Archives for 2014

7 Quick Takes Friday (set #131)

7 Quick Takes Friday

This week: The latest issue of New Evangelists Monthly is ready and calling you. The Texas Alliance for Life sounds a hopeful message. Cecile Richards speaks (almost) about when life begins. Iowa Democrat Beth Wessel-Kroeschell explains how abortion is a solution for colicky babies while other Iowa Democrats pray that God blesses their pro-abortion efforts. A new video on the War on Humans. What will the radical left do when their favorite causes collide: Muslims vs. gay agenda. Muslims shower Mass attendees with some religion of peace love.

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New Evangelists Monthly

Issue #15, March 2014, of New Evangelists Monthly is ready for your enjoyment! Scores of faithful Catholic bloggers have contributed their very best pieces from February. This month brought these great topics: ToB, forgiveness, Love in Lent, His presence, marriage, crosses, real Jesus, identity, witness, Lent, prayer, TLM, Fr. Richards, presentation, cancer, suicide, book review, good men, gatekeepers, blessed day, Finisher, images, status, home altar, no heretic, Ukraine, no gas, hope, Blessed Dina, nulla salus, grace leaps, pruning, gracious winners, forsaken me?, holy priests, chastisement, plans, love tipped, Thy pity, praying, Ananias, St. Joseph, choices, trials, Passion, priorities, could have, ToB works, Oh Lent!, B16 thanks, an icon, power hour, metaphysics, stations, sorrowful, called, shining, kind police, fog images, all you need, newcomer, Alveda, rice, His arms, little light, subway art, thankful, holiness, desert joy, sad place, physical, meal plan, snowed in, tears, lectio, veiling, Facebook, suffering and vacations.

This monthly “meta-magazine” showcases faithful Catholicism from theology to family life and “everything in between.” Enjoy it now at

Read Now

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A hopeful video from the Texas Alliance for Life, reviews 41 years of Roe v. Wade.

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When does life begin? An easy question, really. Not so much for Planned Parenthood’s Cecile Richards. Apparently, it is a personal decision. Maybe at (a healthy?) birth.

Spotted by Matthew Archbold

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Iowa Democrat Beth Wessel-Kroeschell explains the many potential inconveniences that a mother may avoid by killing her child, such as colic (crying for 3 or more hours). Planned Parenthood concurs, recognizing her as a champion for abortion. The story is at

The Iowa Democrats are still praying to God that He, the Creator of all life, bless their relentless efforts to destroy it (really, no kidding – they are actually THAT messed-up):

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Humans, created in the image and likeness of God, have no special place in The War on Humans. In fact, they are the planet’s PROBLEM. Nut case environmentalism run amok. The Discovery Institute has produced a mini-documentary (31 minutes):

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This should be interesting. Let’s see if the left is willing to force Muslims to violate their faith:

Spotted by Fr. Z

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Speaking of the “religion of peace,” in France followers sprinkle some love upon Catholics:

If they only threw stones at Christians. The reality is far worse.

There are many followers of Islam. The vast majority, in most places, do NOT attack Christians and are truly peaceful people. Yet atrocities against innocent Christians happen very often and rarely do we see other Muslims condemn those attacks. keeps one (incomplete) list.

Some random thoughts or bits of information are worthy of sharing but don’t warrant their own full post. This idea was started by Jennifer Fulwiler at Conversion Diary to address this blogging need. So, some Fridays I too participate when I have accumulated 7 worthy items. Thank you Jen for hosting this project!

New Evangelists Monthly – March 2014, Issue #15

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7 Quick Takes Friday (set #130)

7 Quick Takes Friday

This week: The Son of God is released TODAY. The warm and funny story of how a doctor was engaged to treat Mother Theresa. Father Gordon MacRae’s federal appeal will be heard for his 20 year (so far) unjust imprisonment. The short, beautiful life of Zion Isaiah Blick. Chris Stefanick talks about tolerance. The swift loss of our freedoms to an increasingly authoritarian state.

