Archives for 2012

Elsewhere: testimony for free contraception


Recently, House Democrats staged a “show hearing” in support of President Obama’s war on religion. At the event, a 23 30 year-old typical female student “reproductive justice” radical bemoaned the $3,000 cost to keep her well stocked with contraceptives during her law school studies. According to some calculations, that would buy enough condoms to enable this unmarried woman to (on average) engage in “protected sex” 7 times daily.

Due to inappropriate name calling on the part of a conservative commentator, the woman’s “testimony” has received much more attention than it otherwise would have. President Obama, took time away from addressing the country’s crushing deficit (an all-time record $220 BILLION for February ALONE – 75 million times this woman’s total contraception costs) to call her and check that she is okay. According to the aggrieved woman, “he said to tell my parents that [they] should be proud”. It was unclear what her parents should be proud of.

It is interesting to note that this person attends graduate school at the Jesuit run Georgetown Law School. Not surprisingly, their president offered glowing praise for the woman saying “this expression of conscience was in the tradition of the deepest values we share as a people.” Cardinal Wuerl felt that there were other lessons that he could have drawn from this.

Much ink has been spilled on this debacle. The mainstream media, as always, has done its job presenting this woman as a victim of religious extremists – taking their cues from the Obama administration (including Hillary Clinton). The best analysis comes from Robert Yates in his piece for Crisis Magazine:

I recently had a chance to take a careful look at the testimony of Sandra Fluke before the House Democrats. What I saw disturbed me greatly, and not simply because I am a Catholic who strenuously opposes Obama’s assault on religious liberty. There are a number of other assumptions at work in the thinking of Ms. Fluke and all who share her worldview that cannot go unaddressed. Some of them might be identified by pointing out that this is not, as was initially reported, a relatively innocent 23-year old female law student, but rather a 30 year-old hardened feminist activist who enrolled at Georgetown with a mission to challenge its contraception coverage policies. Others are more subtle.

The first assumption is that ObamaCare itself is irrevocably settled law. The only acceptable debate parameters are the specific provisions and applications of the law, while the question of its inherent validity, legality or practicality is now resolved. It causes one to wonder if the contraception mandate itself, which was audacious and perhaps irrational from the standpoint of electoral politics, was a calculated ploy to shift the debate. Once we begin debating the specific applications of ObamaCare, we have implicitly accepted ObamaCare. The resistance to the general idea is dulled and weakened, if not entirely forgotten.

If that weren’t bad enough, however, it also becomes clear through Ms. Fluke’s testimony that we live in different moral universes that appear to be entirely incompatible. To read the first part of her testimony, much of which focuses on the hardships allegedly endured due to a lack of contraception coverage, you would think someone abducted her and these women from their homes, put them in shackles, and shipped them to Georgetown in crates against their will. Or that a cruel society forced them, to use her words, “to pick between a quality education and our health.”

That her words might be seen as such was anticipated by Ms. Fluke, the prepared and professional activist. In response to the crazy notion that she and other women ought to have expected that a Catholic university did not cover contraception, she replies near the end of her testimony that “we expected women to be treated equally, to not have our school create untenable burdens that impede our academic success.” One may easily reply that women are treated equally: men don’t have access to contraception coverage at Georgetown either. Georgetown will not pay for a vasectomy or a year’s supply of condoms for a male student, and so it isn’t reasonable to expect it to pay for a female student’s birth control pills. Since when were women they only people who might want to use contraception”

It seems tiresome to point out that a privately-run institution has absolutely no obligation to provide specific goods and services to anyone, and that there are countless alternatives for those who want to attend a university that provides them with the specific coverage they would like. If, as Ms. Fluke contends, 94% of the students disagree with the Georgetown policy, then eventually the forces of supply and demand would determine the fate of the university; most people would simply choose a different school, and Georgetown would either change its policy or close its doors. Faced with a plethora of choices, options, freedoms, and liberties laid out like a buffet before them as no people in the history of human civilization have ever enjoyed, however, Mrs. Fluke portrays these women as the helpless victims of injustice. It is quite simply an outrageous lie.

Ms. Fluke actually presented a rather long list of what she and her cohorts did and did not expect, and they all amount to this: we expected to be given exactly what we demanded, immediately, without reservations and without any consideration whatsoever for the consciences or concerns of anyone else.

