Archives for 2013

7 Quick Takes Friday (set #85)

7 Quick Takes Friday

This week: If only the president meant his empty words defending life. Would nudity defeat the March for Life media blackout? A touching story of life and love. Hollywood stars again enlighten us (mega-hypocrisy alert, as usual). Peter Kreeft explains where morality comes from. Episcopalians warmly embrace “gay marriage” at their National Cathedral. Father Barron’s Catholicism: The New Evangelization project now underway.

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I could not have said it better myself. Listen to our president. If only he meant those words…

Related: Tom Hoopes piece at We Are the Civil Rights Movement Now.

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January 25th will again mark the annual media blackout of the March for Life rally. A half-million people march and the (blatantly biased, extremely liberal) mass media sees nothing. The march is always completely invisible! (With the possible exception of a handful of counter protesters.)

Matthew Archbold has an interesting tongue-in-cheek solution: Let’s March for Life Naked!!!.

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Newlyweds Jason and Marie Taylor soon knew great joy and great sadness. The parents of premature triplets share their experience on life and love:

Pick-up the story at

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Hollywood stars, using their superior intellect, have made a video backing gun control. No surprise there, nor in their hypocrisy. Said same stars profit handsomely in the promotion of gun violence. Here is their video, enhanced with scenes from their “work” interspersed:

(This video is no longer available.)

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Prof. Peter Kreeft explains where morality can not come from and where it does:

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Obama Gay Marriage

The Episcopal Washington National Cathedral welcomes “gay marriage,” effective immediately. Ironically, the church is also known as the “Cathedral Church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul.” I wonder what they would think about that (well, not really, I know what they would think).

The press release says “all weddings at the Cathedral are conducted as Christian marriages in which the couple commits to lifelong faithfulness, love, forbearance, and mutual comfort.” Apparently they have no idea what the sacrament of marriage is.

Fr. Jay Finelli (a/k/a iPadre) produced a podcast on family and marriage that is truly excellent. Listen to it here (starting around 8:15). Father also talks about this topic on his blog (here).

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Father Barron has a sequel to his excellent Catholicism Project. The new work is just getting started. It is called Catholicism: The New Evangelization:

Some random thoughts or bits of information are worthy of sharing but don’t warrant their own full post. This idea was started by Jennifer Fulwiler at Conversion Diary to address this blogging need. So, some Fridays I too participate when I have accumulated 7 worthy items. Thank you Jen for hosting this project!

Elsewhere: sex abuse hypocrisy


What would be the reaction to a significant, on-going sex abuse scandal in a Catholic diocese? Would the national media cover it for weeks, or years, if there were 18 new (not decades old) reports? How big would the outrage be if those 18 cases were at a single Catholic elementary school?

You can bet that it would occupy the national media’s attention for a long time. Calls for swift and stiff prosecution would be shouted from the rooftops. Who were the priests involved, are they in custody, who covered it up, how many lawsuits have been filed, what can be done to clamp-down?

If this were the case, such outrage would be *justified*. I have written about sex abuse before (see sex scandal).

The situation is much worse. Not 18 cases but more than TEN TIMES THAT – 189 (so far). ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY NINE.

Why have you not heard about it then? Because it is not damaging to the Church but is damaging to a public school. To the completely biased, political agenda driven national media, public schools and their teacher unions are a protected class. The story simply does not fit their narrative. Shameful, completely shameful.

The Media Report (a media watchdog) has the story:

Reports of rampant child sex abuse committed at an elementary school in Los Angeles continue to explode. On the heels of other recent shocking reports involving child sex abuse in L.A. schools, NBC4 in Los Angeles has reported:

“On the same day that attorneys for students at Miramonte Elementary School announced that four additional lawsuits have been filed against LAUSD [Los Angeles Unified School District] over alleged sexual abuse at the school, the district said it faces 189 claims resulting from the scandal…

“The claims are on behalf of 126 students, with the remainder from their family members, [LAUSD general counsel David] Holmquist said.”

189 claims?? 126 students? From just one school?

Is there any doubt that if there were 189 claims at a single Catholic parish that there would be screaming front-page headlines in the New York Times, the Washington Post, and Huffington Post? One can easily imagine the folks at the Times becoming hysterical and calling for the federalization of the Catholic Church.

Once again: Double …   standard.

The article and comments are here: Where’s the Outrage? Another L.A. School Sex Abuse Shocker: 189 Abuse Claims at Just ONE School!.

