’s “right to die” law. She asked her doctor for the suicide pills. In what some would likely label blatant malpractice, her doctor instead talked her out of it. That was 15 years ago.
In this coming year of mercy, we have these words on mercy from Margaret Sanger, esteemed founder of Planned Parenthood:
We just passed through another “time change.” Have you had enough of that?
Greg Lukianoff presents our vanishing freedom of speech rights for Prager University. Today, many college students (for example) demand their campuses NOT be bastions of free speech, but rather “safe places” FROM speech. You may be familiar with “safe places” to protect children from a world they are too young to navigate as adults would. Obviously, we no longer have adults running or attending many universities.
Some random thoughts or bits of information are worthy of sharing but don’t warrant their own full post. This idea was begun by Jennifer Fulwiler and is now continued by Kelly Mantoan. So, some Fridays I too participate when I have accumulated 7 worthy items. Thank you Kelly for hosting this project!