Archives for 2012

Elsewhere: brought back to life


St. Peter’s List published an interesting piece on Sunday by Father John Higgins. It fit well with that day’s RCIA scrutinies gospel reading on the raising of Lazarus (John 11). It is a story of death and life, of miracles and in this case, a “bit part” for a brown scapular.

Who doesn’t enjoy a good BBQ with friends? When I was asked to a young couple’s home for a Young Adult Ministry Home Mass and BBQ I packed my Mass kit and off I went. I arrived about 6:00 pm with a hearty appetite and was greeted by about 15 young people. Then the phone rang and everything changed. I had to drive about 10 miles to a hospital where there was an emergency call.

I drove quickly, thinking that the nurse in charge of the ER, Anne, would be waiting for me. I knew her and her husband and children from the parish. When I walked in I could see paramedics at the foot of the only occupied gurney there, so I hurried and walked in. “Sorry, Fr. John, you’re too late. He’s gone.” Anne said, smiling. She had a lot of compassion, but also understood that I’d come as fast as I could. They were removing wires from an older man. I noticed that he was wearing a Brown Scapular, one of the old cloth ones. I reached and said “He’s wearing an old fashioned Scapular.” When I touched it there was a beep from a monitor, then another. The nurse, Anne, said “What did you do?” I said “Nothing!” She and another nurse jumped to work, reconnecting wires and calling for help. The Paramedics stood with their jaws dropped. The patient opened his eyes and said (in an Irish accent) “Oh, good, Father. I’ve been waiting for you. I want to go to Confession.” I nearly fell over. I’d done nothing but seen and touched his Scapular. The next thing I knew they were working on him. He didn’t get to go to Confession, but I gave him an emergency absolution as they worked. One of the Paramedics asked if I was OK and sat me in a chair.

A couple of weeks later the man came to me for Confession and told me that the doctor couldn’t figure out what happened and had to tear up the Death Certificate he’d already started to fill out. The Paramedics had come to see him in the hospital and shown him their notes. At the bottom of the page they’d written the time and place of his death and then in big bold letters had added “BROUGHT BACK TO LIFE BY GOD.”

Miracles still happen. And no, I didn’t do it. It just happened according to God’s will. Why does He intervene in some cases and not in others? I really don’t know. I haven’t figured that out yet. But I do know that God has worked miracles in my life, the most important for me not being what He did for someone else, but what He has done over and over to bring me back from sin and death, through the Sacraments into His Covenant Relationship.

That man still had to die a natural death to be raised from the dead into eternal life. The resurrection Jesus offers all of us is eternal too. And that’s what we look forward to at Easter.

This man, like Lazarus, will one day die and not be brought back to continue this life. Like Lazarus, it was not God’s will that it be on the day Fr. Higgins was called. When that day and hour comes for him and for all of us, eternal life through the resurrection of our Lord is ours – if we accept it now.

7 Quick Takes Friday (set #58)

7 Quick Takes Friday

This week: October Baby opens today. Ben & Jerry: cheerleaders for “gay marriage.” Some great comments from a panel of women challenging Obama’s HHS mandate. A bishop lists “five wounds” against the liturgy. Another good video overview on religious freedom. Elizabeth Scalia talks about how liberalism has morphed into totalitarianism. Glenn Beck: “we are all Catholics now.”

— 1 —

October Baby opens in theaters today. From all that I have heard so far, including interviews with the producers and actors, it sounds really good. The movie was inspired by the real life story of Gianna Jessen – a rare abortion survivor. This is a powerful and touching movie at a time when our government is doing everything in its power (and beyond) to coerce or force the abortion agenda upon everyone.

— 2 —

Ben & Jerry’s continues to throw their enthusiastic support behind unnatural unions and against the family. In honor of the UK’s (unpopular) rush to “gay marriage”, Ben & Jerry’s has renamed their products in support. Marcel has the story.

There are many other fine brands of ice cream, at lower cost, without a corporate determination to promote immorality. Remember Ben & Jerry’s when you shop for ice cream and avoid them.

— 3 —

Gloria Purvis, offers particularly lucid comments on a panel discussing “Women Challenging the HHS Mandate”:

More excerpts can be found here.