Yates goes on to say “we are all caught up in the legal aspects of this controversy, but if we consider the implications of these aggressive demands, something more disconcerting emerges.” He continues with more insightful points. Highly recommended – see Addressing Ms. Fluke.

I also recommend the Wall Street Journal‘s Sandra Fluke’s Amazing Testimony and Matt Barber’s Limbaugh and the, um, Lady.

7 Quick Takes Friday (set #57)

7 Quick Takes Friday

This week: Fr. John Hollowell responds to PP’s call for videos. How the birth control pill works (including the less publicized parts). Most efficient: PETA or PP? Untangling the administration’s lies and misdirection. A priest gets setup by a gay activist. A quote of the week. Robot quadrotors.

— 1 —

Father John Hollowell responds to Planned Parenthood‘s president (Cecile Richards) call for videos.

Fr. Hollowell blogs at I Have A Say Because My Parents Didn’t Abort Me or Use Contraception. This was spotted by Fr. Z.

— 2 —

How exactly, does the birth control pill work? Women really should know before they begin putting these drugs into their body. If you are pro-life or even personally opposed to abortion, you may be surprised:

— 3 —

Matt Archbold over at CMR noticed that PETA is less efficient than Planned Parenthood. The “efficiency” he is referring to is in killing things. In PETA’s case, of the animals brought to them for care, 95% are simply killed. Yup, PETA’s “ethical treatment” = “euthanizing them”. Similarly, Planned Parenthood‘s “reproductive services” = “abortion” for pregnant women, 97.6% of the time. I suppose their vast array of other reproductive services comes into play the remaining 2.4% of the time.

— 4 —

With the Obama administration working overtime to confuse people with distortion and obfuscation, our work to explain the truth to family, friends and neighbors could not be greater. Here are two very good explanations.

First, a video that unmasks “The Con”, from the American Life League:

Second, an explanation that has been making the rounds in the blogosphere from Father Sammie Maletta’s recent homily:

— 5 —

Barbara Johnson was denied communion. At her mother’s funeral. By some politically oriented priest who suspected she was gay. He snubbed her further by refusing to go to the burial. She demands his removal. The Washington Post reported this story.

It was a setup and the media was all to happy to participate. Sadly, so did the chancery. Father Marcel Guarnizo by all reports is a holy and pious priest who did exactly the right thing, based on what he knew at the time and what has subsequently surfaced. The Washington Post and his Cardinal (Wuerl) owe him an apology.

Don’t miss this one.

— 6 —

Quote of the week:

Of particular concern are certain attempts being made to limit that most cherished of American freedoms, the freedom of religion. Many of you have pointed out that concerted efforts have been made to deny the right of conscientious objection on the part of Catholic individuals and institutions with regard to cooperation in intrinsically evil practices. Others have spoken to me of a worrying tendency to reduce religious freedom to mere freedom of worship without guarantees of respect for freedom of conscience.

Pope Benedict XVI

— 7 —

Sitting comfortably, reading this blog you may be wondering: what would it be like for an army of robot quadrotors to play the theme song from the James Bond series? Wonder no more:

Some random thoughts or bits of information are worthy of sharing but don’t warrant their own full post. This idea was started by Jennifer Fulwiler at Conversion Diary to address this blogging need. So, some Fridays I too participate when I have accumulated 7 worthy items. Thank you Jen for hosting this project!

Meditation: our creation

Meditation Our Creation

Guest contributor:   Richard Myer

Close your eyes, sit straight, and relax. Empty your mind of the world and of all its noise. Enjoy the quiet and gentle spirit of the Lord, relax in his Peace.

Place yourself in the presence of God, and feel his peace as you look down upon the earth in all its beauty. Take a moment to enjoy the light of the Lord as it filters through you, knowing he will never leave you, his love for you is without limits or conditions.

Ask for inspiration as there is nothing that you do or don’t do that can separate you from his presence. Think about your struggles, and feelings of inadequacy. Little by little he will transform your weaknesses into strengths. Recognize that no matter how steep or treacherous the path before you, the safest place is by his side. Slow down and enjoy the journey in his presence. Affirm your trust in him. The knowledge of his loving presence will carry you through each day. Your thankfulness enables you to see the abundance he showers upon you. Your grateful heart will protect you from negative thinking. In everything give thanks, as this is his will for you. God will meet every one of your needs, with abundant sufficiency. He will never leave you or forsake you.

