7 Quick Takes Friday (set #164)

7 Quick Takes Friday

This week: Archbishop Charles Chaput reflects on Lent and our active participation in it. Another wonderful video trailer from the Ascension Press “Chosen” program. A look at capitalism and common myths promoted against it. A Vatican official lashes-out against a faithful Catholic blogger with legal threats. Stuart Shephard looks at the President’s assertion that we are not a Christian nation. With Obamacare, relentless attacks on religious freedom, explosive national debt, rule by decree and so many other scandals, do not let the threat of “Common Core” pass from your consciousness. Andrew Klavan wraps-up with his entertaining parody “HeavenEurope is for Real.”

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What is Lent about? What is the nature of our participation? His Excellency Archbishop Charles Chaput of Philadelphia explains:

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Brian Butler looks at our busy lives and the Mass. This is a preview video from the Ascension Press Chosen faith formation course.

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The Holy Father has written about economic systems, Greece is in the news for their slow-motion financial collapse and a lot of people are confused. Arthur Brooks, President of the American Enterprise Institute, presenting for Prager University, has a new video to explain our system:

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Apparently working in opposition to Pope Francis’ strong, repeated desire for an open, transparent discussion – this Vatican official has taken steps to stifle a view contrary to his. He has hired attorneys and threatened a faithful, Catholic blogger with a crippling lawsuit. It is uncharitable, betrays his own agenda and to be blunt…   dumb as it is certain to backfire in a big way. More on Fr. Rosica can be found here and here .

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President Obama’s recent attempt to equate extremist Islamic violence (common, widespread and brutal) with extremist Christian violence (a major problem in his mind but otherwise non-existent) remains in the news. A big part of his perspective may be his conclusion that we are not a Christian nation. Stuart Shephard offered this look at that:

While according to the president we are not a Christian nation, he declared on Ash Wednesday that “Islam has been woven into the fabric of our country since its founding” (source: CNS).

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Common Core continues to spread like a weaponized, drug-resistant disease. If it has infected your children’s school, they are at serious risk. If you haven’t yet, you really should take a strong interest in this.

How much money does it take to force something like this on the public? The answer is hundreds of millions and that has been done. Be sure to know where the candidates stand on this in upcoming primary and general elections. (Note: Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton both strongly supports it.)

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Closing with Andrew Klavan…

Some random thoughts or bits of information are worthy of sharing but don’t warrant their own full post. This idea was begun by Jennifer Fulwiler and is now continued by Kelly Mantoan. So, some Fridays I too participate when I have accumulated 7 worthy items. Thank you Kelly for hosting this project!

7 Quick Takes Friday (set #163)

7 Quick Takes Friday the 13th

This week: The latest issue of New Evangelists Monthly awaits your perusal. Equating radical Islam barbarism and Christianity. The narrative vs. dads. Another trailer from Chosen with Christ Stefanick. Spot, the 4 legged military robot. The lies, threats and manipulation of Ferguson to further an agenda. Andrew Klavan reveals Putin’s secret message to our Obama.

