We fail to reach too many children with outdated and boring catechetical programs. This is beginning to change with excellent programs from publishers like Ascension Press. Their Chosen offering is outstanding. It is available in two 24 lesson formats, one for faith formation and a modified version for confirmation preparation.
While both are targeted at teens, the faith formation series can also be used in any setting people are learning or refreshing their knowledge of the faith. That could be classes welcoming people back, RCIA, parish rediscovering classes or even religious education.
These lessons are exciting, fast-paced and include excellent videos from some of the best young apologists out there. Here, Chris Stefanick (whose videos I often feature in my 7 Quick Takes Friday posts) introduces the program:
The course also has a boat-load of heavy-hitter endorsements, including bishops:
This is more of a parish resource than a personal one. That is, it is probably something that you individually will not buy but is perfect for your parish. Talk to your Religious Education director or pastor about this. Send them the URL for this program: http://ConfirmationStudy.com/. There they will also find previews of the program’s exceptional videos. Watch these videos to see how they will appeal to young folks. They will appeal to you too!
Chosen Introduction
What are you looking for? (Chris Stefanick)
What Happens at Mass? (Brian Butler)
The Problem of Suffering (Fr. Mark Toups)
The Symbols of Baptism (Sarah Swafford)
Where Am I Going? (Chris Stefanick)
“Are you talking to me?” (Jackie Francois)
The Power of Confession (Fr. Mike Schmitz)
What Happens at Confirmation? (Chris Stefanick)
What is a Sacrament? (Sr. Maris Stella)
What is Marriage? (Jason Evert)
How Do I Build Virtue? (Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers)
The Beatitudes (Mary Ann Wiesinger)
Building the Kingdom (Chris Padgett)
This is the new evangelization.