Archives for 2015

New Evangelists Monthly – September 2015, Issue #33

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From the archive (set #10)


I missed Tuesday’s post, so here is Friday’s a day early. Saturday is time again for New Evangelists Monthly to begin a new edition. Today, I would like to bring to your attention 3 original, brief essays that you may have missed. If you don’t have time to read all three, I especially recommend the first one — Planned Parenthood considering the horrific recent reports. Somehow, things have only gotten worse in the 5 years since I wrote this piece.

Planned Parenthood

Listening to Planned Parenthood and the politicians who fanatically support them, one might believe that they are really all about maternal health. That is partially true. However, do not let that distract you. A central portion of their “core business” is the taking of innocent life. In FY2006-2007, their gross revenue was over $1 billion dollars, including $357 million from clinics and $336 million from the government. They offered abortions at 287 locations across the country (expanding to 55 new abortuary locations in 2007 alone).

…read it all:   Planned Parenthood


We believe that the Old Testament foretells the New Testament and the New Testament fulfills the Old Testament. One really good example of this is the Last Supper and Passion of Our Lord. There are actually several applicable Biblical stories, but one especially stands out for me. That is, the story of Passover.

…read it all:   Passover

Apostolic succession

Jesus had many disciples, but only a dozen Apostles. He personally called those men. During His ministry, the Apostles were essentially in formation for their future role in the Church. Their mission was to spread the Gospel after Christ’s death and resurrection through the institution of the Church.

…read it all:   Apostolic succession

7 Quick Takes Friday (set #181)

7 Quick Takes Friday

This week: Two more videos have been released to further document Planned Parenthood’s highly immoral and illegal practices. How would defunding Planned Parenthood actually impact women’s healthcare? Logically, from a secular and non-religious perspective, is abortion moral? Lutheran Satire looks at the “great apostasy.” Jeff Harris illustrates the key to sin’s shackle. Millennials explain the difference between Democrats and socialists. A magic carpet (sort of).

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The Center for Medical Progress has been more effective in budging public opinion on abortion and Planned Parenthood then most recent pro-life efforts. The horror is not of organ harvesting but in the taking of innocent lives. We must not forget that or accept this as business as usual.

The CMA has released the 7th and 8th videos. The 7th documents the “harvesting” of a baby’s brain (while still alive). The indifference to human life is astounding.

In the 8th video, we see how the baby organ selling business at Planned Parenthood is thriving. The buyers want to bump their order by another 50 livers per week.

Pro-aborts, particularly pro-abortion politicians, still refuse to watch these videos.

BONUS: if you know someone who has not watched these but who might watch a summary, CMA has also released such a video:

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There are SO MANY lies told by PP (and repeated by their admirers) that it is almost overwhelming. One lie is the catastrophe we will bring upon women who will lose healthcare in many areas served only by PP. Or so they claim, falsely, over and over.

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Dennis Prager looks at the morality of abortion, in a secular, logical, non-religious way. Additionally, for this argument, he also sets aside the issue of legality. This asks only: is it moral?

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Our friends at Lutheran Satire make many good points. Why they made this video confuses me. To my Catholic eyes, it indicts them almost as much as the more recent Protestant denominations.

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Jeff Harris at Sword of Peter illustrates a simple truth:

Sword Of Peter Confession

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This is an interesting video. Millennials are asked to differentiate between Democrats and socialists. I appreciate the difficulty in answering that. Draw your own conclusions.

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Segways are really cool, but expensive and not portable. The perfect Segway would be only the platform under your feet. It would be thin, easily portable, and look more like a MacBook Air than a transportation device. It might be this:

Some random thoughts or bits of information are worthy of sharing but don’t warrant their own full post. This idea was begun by Jennifer Fulwiler and is now continued by Kelly Mantoan. So, some Fridays I too participate when I have accumulated 7 worthy items. Thank you Kelly for hosting this project!

Walk on Water

Walk On Water

Sometimes I walk on water and I hope that you do too! It is real, supernatural and can be trusted 100%. Yes, yes, I am speaking figuratively but it is very real none-the-less.

We walk on water when we trust in the Lord completely. The more saintly among us do this routinely. For the rest of us, it is still a more conscious choice. We particularly experience this when we are unable to be in control, turning ourselves and our problems over to Him. We do not abandon the problem and step back into the boat. Rather we trust Jesus, work as His instruments and accept the direction He takes us.