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Released TODAY is Son of God, just in time for Lent. It looks good and has some big league Catholic endorsements. Let’s keep our fingers crossed that this will be a powerful, truthful movie. Usually this time of year we expect to see the History Channel and the like releasing their latest heretical, often blasphemous, “documentary”.

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This is a wonderful story, told with much humor, by a doctor called to attend to Mother Theresa.

Thanks to Russ Rentler (himself a faithful physician) for spotting it.

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Father Gordon MacRae

Father Gordon MacRae is still serving his 67 years sentence, convicted of being a Catholic priest in New Hampshire in 1994. If you haven’t read about this gross miscarriage of justice, see Ryan MacDonald’s two part The Trial of Father MacRae: A Conspiracy of Fraud here and here. I contributed to his federal appeal and urge you to also.

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Speaking of injustice, did you ever throw a snowball as a child? In Chicago, that gets you charged with a felony. You may think “there has to be more to it than that”. Not really, as one unfortunate 13 year old kid learned. Really, no harm, no intent to harm, no endangerment, nada — just a thrown snowball. This absurd story is here.

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This is the beautiful story of Zion Isaiah Blick, who was permitted to live the life God gave him. He lived a life of love and dignity, touching many people, and standing in stark contract to the usual medical advice to “terminate” the pregnancy (a poor euphemism for killing the child). The Christian Post has more on the story.

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Labeling views you disagree with as “hate speech” is, of course, simple intolerance of all views that differ from theirs – those in the “tolerance” crowd. Chris Stefanick takes a closer look:

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If they are not stopped, they will keep pushing the envelope. The envelope, constitutional freedoms, has already been pushed so far as to be completely tattered. Religious liberty continues under very serious attack.

Free Speech

Free speech, once a cherished ideal, is becoming a shadow of its former self. It started with IRS *regulation* of the pulpit: no commentary which could conceivably be considered political unless it is for liberal candidates and causes (for example). Conservative viewpoints, including fundamental Catholic beliefs, are “hate speech” which will soon enough be subject to prosecution. The overwhelmingly liberal media may not be liberal enough, so the FCC wants to monitor newsrooms with government tenders. The University of Alabama recently ordered the removal of a pro-life display finding it “offensive” (it was not graphic). Public high schools such as this one have censored pro-life groups but are completely OK with open, active, enthusiastic promotion of the homosexual agenda.

BTW, while the IRS unconstitutionally regulating speech in churches is bad enough, under this administration they have powerful, new ObamaCare enforcement authority. Do not expect fair treatment, as nothing has changed in IRS targeting of groups opposed to the administration:

People need to wake-up before it is too late (if it isn’t already).

Some random thoughts or bits of information are worthy of sharing but don’t warrant their own full post. This idea was started by Jennifer Fulwiler at Conversion Diary to address this blogging need. So, some Fridays I too participate when I have accumulated 7 worthy items. Thank you Jen for hosting this project!

What could have been…

What Could Have Been

Abortion has robbed the world of so much. We are much, much poorer for it. Taken away from us are statesmen who could have guided us to a more peaceful world. Doctors who would have found cures that elude us. Artists who would have elevated us through beauty we will never experience. Maybe the first woman president. Even those who would become successors to the Apostles. God knows the specifics now. We will not know until the general judgment. It will be huge.

Those of us who fight the culture of death are horrified at the scale of this genocide. We have plenty of facts, including science and statistics, to support our “side”. For example, The Looking Spoon published this graphic last week to illustrate that scale:

Abortion Claimed 56 Million Lives

Some would say this is a good thing, an accomplishment. The world’s resources are limited and we are overpopulated. Out-of-control population growth is contributing to global warming and the destruction of the environment. Total BS. The Population Research Institute, among others, has debunked these lies (see my 7QTF items here, here, here and here; or or their YouTube channel).

Others may have a different population control agenda. Margaret Sanger, esteemed founder of Planned Parenthood certainly did. Her racist plans, underlying Planned Parenthood, put the efforts of the KKK to shame (to which she appeared as a featured aspect speaker). Surprised? See or Suffice to say, Sanger’s Negro Project has been a complete success. Liberal Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg spoke of Roe v. Wade acknowledging “Frankly I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of.”