— 4 —

Kazakhstan Bishop Athanasius Schneider identified in a recent speech “five wounds” against the liturgy. These are all changes to the Mass made “in the spirit” (i.e. not actually called for) of Vatican II. They are:

  1. Mass versus populum.
  2. Communion in the hand.
  3. The Novus Ordo Offertory prayers.
  4. Disappearance of Latin in the Ordinary Form.
  5. Liturgical services of lector and acolyte by women and ministers in lay clothing.

The need to “reform the reform” continues. I wrote about this general topic last year (see part 1 and part 2). My personal list is a bit longer. This story is via Father Z (many good comments too, as always).

— 5 —

Yet another good video explaining the problem with the Obama’s HHS mandate:

— 6 —

Elizabeth Scalia (a/k/a The Anchoress) has a good piece on how the true meaning of liberalism has morphed into a totalitarian mindset. It is a good read for those of you who remain Democrats out of habit. See Ban the Divine Comedy? Really?.

— 7 —

Glenn Beck recently discussed Obama’s attack on religion. “Call me crazy. Anybody who stands with the Catholic Church – it is imperative you understand what is going on now. Please pray for these leaders all around the world. We are all Catholics…   we are all Jews…   we are all Protestants…   and we must all hang together or as Ben Franklin said we will surely hang separately.”

Some random thoughts or bits of information are worthy of sharing but don’t warrant their own full post. This idea was started by Jennifer Fulwiler at Conversion Diary to address this blogging need. So, some Fridays I too participate when I have accumulated 7 worthy items. Thank you Jen for hosting this project!

Resources: Catholic radio

Resources Catholic Radio

One of the great, often overlooked, resources for learning our faith and increasing personal holiness is Catholic Radio. It is an ideal source of information while “multi-tasking.” Listen while you are driving to work, preparing dinner, cleaning the garage, exercising or doing other tasks. Depending on the particular show, radio can also play a role in your prayer life such as at bedtime, waking-up or at some other specific time.

The variety of content is huge and far from boring. You will find shows that are engaging, interesting and relevant to you. If you are a radio listener now, you will find Catholic content to be a refreshing change from secular news, talk radio and music stations.

Catholic Radio Networks

There are innumerable Catholic radio stations across the country and the world. They typically feature a mix of their own content plus content from other sources. Local stations are usually part of a network of stations. Each network also produces their own content. Some of the larger English language networks are:

Content Giants

Many of the Catholic radio networks include content from two powerhouses: EWTN and Catholic Answers.

EWTN (Eternal Word Television Network) is the largest religious media network in the world. Their content is original including both television and radio, via every media format imaginable and in many languages. Wikipedia has an overview. A good book on EWTN’s founder is Mother Angelica: The Remarkable Story of a Nun, Her Nerve, and a Network of Miracles.

Catholic Answers is another original content producer carried by many networks. They are focused on English language apologetics and evangelization in the US. I wrote about them last year.

Two other content producers in this category are noteworthy, although not currently radio oriented. Catholic TV is an original video network and the Newman Connection offers instructional videos. I was delighted recently to discover that EWTN, Catholic TV and the Newman connection are all available as free “channels” on the Roku.

On the Internet too

Most areas of the country have an AM or FM station on at least one of these. Oddly, there are 2 large metropolitan areas that do not – New York City and Atlanta. No problem! Almost all of the networks also provide their content free of charge over the Internet. It is not as accessible or portable as simply tuning in your radio, but it is widely available and the sound quality is often better than broadcast.

One way to access content is via the websites linked above, but an easier way is via a free web service known as tunein. They make finding all available internet radio content very easy. You can also create your own “presets” list of favorite stations and more. Smart phone and tablet users can also download their free app (Android or Apple) which offers many features and syncs presets with your (free) account. Recommended.

Online Recording Service

In many cases, the scheduled network shows are archived on their websites for access at your convenience. Some might not be, but when they are you may have several favorites and prefer not to visit multiple websites to access them. What you need is a TiVo-like DVR to record your favorite radio shows. That is exactly what provides. They also have apps for your smart phone or tablet (Android or Apple).

Satellite Radio

One other way technology comes to the rescue is via satellite radio. SiriusXM Radio offers quality Catholic content on their “Catholic Channel” (#129) and EWTN (#130). It is a good solution for those who would like to receive Catholic radio on the go but lack local sources. I particularly recommend Greg and Jennifer Willits show The Catholics Next Door (also available here).


Speaking of your portable devices, podcasts are also available for download in many cases. Be sure to check the network website, the Android Marketplace and the iTunes store.