Where were you a short time ago, before your creation? Yes, the world really existed without you. The sun rose in all its beauty, and set in an orange and purple splendor. Waves would roll in off the ocean and splash upon the sandy seashore. The mountains stood tall and beautiful, the prairies stretched as far as the eye could see. The sun shown, the stars twinkled, the birds sang, the owls hooted. Each of the various creatures, willed in its own being, reflects in its own way a ray of God’s infinite wisdom and goodness. The sun and the moon, the cedar and the little flower, the eagle and the sparrow; the spectacle of their countless diversities and inequalities tells us that no creature is self-sufficient. Creatures exist only in dependence on each other, in the service of each other. Being made in the image of God you possess the dignity of a person, who is not just something, but someone. You are capable of self-knowledge, of self-possession and of freely giving of yourself and entering into communion with others. And you are called by grace to a covenant with your creator, to offer him a response of faith and love that no other creature can give.

God has given you existence from nothingness; he has created you, through his love and goodness. God infinitely perfect and blessed in himself, in a plan of sheer goodness freely created you to share in his own blessed life. Through him, he invites us to become, in the Holy Spirit, his adopted children and thus heirs of his blessed life. Rejoice and be glad for your reward is great in Heaven.

God has created you in perfect union with himself, capable of everlasting life. He has given you the ability to love your neighbor, yourself, your country and the earth which he created. We must be good stewards of the abundant resources we have been given. We strive to be good citizens, contributing to the good of society in a spirit of truth, justice, solidarity, and freedom. Every society’s judgments’ and conduct reflects a vision of man and his destiny. Allow the light of the gospel to shine upon us. Life and physical health are precious gifts entrusted to us; help us take reasonable care of them, taking into the account of the needs of others and the common good of all.

Now humble yourself before God: Say from your heart: O Lord I am truly nothing before you. How did you have remembrance of me to create me? I was nothing yet you formed me and gave me life to share in your abundance of good. I was in ageless nothingness and would still be there if you had not drawn me out. Through Christ we can offer a sacrifice of praise in thanksgiving for all that God has made good, beautiful, and just in creation and in humanity.

Lord you have taken me in my nothingness to make me in your mercy what I am. I must always praise your holy name and give thanks for your immeasurable goodness. Take away our laziness so that the battle of prayer is that of humble, trusting, and persevering love. May we continue to pray without ceasing. May we persevere during our trials. Help us to remember to trust in you always. May we focus on you and find peace in your presence. Thank you God for my being.

Inhale the fragrance of your devotion throughout this evening. Let the peace and joy of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.

Pray that God strengthen us in our loving desires and push back the darkness, for he is the light of the world. Our Creator, Our Salvation, Our Light, Our Strength, and Our Joy.

Our Father who art in Heaven,
Hallowed be thy name;
Thy kingdom come
Thy will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread;
And forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those who trespass against us;
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil.

Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.

7 Quick Takes Friday (set #56)

7 Quick Takes Friday

This week: A good video explains Obama’s HHS mandate. How individual mandates destroy centuries of contract law and abolish the notion of limited government. The Becket Fund counters 4 myths about the HHS mandate with the truth. The Knights of Columbus Presidents’ Day video. Greece will soon go down in flames; how are we doing? A logical extension of abortion, ethicists say post-birth abortion OK. The UK’s version of Planned Parenthood.

— 1 —

OK, you may be confused about the HHS mandate that has the Catholic Church so very mad. This short video can help:

(This video is no longer available.)

The bishops are united. Every one of them, including those who have always leaned Democratic. Thousands of NON-CATHOLICS, while not all agreeing with our theology, agree that this is an unprecedented attack on religious freedom. You will not like the America this creates if it is not stopped.

— 2 —

Obama’s individual mandates destroy centuries of contract law and abolish the notion of limited government. Constitutional law professor Elizabeth Price Foley explains the amicus brief filed by the Institute for Justice:

— 3 —

The Becket Fund has but together some videos on Obama’s HHS mandate called The Truth Should Not Be A Secret:

Myth #1: “28 states – more than half – in the country have laws with contraception coverage mandates.”

Myth #2: “If you receive federal funding you have to comply by federal rules. You can’t have your cake and eat it too!”

Myth #3: These drugs don’t cause an abortion! Catholics should learn a little bit about biology.

Myth #4: Employees who do not share the same faith of their religious employer should not be deprived of health care because of their employer’s religious beliefs.