Somehow, the obvious truth is unconvincing to those who champion this (non-existent) “right” to take innocent human life. It is confusing to us (me at least) why they can’t see it. It is almost like they are surrounded by some sort of bubble which filters-out the truth (or if you prefer, scales cover their eyes).

Trent Horn at Catholic Answers has an interesting take on this. He argues that the numbers are simply overwhelming. In essence, people can not internalize the impact. This makes sense to me as it also explains why people can not understand the scope of the budget deficit. Trent urges that we make it more personal by showing individual impact.

Two examples quickly come to my mind. First, Abby Johnson (an ex-director of a Planned Parenthood facility) tells the story of Hillary Clinton’s White House lunch with Blessed Mother Theresa. Hillary asked Mother why she thought that we had not had a woman president. I’ll let Abby tell the story:

I’ll conclude with the difficult story Judy Cozzens. Judy was pregnant with their second child but went into premature labor in the 5th month. The labor was stopped, but the doctor had devastating news: “You’re carrying a deformed fetus and you need to not continue with the pregnancy.” Judy didn’t understand, so the doctor was more blunt: “You’re carrying a freak, and you shouldn’t continue with this pregnancy.”

A FREAK. How crushing that news must have been.

The next step would be to schedule the “procedure” to take care of “it”. Judy and her husband Jack are faithful Catholics and understand abortion, any abortion, is intrinsic evil. That is, it is NEVER justified to take an innocent life – even if some consider that life should be discarded. They would have their “freak” if that is what God gave them. The doctor walked away. (The story of Judy and Jack’s trial is here.)

Today that “freak” is His Excellency Andrew Cozzens, Archbishop of St. Paul and Minneapolis.

7 Quick Takes Friday (set #129)

7 Quick Takes Friday

This week: A lingerie company produces videos featuring beautiful women, unlike what you might assume. A liquor company produces a video with a touching story. (Some ads are getting better!) Father Barron explores what it means to be called by God. Another wreckovated church works to restore beauty dedicated to the Glory of God. The Girl Scouts, doing what they do these days.

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A lingerie company features beautiful women in its video promotion. Nothing new there, we expect to see pretty young models, photo-shopped to impossible physique and scantily clothed for all to see. That is not what Wacol (a Thai company) had in mind. They show REAL beauty in their Beauty Inside campaign. Definitely counter-cultural, just like the Church.

Each video tells a touching story showing strength of character, humility and charity. There is a subtext that runs through these videos: real men notice real beauty. Watch for it. There are 3 in total, 6 to 7 minutes each. Inspiring.

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2 of 3 (yea, I didn’t have enough 7QTF notes for this week so am padding this one out).

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3 of 3 (still padding, but good enough to warrant their own 7QTF item numbers).

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Speaking of advertisements, Bell’s (a hard liquor purveyor from South Africa) has this touching ad. It’s viral at over 1.2M views.

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Father Barron’s latest video examines God’s calling. BTW, by virtue of our own baptisms and confirmations we too are called as priests, prophets and kings. How have you been answering that call?

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Another post Vatican II wreckovated church is being restored. The once very beautiful Holy Name of Jesus in Brooklyn has raised $2.35M to begin undoing the “modernization” damage:

Gregory Dipippo covers this story at the New Liturgical Movement.

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Girl Scouts Tears

People are beginning to understand that the Girl Scouts USA organization (the one who gets 85% of cookie sale proceeds, not the local troops) of 2014 is not the one of old. You will find that spirit in the American Heritage Girls and others who have sprung-up as moral replacements for today’s GSUSA.

Naturally, GSUSA wants to protect their revenue stream. To that end, they are threatening LifeNews, a news organization, linking the girl scout logo to their articles (not an infringement). The story with background info is at: Girl Scouts USA Threatens LifeNews After Reporting Its Link to Planned Parenthood.

Some random thoughts or bits of information are worthy of sharing but don’t warrant their own full post. This idea was started by Jennifer Fulwiler at Conversion Diary to address this blogging need. So, some Fridays I too participate when I have accumulated 7 worthy items. Thank you Jen for hosting this project!