This is easier said than done. We try to be self-reliant and solve problems ourselves. As complications increase we can start to sink before we realize it. Knowing when we are in too deep and asking God to take this increasing burden from us might not occur to us. So we too often keep control as we sink toward the bottom. It takes humility to see when this is happening. Peter trusted the Lord and didn’t hesitate to give up control (his will to keep a solid, if wobbly, platform beneath himself). Nothing he could do would change his buoyancy, yet he did not sink. Miracles work when faith is present.

Even when we do place our trust in the Lord we can be tempted to interfere. That is, attempting to reassert some control. Our trust then becomes conditional, subject to our will — effectively we revoke trust. You know how that works out. Peter discovered those consequences as he doubted the miracle he was in. The more he doubted, the more he sank. His faith – his trust – was waning, he was taking back control and sinking.

Jesus does not give-up on us when put our faith on ourselves. He is still there by our side waiting to extend His saving hand when our sometimes prideful freewill gets us into trouble. As Peter sank, he turned back to Christ and embraced His outstretched hand. He didn’t drown, but I bet he got soaking wet.

Think about that big problem you are currently dealing with. It might be publicly known like an issue at work or perhaps a very private matter known only to you. Do you really want to “go it alone”? For that matter, is there ever a time that you should? Trust in the Lord with all your heart.

When the disciples saw him walking on the sea they were terrified. “It is a ghost,” they said, and they cried out in fear.

At once [Jesus] spoke to them, “Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid.”

Peter said to him in reply, “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.”

He said, “Come.” Peter got out of the boat and began to walk on the water toward Jesus.

But when he saw how [strong] the wind was he became frightened; and, beginning to sink, he cried out, “Lord, save me!”

Immediately Jesus stretched out his hand and caught him, and said to him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?”

7 Quick Takes Friday (set #180)

7 Quick Takes Friday

This week: Some smart, questioning, people who became Catholic anyway – Don Johnson’s new film: Convinced. My Catholic Tube has launched a new show with interviews of converts. A look at The Sisters of Life, founded by John Cardinal O’Connor to protect and enhance the sacredness of human life. Larry D illustrates the concept of “instant Catholic.” Science can not prove God’s existence…   or explain 95% of the universe. The Iran deal accommodation – Dennis Prager explains why. Tesla gets weird in charging station design.

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Why would anyone “voluntarily” become Catholic? It is so counter-cultural, swims against the current, and sadly is increasingly despised by the world (spoiler: it is the truth). Speaking as a convert myself, let me assure you that we don’t just wake up one day and say “why not?”. Don Johnson has released a wonderful movie that will strike a chord with many who are curious. In their own words, non-Catholics who became Convinced:

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My Catholic Tube is a well executed Catholic portal / aggregator to faithful video content. They also include some of their own content, including a new show call My Catholic Conversion. The first installment features Katrina Fernandez (The Crescat) interviewed by David L. Gray.

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The Sisters of Life is a contemplative / active religious community of women founded by John Cardinal O’Connor in 1991 for the protection and enhancement of the sacredness of every human life. Like all religious communities, they take the three traditional vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. They also are consecrated under a special, fourth vow to protect and enhance the sacredness of human life.

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Instant Catholic
From Larry D

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Those who question God’s existence often lean on science. Science, after all, gives us proof to support its claims. The problem is, science explains very little. See this video for some basic things that are beyond science.

That science can not prove God’s existence then is no surprise considering these monumental limitations. God, of course, is the uncreated creator of everything including the universe itself. It is true that science is blind to God’s existence, but it is also blind to 95% of everything in the universe. It calls these unknowns “dark matter” and “dark energy” (which loosely means “we have no idea”):

Since science acknowledges aspects of the universe it does not understand as “dark matter / energy,” perhaps it should acknowledge God as “white spirit.” Works for me.

— 6 —

Nothing less than thermonuclear destruction, resulting in the deaths of hundreds of thousands (or more) is at stake with the Iran deal. This can NOT be compared to previous deals (e.g. with the Soviets) for many reasons, but particularly the EXTREMELY limited verification and Iran’s objectives. MAD (“mutually assured destruction”) is not a deterrent to them. What is being called a “deal” is an accommodation that will lead to nuclear disaster.

Dennis Prager puts this “deal” in a historical perspective:

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From the Convert Journal automotive desk, a look at EV (electric car) charging technology. Tesla was apparently inspired by either an octopus or a scene from the movie Aliens in the design of this automatic car charging station:

Some random thoughts or bits of information are worthy of sharing but don’t warrant their own full post. This idea was begun by Jennifer Fulwiler and is now continued by Kelly Mantoan. So, some Fridays I too participate when I have accumulated 7 worthy items. Thank you Kelly for hosting this project!