— 4 —

In honor of Presidents’ Day 2012, we remembered our great presidents, their views of our freedoms and the source of those freedoms. The Knights of Columbus produced this excellent video to encapsulate that:

— 5 —

Hello, you over there with the rose-colored glasses. Thank God we live in America right now and not Greece (or Spain, Portugal, France, Italy or Ireland). They have borrowed to finance their socialist agendas far beyond their ability to repay. Did you know that their national debt is now a whopping $38,939 per person. Yup, we sure wouldn’t want to be in their shoes! We are not — we are worse off. From the ranking member on the Senate Budget Committee comes (by way of The Weekly Standard) this handy graphic:

Per Capita Debt
Spotted by Matthew Archbold at CMR

— 6 —

We have reached the point where “ethicists” now find it morally acceptable to endorse after-birth abortion. It makes sense to me. Why should the law allow abortion prior to birth but not immediately after? Not much has changed for the blob of tissue being on one side or the other of the womb. Why should a woman’s right to choose have an inflexible deadline? The answer of course is that it is murder at any time.

Matthew Archbold writes for the National Catholic Register: Ethicists Argue for Post Birth Abortions.

— 7 —

Secular humanists fight for the laws to uphold their sacrament of abortion. As Planned Parenthood has shown again and again, when those laws fall short of their immoral hopes and dreams, they are ignored. This is not just a US phenomenon either. In the UK it is illegal to kill your unborn child purely based upon his or her gender. (Other reason’s are A-OK such as “the due date would place the child under the wrong astrological sign”.) Regardless of this, doctors are happy to ignore even this weak restriction:

The UK paper The Telegraph has the story. Spotted by Matthew Archbold at CMR.

Some random thoughts or bits of information are worthy of sharing but don’t warrant their own full post. This idea was started by Jennifer Fulwiler at Conversion Diary to address this blogging need. So, some Fridays I too participate when I have accumulated 7 worthy items. Thank you Jen for hosting this project!

Obama’s war on religion (update #3)

Obama's War on Religion

Devotees of the liberal, mainstream media might think the world has moved on from all that HHS mandate ruckus. Their muted or non-existent news coverage is almost magical, much like how they make the massive March for Life rallies seem insignificant. In fact, both are related and opposed to the culture of death they are committed to. The truth is, this war is far from over.

My last summary was 2 weeks ago. This is the latest update. To see the whole series, click here.

Respect for Rights of Conscience Act

This is a piece of legislation that should be totally unnecessary. Yet, it may be the fastest means to reverse the precipitous dilution of religious liberty in America. Cardinal Timothy Dolan (president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops) and Bishop William Lori (chairman of the USCCB Ad Hoc Committee for Religious Liberty) support senate amendment 1520. It’s purpose is to ensure that those who participate in the health-care system “retain the right to provide, purchase or enroll in health coverage that is consistent with their religious beliefs and moral convictions.”

More information is available at the National Catholic Register in Cardinal Dolan Backs Respect for Rights of Conscience Act: Contact Your Legislator Now.

Additionally, Cardinal Dolan joined with over 500 religious leaders and scholars in signing yesterday a joint statement rejecting the unconstitutional mandate. Those signing this statement include Catholics, Protestants, Eastern Orthodox Christians, Latter-Day Saints, Jews, Muslims, and others. The list of signers includes people from across the political spectrum – liberals, conservatives, and people fitting into neither category.

7 states file suit

Seven states join the growing list of organizations suing the Obama administration to overturn his trampling of religious freedom. More state attorney generals are likely to follow.

The states (so far) are Florida, Michigan, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina and Texas. The suit argues (the somewhat obvious point) that the mandate violates both the First Amendment and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. Catholic Lane has the story.

We are all Catholic now

Baptist minister and former governor, Mike Huckabee began a speech recently thanking President Obama for uniting his opposition. Most memorably, Huckabee – echoing JFK’s “we are all Berliners now” sentiment – declared “we are all Catholic now.”

2,500 religious leaders oppose Obama’s mandate

The Family Research Council has released a letter signed by over 2,500 pastors and evangelical leaders opposed to the president’s HHS mandate that tramples religious freedom and conscience rights. Baptist Press has the story.