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New Evangelists Monthly

Issue #26, February 2015, of New Evangelists Monthly is ready for your enjoyment! Scores of faithful Catholic bloggers have contributed their very best pieces from January. Contributing authors this month include: Chris Capolino, Adam Crawford, Virginia Lieto, Christian LeBlanc, Susan Fox, Larry Fox, Cindy Hurla, David Wong, Nancy Shuman, Tracy Smith, Sarah Thèrése, Blythe Kaufman, Dennis McGeehan, Allison DeWolf, Dn. Scott Dodge, MC, Timothy McCormick, De Maria, Denise Hunnell, Katie O’Keefe, John Donaghy, Diane Korzeniewski, Ellen Kolb, Birgit Jones, Elizabeth Reardon, Jenn Tatum, Nancy Ward, Shannon Vandaveer, Fr. Chori Jonathin Seraiah, Sr. Margaret Obrovac, Tony Agnesi, John Schroeder, Emily Borman, Rick Becker, Ishmael Alighieri, Lisa Laverty, Larry Peterson, Nicole Ernest, Shannon Ball, Monica, Bonnie Way, Fr. John Corrigan, Laura Pearl, Karee Santos, Matthew Plese, Ashley Woleben, Fr. Ben Hadrich, Rich Maffeo, Emily Hartung, Kevin Shaw, David Torkington, Debbie Gaudino, Jessica and Manny Archuleta, Ruth Ann Pilney, George Sipe, Anabelle Hazard, Barbara Schoeneberger, Rick Rice, Godwin Adadzie, Mallory Hoffman, Bobbi, Brantly Millegan, Michael Seagriff, Carolyn Astfalk, Msgr. Charles Pope, Melanie Jean Juneau, Fr. Tucker Cordani, Roxane Salonen, Rita Buettner, Sr. Maresa Lilley, Anita Moore, Brian Gill, Fr. David Bird, Ellen Gable Hrkach, Allison Salerno, Fr. Adrian Danker, Leslie Klinger, James Milliken, Rose O’Donnell, Jim Curley, Melissa Overmyer, Zoe Jumonville, Lisa Ponchak, Matt McCormick, Justin Soutar, Margaret Felice, Larry T, Joseph Shaw, Julian Barkin, Rebecca LaBriola, Bartimaeus Timeo, Philip Kosloski, Jen Steed, Jeff Walker, Emily Davis, Barbara Szyszkiewicz, Sr. Anne Marie Walsh, Fr. Errol Fernandes, Vinny Carr, Barbara Hosbach, Ronald Moffat, Kimberly Lynch, Niki Chris, Reese Cumming, Paul Smith, Melody Marie and Joe LaCombe.

This monthly “meta-magazine” showcases faithful Catholicism from theology to family life and “everything in between.” Enjoy it now at NewEvangelists.org.

Read Now

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At the recent National Prayer Breakfast, President Obama equated IS barbarism (which he refuse to relate to radical Islam) and Christianity. He displayed an amazing ignorance of history, even for him. Bobby Jindal had one of the best responses to the President’s outrageous comments:

It was nice of the President to give us a history lesson at the Prayer breakfast. Today, however, the issue right in front of his nose, in the here and now, is the terrorism of radical Islam, the assassination of journalists, the beheading and burning alive of captives. We will be happy to keep an eye out for runaway Christians, but it would be nice if he would face the reality of the situation today. The Medieval Christian threat is under control, Mr. President. Please deal with the radical Islamic threat today.

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The narrative is known well to all and believed by far too many (particularly the idealistic, gullible youth). Hollywood and the media working hand-in-hand to present their ideological truths: abortion empowers women, homosexual “marriage” is a civil rights issue, the government needs to be bigger to justly redistribute wealth, everybody has a basic human need for (frequent) sex, it is perfectly natural (even admirable) to question your gender identity and sexual orientation, entitlement not reward, and so on. Part of this narrative is “fathers are the family idiots” (unless they are gay). It was nice to see this counter-cultural commercial, far closer to reality than usual:

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Chris Stefanick asks what are YOU looking for? This is a preview video from the Ascension Press Chosen faith formation course.

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Boston Dynamics is developing some unique robots for the military. They are loud and until now, quite big. The latest model is smaller, about the size of a large dog, nicknamed “Spot”:

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It seems like everyone got tired of hearing about Ferguson around the time that the truth was coming out. It has been a while, so now is a good time to revisit.

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This week from Andrew Klavan…

Some random thoughts or bits of information are worthy of sharing but don’t warrant their own full post. This idea was begun by Jennifer Fulwiler and is now continued by Kelly Mantoan. So, some Fridays I too participate when I have accumulated 7 worthy items. Thank you Kelly for hosting this project!

7 Quick Takes Friday (set #162)

7 Quick Takes Friday

This week: Cookie time, our annual reminder to scrutinize GSUSA. Pampers now values their customers (a good 180 degree turn). Call no man father. Not “getting anything out of” the “boring” Mass – Christopher Stefanick comments. Two Catholic news sources, one true and one in name only. A child’s fight with Hodgkin lymphoma. Andrew Klavan.