7 Quick Takes Friday (set #84)

7 Quick Takes Friday

This week: New Evangelists Monthly has been launched. A baby literally reaches out from the womb. Planned Parenthood values that baby at $449.15 (average net profit per baby aborted). Cistercian monks build chapel with stones they first used 800 years ago in Spain. Why was Jesus baptized? Loyal pets and their owners’ grave sites. A sweet dog interacts lovingly with a Down syndrome child.

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New Evangelists Monthly

The inaugural issue of New Evangelists Monthly has launched! Over 30 Catholic bloggers have kindly contributed their best posts to the January issue of this new monthly “meta-magazine.”

In this edition: read about “Protestant jeopardy,” respite, tragedy, sola scriptura, faith and children, baptism, immaculate “misconception,” virginity, myths and God’s mercy. There is more! Art, love, poetry, book reviews, family life, reflections, peace and prayer.

New Evangelists Monthly is created fresh every first Saturday. Visit anytime. More information is available here.

This New Evangelization initiative is powered by the same inlinkz technology that powers 7QTF. 7QTF readers will feel right at home!

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Baby Neveah

Baby Neveah (Heaven spelled backwards) was born recently by cesarean section. Just prior to being born however, she stuck her hand out of her mother’s womb and grabbed the finger of the doctor.

Some people still refuse to accept that life begins before birth. CNN has a report and video on the story.

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Planned Parenthood

How much is human life worth? With the announcement of last year’s numbers, Planned Parenthood has empirically determined the amount to be $449.15. That is the net operating profit, on average, for killing a child in the womb.

That may not seem like much, but remember that Planned Parenthood is a VOLUME operation. Multiply that by the record 333,964 children that they killed in 2012 and they walk away with a cool $150,000,000. With our radically pro-abortion president, the future looks very bright (for Planned Parenthood, not so much for unborn children). More info on Planned Parenthood’s record abortions and resulting record profit are at LifeSiteNews.

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In 1190, Cistercian monks lived in a beautiful monastery at Santa Maria de Ovila in Spain. That is, until the Spanish government seized it in 1835 for use as barns. Almost 100 years later the property was acquired by William Randolph Hearst who had the chapter house dismantled and shipped to America. His good intentions were not fulfilled and the stones ended-up at Golden Gate Park in San Francisco for the next 60 years. Finally in 1992 they were returned to the Cistercians for use in a chapel at their Abbey of New Clairvaux.

More information about the stones is on the Sacred Stones website and blog (be sure to see the beautiful pictures in this piece).

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Why was Jesus, the sinless lamb of God, baptized? Jimmy Akin explains:

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Graveside Dog

Miguel Guzman died in 2006 and Captain ran away. Captain, his German Shepherd mix, was gone when the family returned from the funeral. When they later visited the grave site, there was Captain guarding his owner’s grave. He has remained there since, refusing to return home.

Similarly, Iozelli Renzo died in 2011. Toldo, his cat, visits his grave every day bringing little gifts.

Captain’s story is here and Toldo’s is here. This story spotted by my friend Tom.

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God doesn’t make mistakes…

Also spotted by my friend Tom

Some random thoughts or bits of information are worthy of sharing but don’t warrant their own full post. This idea was started by Jennifer Fulwiler at Conversion Diary to address this blogging need. So, some Fridays I too participate when I have accumulated 7 worthy items. Thank you Jen for hosting this project!

New Evangelists Monthly – January 2013, Issue #1

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Announcing: New Evangelists Monthly

Badge:  New Evangelists Monthly

The inaugural issue of New Evangelists Monthly launches tomorrow!

There you will find an eclectic mix of blog posts covering all aspects of Catholicism and Catholic life. Faithful Catholic bloggers are invited to select their “best” post from the prior month (December 2012 in tomorrow’s case) and add a link to it.

Each entry will include a picture and title, with all entries arranged in a grid (Pinterest fans will feel at home). Clicking on an entry will take you directly to the author’s blog for that piece. It is very intuitive.

A new edition of New Evangelists Monthly will be created the first Saturday of every month. New editions will open at noon (12:00pm ET) for bloggers to enter their link. Readers should note that the number of entries will dynamically expand as additional authors contribute their links.

How do you find this “meta-magazine” of the best posts in the Catholic blogging world? One way is to click on the logo you will find on this and other participating Catholic blogs. That logo is shown with this post. Alternatively, simply go to:

More information for readers and bloggers is available here.

Those of you who are familary with blog “linky lists” will recognize this as based on that technology. This offering is a little different than many in that it invites only faithful Catholic bloggers to participate as an expression of the New Evangelism. The intention is to provide an interesting, monthly source of the best faithfully Catholic blog content.

Please stop by and check it out anytime. New editions are available after every first Saturday. It is dynamic, interesting, faithful and free!