Some of My Favorite Shows

I occasionally listen to many shows, but there are a few that I seek out and listen to fairly often:

  • Son Rise Morning Show
  • At Home with Jim and Joy Pinto
  • Catholic Answers Live
  • Marcus Grodi’s The Journey Home
  • Reflections with Father Leo Clifford (broadcast daily)
  • Mother Angelica’s Holy Rosary (broadcast daily)
  • Trish Short’s Divine Mercy Chaplet (broadcast daily)
  • Obama’s war on religion (update #4)

    Obama's War on Religion

    Obama’s brazen assault on religious liberty remains intransigent. His political calculus has apparently determined that faithful Christian voters are not part of his base. Yet, this issue is so much broader than one demographic. This is yet another extralegal step, disregarding the Constitution of the United States and his oath of office. It certainly is not the first one (e.g. refusing to enforce laws he personally disagress with like the Defense of Marriage Act).

    Before he enter on the execution of his office, he shall take the following oath or affirmation: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

    US Constitution, Article II, Section 1

    The possible resolutions are:

    • Obama reverses course and either drops this mandate or provides at least minimal conscience protections that he has promised again and again.
    • This administrative action is overridden by a law, with a veto proof majority. This has already been tried but failed in the Democrat controlled senate.
    • The courts rule against it. This seems very probable, but will take a long time.
    • Obama is not reelected. It is a certainty that a different administration will correct this.

    This issue is too important not to cover, but I also want to keep my normal publishing schedule of Tuesday and Friday open for my regular content. Therefore, beginning today this update (and any future ones on this topic) will be published on Sundays as needed.

    My last summary was 2.5 weeks ago. This is the latest update. To see the whole series, click here.

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

    First Amendment to the United States Constitution

    Further Reading

    Here is a good sampling of the zillion new articles written on this topic in the last two and a half weeks:

    1. “The HHS Mandate is Demeaning to Women.” And Women Are Speaking Out
    2. “Well, basically, we’re not looking to the Constitution on that aspect of it”
    3. ‘Decrease in Human Beings Will Cover Cost of Contraception Mandate,’ Claims Sebelius
    4. ‘Unified, focused’ bishops pledge to continue religious liberty defense
    5. ‘We Are Crossing the Rubicon’: House Tackles HHS Mandate Threat
    6. A sermon explaining what Pres. Obama is doing.
    7. Abominations Will Be Forced On Us By The Government
    8. Administration ‘Taking another Mulligan’
    9. Americans Strongly Oppose Obama Mandate, New Poll Shows
    10. Amish, Ok. Catholics, No.
    11. An Embarrassing History Lesson
    12. And Upon This Poll I Will Build My Church
    13. Becket Fund on Bill O’Reilly: Misconceptions and New Polls
    14. Biden: We “Screwed Up” Conscience Issues in the Mandate
    15. Bishop tells committee about ‘absurd’ effects of contraceptive mandate
    16. Bishops Call Day of Prayer, Fasting, Abstinence for Religious Liberty
    17. Bogus Birth Control Controversy
    18. Bp. Lori responds for USCCB to America Magazine’s cave in on Pres. Obama’s HHS attack
    19. CL: Lefty ‘catholics’ shilling for Pres. Obama
    20. Cardinal Dolan Implies That Obama Lied To Him
    21. Cardinal Dolan’s Update on the HHS Mandate Fight
    22. Cardinal Dolan: religious liberty concerns ‘off the table’ for White House
    23. Cardinal George: All Catholic Hospitals Will Close in Two Years Under HHS Mandate
    24. Cardinal George: All Catholic hospitals will close in two years under HHS mandate
    25. Catholic laity urged to bring faith-based convictions to public square
    26. Church plans to redouble effort for law to protect religious conscience
    27. Church’s Alliance with Government Comes Crashing Down
    28. Contraception Not as Important as Abortion to Obama
    29. Contraception hurts minorities, says African American leader
    30. Contraception, Against Conscience
    31. Controlling Language in the “Contraceptive” Debate
    32. Debunking Obama’s Myths About Catholics and Contraception
    33. Diverse panel testifies against contraception mandate
    34. Does the ObamaCare individual mandate make contracts unenforceable?
    35. Don’t Claim to Speak for All Women
    36. Driving The Narrative
    37. Ethics group says babies are not “actual persons”, and killing them is fine.
    38. Executive Overreach: The HHS Mandate Versus Religious Liberty
    39. First They Came for the Catholics: Obama’s Contraceptive Mandate
    40. Forcing A Kosher Deli To Sell Ham Is Akin To Forcing A Catholic to Pay For Contraception
    41. Free Beer Mandate
    42. Freedom of Worship?
    43. HHS Issues New Rule on ObamaCare Scheme to Fund Abortion Insurance
    44. HHS Mandate Creates Absurd Results, Bishop Lori Tells House Judiciary Committee
    45. HHS Resources
    46. Have Laws Been Replaced by Decrees?
    47. Holder: First Amendment Allows Us to Force Catholics to Buy Contraception
    48. House Judiciary Hearing Raises Concerns of Government Intrusion Into Family Life
    49. HuffPo: We Must Regulate Fertility Industry
    50. In defense of the Catholic Church
    51. Interesting Glen Beck video
    52. Joe Klein Shocker: Requiring Insurers to Cover Birth Control ‘Major Overstepping of the State’s Role’
    53. Laughable Hypcorisy from Obama
    54. Leaving the Democrats
    55. Legion Of Evil (Senate) Kills Blunt Amendment
    56. Lutheran leader sides with Catholics on contraceptives issue in fiery testimony
    57. Missouri Synod President tells House Committee: LCMS ‘religiously opposed to supporting abortion-causing drugs’
    58. National rallies seek religious freedom restoration on March 23
    59. New Poll Shows How Strongly Americans Oppose the HHS Mandate
    60. Non possumus! We Cannot!
    61. Not about Catholics or Contraception
    62. Now is Not the Time For Silence or Compromise
    63. Obama Abandoning Pro-Life Embryo Adoption Program
    64. Obama Admin Cuts Off Birth Control Funding for Low-Income Women in Texas
    65. Obama Admin lectures Card. Dolan and USCCB. Dolan responds
    66. Obama Admin’s HHS kills Texas women’s health program because State prohibits money to help Planned Parenthood
    67. Obama Administration Takes Another Pass on Defending HHS Mandate
    68. Obama Mandate Could Fine Religious Groups $2,000 Per Employee
    69. Obama Risks $100 Billion If Catholic Hospitals Close
    70. Obama VS. Religious Freedom – Don’t Let the Point Get Lost!
    71. Obama gives Amish complete exemption. Catholics? Talk to the hand! Why? Why do you think?
    72. Obama’s Remaking of America
    73. Obamacare Regs 2.5X As Long as the Bible
    74. Pa. bishops respond to HHS mandate with day of fasting and prayer
    75. President Obama: Render Unto God the Things that Are God’s
    76. Pretending Contraception is the Crisis
    77. Religious Freedom: It’s not just Pakistan and China
    78. Senate Dems stop “conscience exemption” to Obama birth control coverage policy
    79. Sleeping Giant-A Parody of All Along the Watchtower Concerning the HHS Debacle
    80. Speaking Loudly About Human Liberty
    81. Spoon-feeding partisan talking points
    82. Stand Up For Religious Freedom on March 23
    83. Tell your Senator: Stop HHS Mandate!
    84. The Bogus Birth Control Debate
    85. The Evolution Of A Right
    86. The Forgotten Birth Control Battle
    87. The Mandate Controversy and the Bishops’ Response
    88. The Senate Betrays the People
    89. The Suppositions Behind Obama’s Contraception Coverage
    90. The right to conscientious objection
    91. U.S. Senate Defeats Amendment to Protect Religious Liberty
    92. Umbrellas in a Tornado
    93. United for Religious Freedom
    94. WH to Dolan: We’re not listening but you should!
    95. We don’t need no stinking Bishops!
    96. What if Catholic bishops aren’t bluffing?
    97. What the heck does that have to do with our freedom of religion?
    98. What’s Going On?
    99. White House Tells US Bishops’ Staff How To Interpret Catholic Teaching
    100. Why the State Must Respect Your Conscience
    101. Women’s voices you don’t hear in the mainstream media

    Baltimore Catechism: on confirmation

    Baltimore Catechism

    Lesson 15

    166 Q. What is Confirmation?
    A. Confirmation is a Sacrament through which we receive the Holy Ghost to make us strong and perfect Christians and soldiers of Jesus Christ.