The National Clergy Council declares a “state of emergency”

The National Clergy Council representing Catholic, Protestant, Evangelical and Orthodox leaders has declared a state of emergency exists due to the president’s extraordinary attack on religious liberty. Lutheran pastor Dr. Normund Lund said “Protestants are beginning to close ranks and join our Catholic friends on this issue.” He noted that the situation is so serious, that this is “an issue worth fighting and dying for.”

Francis Cardinal George on persecution and martyrdom

Father John Zuhlsdorf wrote an excellent summary of observations made by His Eminence Francis Cardinal George, Archbishop of Chicago:

In February of 2012, Cardinal George reflected on the seriousness of the Obama administration’s health-care mandate:

At the present moment, Catholics in this country are facing challenges to our institutional existence and our mission that we thought would never arise here. — The laws that used to protect us are now being used to weaken and destroy us, and this quite deliberately.

Shortly, thereafter, when the Obama administration and the media touted the fact that the Catholic Bishops are alone on the contraception issue and that most Catholics aren’t supporting them in this battle, Cardinal George wrote:

This is the first time in the history of the United States that a presidential administration has purposely tried to interfere in the internal working of the Catholic Church, playing one group off against another for political gain. What isn’t always understood is that the Bishops of the Church make no attempt to speak for all Catholics; they never have. The Bishops speak for the Catholic and apostolic faith, and those who hold that faith gather around them. Others disperse.

A few days later on at a press conference held at Loyola University on February 18th, he told the Chicago Tribune about the devastating effects of the HHS mandate for Catholic institutions:

The long-term effect is that the Catholic Church will be stripped of the institutions that are her instruments for public service. We will lose hospitals, we will lose universities. That’s not the country I was born in. — Something monumental is happening here.

Particularly chilling is the Cardinal’s assessment of the degree to which he believed religious freedoms (in the United States and other Western societies) were endangered. After the passage of legislation that enabled Civil Unions in Illinois, his eminence stated:

I expect to die in bed, my successor will die in prison and his successor will die a martyr in the public square.

Father Barron: HHS mandate is anti-Catholic and un-American

Father Robert Barron, creator of the highly acclaimed Catholicism project says that the HHS mandate is anti-Catholic and un-American:

One small state battle for conscience rights won

Washington state’s governor (Christine Gregoire) decided to force all pharmacies to dispense abortifacients regardless of conscience rights. The State Board of Pharmacy resisted but caved after she threatened to replace board members if necessary.

Pharmacies routinely refer customers to other facilities for a broad range of reasons, but in Washington, that was not allowed. Every pharmacist must dispense “Plan B” or else.

This week, a federal court in Tacoma struck this down. This is so far over the line that a federal court in a generally liberal area agreed. This, with a judge who is not sympathetic to Catholic values.

The case was argued by The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty. Pay attention to them, they do a lot of good. I consider them to be a moral version of the ACLU. See their complete comments on the case: Court Strikes Down Law Requiring Pharmacies to Dispense the Morning-After Pill.

Where is our apology?

Last week, President Obama apologized to Islamic extremists and the Muslim world in general for an offensive, but innocent action made by mistake. Our president cares deeply about the religious sensitivities of some. Faithful Christians, protected by our constitution and his own promises — not so much. Mr. President, where is my apology?

Obama Koran Apology

Further Reading

Here is a good sampling of the zillion new articles written on this topic in the last two weeks:

  1. A Convergence of Conscience and Command
  2. A Teachable Moment?
  3. A Uniter Not A Divider
  4. All 180 diocesan US bishops have issued a statement about Pres. Obama’s attack.
  5. Are Liberal Terms Dominating the HHS Mandate Debate?
  6. Are clergy public servants?
  7. Birth-Control Mandate: Unconstitutional and Illegal
  8. Bishop Lori Blasts Congress With Style
  9. Bishop Morlino: If They Can Do It To Catholics, They Can Do It To ANYBODY!
  10. Bishops Reject Obama’s ‘Accommodation’
  11. Cardinal George: no Catholic hospitals in 2 years unless HHS mandate is rescinded
  12. Cardinal Timothy Dolan issues strongest statement yet against the HHS mandate
  13. Cardinal urges Senate to pass bill protecting conscience in health care
  14. Catholic League on Sebelius’s admission before a Senate committee
  15. Catholic women rally against contraception mandate
  16. Catholics, Once Again, Considered “Un-American”
  17. Citizens, Not Sheep – A Call to Religious Liberty
  18. Contraception Mandate: Turning America Into Europe
  19. Contraception and the cost of culture wars
  20. Contraception ruling: Democrats accuse clergy of complicity with GOP at hearing
  21. Cooking the Books, Disparaging Catholics
  22. Craziest Hearing on Religious Liberty…Evah!
  23. Divide and Conquer
  24. Dolan Wants to Believe Obama’s Not Anti-Christian But…
  25. False Premises
  26. Freedom of Conscience vs. the HHS Mandate
  27. GOP candidates slam contraception mandate as attack on family
  28. Good news: Obama backs exemptions for religious organizations
  29. HHS Mandates Rhetoric: Wading Through the Nonsense
  30. HHS and a Series of Ugly Events
  31. HHS mandate means “ongoing, comprehensive government surveillance”: two new colleges sue
  32. His Eminence, Timothy Cardinal Dolan signs statement rejecting HHS mandate
  33. Hollow Compromise on Contraception Mandate
  34. Homeschooling org. protests Obama plan to mandate school attendance
  35. Leni Riefenstahl: Congratulations on the HHS Regulations
  36. Mandate a cure in search of a disease
  37. Mandate would ‘coerce’ Sisters to betray vow
  38. Mandating Is Fun!!
  39. Memo to Jews: After They Come for the Catholic Church, They Will Come For Us
  40. More things to know about the HHS Mandate
  41. Mother Angelica’s network isn’t buying Obama’s religious liberty ruse
  42. Myths abound about HHS contraceptive mandate; here are the facts
  43. NPR marks ‘Kick a Catholic Week’ with new t-shirt pledge drive gift
  44. Nationalizing Catholic Healthcare
  45. Nationalizing Catholic Healthcare
  46. New Fake Rights Trump Old Real Ones
  47. Notre Dame faculty calls Obama so-called accommodation “grave violation of religious freedom”
  48. Obama Administration to Court: “Please Look the Other Way”
  49. Obama Advisor: Kids from Large Families Are Dumb
  50. Obama Displaces the Rule of Law with Decree
  51. Obama Has Stranded the Catholic Left
  52. Obama Mandate’s Resistance Coalition
  53. Obama Obeys the Feminists Again
  54. Obama chief of staff: No more compromise, contraceptive rule is done deal
  55. Obama’s Anti-Religious Implosion
  56. Obama’s Catholic Church Gambit: Lessons from American Communists
  57. Obama’s Values Spark Return of Culture Wars
  58. Obama’s epic blunder on birth-control mandate
  59. Obama’s revised HHS mandate won’t solve problems, USCCB president says
  60. Poisoned by the Pill: Truths about Chemical Contraception
  61. Political Withdrawal?
  62. Pres. Obama, the Right Not to Do Wrong, and Politics of Ruse and Delay
  63. President Obama, Let Us Be Catholics!
  64. Religious Freedom and the Contraception Controversy
  65. Religious Freedom and the Triumph of the Therapeutic
  66. Religious Liberty, the Contraceptives Mandate, and Civility
  67. Revised Mandate “Unacceptable” to Over 300 Academics and Religious Leaders
  68. Revised contraceptive mandate prompts reaction from Catholic groups
  69. Should It Be Illegal to Be a Catholic Health-Insurance CEO?
  70. Supreme Court Filing: Obamacare Compels Individuals to Pay for Abortion Coverage
  71. Team Obama Fumbles Ruling, Offends Catholics
  72. The Catholic Liberal’s Lament
  73. The Coming Age of the Laity
  74. The Coming Age of the Laity
  75. The Contraception Mandate Fix: Fact vs. Fiction
  76. The HHS Mandate: One Battle in a Two-Front War
  77. The Heart of the Issue
  78. The Libertine Police State
  79. The Mentality of our Ruling Class
  80. The Moral Problems of Obama’s “Compromise” on HHS Mandate
  81. USCCB official: Revision in coverage still violates religious liberty
  82. USCCB: 6 More Things You Should Know About The HHS Mandate
  83. Weigel: Divide and Conquer?
  84. What problem are they trying to solve?
  85. Where’s the Protestant Support for Catholic Bishops?
  86. Who’s Out of Tune?
  87. Why Mandate Birth Control
  88. Why Obama’s ‘Accommodation’ is a Joke
  89. Why They Don’t Like the Church
  90. Why the HHS Mandate is About Religious Freedom AND Contraceptives
  91. Will the Bishops Go to the Mattresses?