    In Baptism we are made Christians, but we are not very strong in our faith till the Holy Ghost comes in Confirmation. You remember how timid the Apostles were before the coming of the Holy Ghost, and how firm and determined in their faith they were afterwards; and how fearlessly they preached even to those who crucified Our Lord. “Soldiers,” because we must fight for our salvation against our three enemies, the devil, the world, and the flesh. Our Lord is our great leader in this warfare, and we must follow Him and fight as He directs. A soldier that fights as he pleases and not as his general commands, will surely be beaten.

    167 Q. Who can administer Confirmation?
    A. The bishop is the ordinary minister of Confirmation.

    “Ordinary,” because in some very distant countries where on account of the small number of Christians they have as yet no bishops, the Pope allows some priest to give Confirmation; but then he must use the holy oil consecrated by a bishop, and cannot consecrate oil himself.

    168 Q. How does the bishop give Confirmation?
    A. The bishop extends his hands over those who are to be confirmed, prays that they may receive the Holy Ghost, and anoints the forehead of each with holy chrism in the form of a cross.

    *169 Q. What is holy chrism?
    A. Holy chrism is a mixture of olive oil and balm, consecrated by the bishop.

    The oil signifies the strength we receive, and the balm that we should be free from the corruption of sin, and give forth the sweetness of virtue.

    170 Q. What does the bishop say in anointing the person he confirms?
    A. In anointing the person he confirms the bishop says: I sign thee with the Sign of the Cross, and I confirm thee with the chrism of salvation, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

    *171 Q. What is meant by anointing the forehead with chrism in the form of a cross?
    A. By anointing the forehead with chrism in the form of a cross is meant, that the Christian who is confirmed must openly profess and practice his faith, never be ashamed of it, and rather die than deny it.

    “Openly profess” – that is, acknowledge that he is a Catholic when it is necessary to do so. He need not proclaim it in the streets. “Practice” it without regard for what other people think, say, or do. “Ashamed” of a religion so glorious as the Catholic religion? Would we not be proud to belong to a society of which kings and princes were members? Well, a few centuries ago nearly all the kings, princes, and great men of the earth were Catholics. All the saints were Catholics. All the Popes were Catholics. At present over three hundred million people in the world are Catholics. This Church was founded when Christ Our Lord was on earth, and is nearly two thousand years old. All the other churches are only a few hundred years old. We ought, therefore, to be proud of our religion, for which and in which so many noble persons died. We should feel proud that we are Catholics; while Protestants should feel ashamed in our presence, for they have deserted the true standard of Christ, and followed some other leader who set up a religion of his own in opposition to the true Church of Our Lord. They will not have the cross or crucifix, the standard of Christ, in their churches or houses or about their persons, and yet they claim to be Christians redeemed by the Cross. We are called upon to defend or profess our religion when we have to do what the Church and God require us to do: for example, hear Mass on Sundays and holy days; abstain from the use of fleshmeat on Ash Wednesday and the Fridays of Lent, fast on fast-days, and the like, when we are among persons not Catholics.

    *172 Q. Why does the bishop give the person he confirms a slight blow on the cheek?
    A. The bishop gives the person he confirms a slight blow on the cheek to put him in mind that he must be ready to suffer anything, even death, for the sake of Christ.

    173 Q. To receive Confirmation worthily is it necessary to be in the state of grace?
    A. To receive Confirmation worthily it is necessary to be in the state of grace.

    *174 Q. What special preparation should be made to receive Confirmation?
    A. Persons of an age to learn should know the chief mysteries of faith and the duties of a Christian, and be instructed in the nature and effects of this Sacrament.

    How can one be a good soldier who does not know the rules and regulations of the army nor understand the commands of his general? How can one be a good Christian who does not understand the laws of the Church and the teachings of Christ? The “nature” – that is, understand the Sacrament itself. “Effects” – that is, what it does in our souls.

    175 Q. Is it a sin to neglect Confirmation?
    A. It is a sin to neglect Confirmation, especially in these evil days when faith and morals are exposed to so many and such violent temptations.

    “Temptations” – from the sayings and writings of the enemies of religion. To neglect it when we have an opportunity of receiving it without any very great difficulty would be a sin. When persons have been unfortunate enough to grow up without Confirmation, they should come at any time in their lives to receive it, and not be ashamed to do so on account of their age or condition in life.