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Girl Scouts Tears

It’s cookie time again and time to remind you to love the scouts but not Girl Scouts USA. Remember that this immoral organization gets 85% of cookie sale proceeds, not the local troops. Today’s national organization is NOT the beloved one of the past. That spirit has left the room screaming and found sanctuary in the American Heritage Girls and others who have sprung-up as moral replacements for today’s GSUSA.

mygirlscoutcouncil.com monitors GSUSA and exposes their (well documented) misrepresentations. They produced this video:

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Pampers has come a long way. Back in the day, they illogically supported Planned Parenthood. Thankfully, they have rejoined humanity and produced this:

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One of the dozen or so most common anti-Catholic “issues” is the ever popular “call no man father” foil. Consider it apologetics 101. Patrick Vandapool addresses this objection here and in this video version:

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How often have you heard “it is boring” or “I don’t get anything out of it” when some people speak of the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass? It is a catechesis problem, they simply don’t know what the Mass is. Christopher Stefanick offers this:

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Jeff Harris has this new illustration depicting the difference between the schismatic “National Catholic Reporter” and the excellent, faithful National Catholic Register (part of EWTN). They are a study in opposites.

Just to be clear: “National Catholic Reporter” = BAD, National Catholic Register = GOOD.

Sword Of Peter Reporter Vs Register

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This is a nice story about a child who suffered with Hodgkin lymphoma last year.

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Speaking of cancer, it is under attack by the Jews! Andrew Klavan mocks those blinded by their hatred of Israel for political (liberal) ideological reasons.

Some random thoughts or bits of information are worthy of sharing but don’t warrant their own full post. This idea was begun by Jennifer Fulwiler and is now continued by Kelly Mantoan. So, some Fridays I too participate when I have accumulated 7 worthy items. Thank you Kelly for hosting this project!

7 Quick Takes Friday (set #161)

7 Quick Takes Friday

This week: A Blackstone Films video on the recent March for Life. The truth about abortion (1 killed, 1 wounded). Ascension Press has an outstanding new vocational video. Josh opens doors and hearts (but is searching for God). Lutheran Satire looks at some lame (but typical) anti-Christian arguments. “#Equality” looks forward to secular nirvana. Alcohol, responsibility, and those depending on you.

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Blackstone Films has made this moving film commemorating the 2015 March for Life:

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Abortion is the great liberator for women, right? It “fixes” a “problem” for them so that they will not be “punished” with a baby and frees them go on to a happy and fulfilling life, right? Women Hurt offers the truth:

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The folks at Ascension Press are doing great work in new media. I have written about their excellent Chosen program and have featured aspect their videos and trailers. They have just published an outstanding vocation video called I Will Follow. It is longish at almost 11 minutes, but very good:

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This is a wonderful story — of tragedy — then recovery through service to others. I enjoyed it a good deal but can not help feeling that unbeknownst to Josh, he is searching for God. “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you.” (St. Augustine, of course) I hope that he (well, everyone for that matter) is, or becomes, Catholic and discerns carefully his calling.

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Those wacky dudes and dudettes at Lutheran Satire produced this video a while back. It is something to keep in mind as the History Channel and their ilk pulls out their typical rubbish in Lent (sooner than you think this year!).

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This is an odd video, a parody of secularism and its direction:

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This is a good commercial from a beer company. People need to think before drinking then act responsibly afterwards. Their actions may forever change the lives of many, many others.

Spotted by Msgr. Pope

Some random thoughts or bits of information are worthy of sharing but don’t warrant their own full post. This idea was begun by Jennifer Fulwiler and is now continued by Kelly Mantoan. So, some Fridays I too participate when I have accumulated 7 worthy items. Thank you Kelly for hosting this project!

7 Quick Takes Friday (set #160)

7 Quick Takes Friday

This week: The latest issue of New Evangelists Monthly awaits your perusal. Bishop Robert Finn is strongly supported in his defense against liberal media attacks by the Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles. Death with dignity, not suicide. Devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe. Dennis Prager explains the power of the 10 Commandments. Amazing advances in prosthetics, for man and beast.

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New Evangelists Monthly

Issue #25, January 2015, of New Evangelists Monthly was completed last Saturday and is ready for your enjoyment! Scores of faithful Catholic bloggers have contributed their very best pieces from December. Contributing authors this month include: Chris Capolino, Melanie Jean Juneau, Matthew Plese, David Wong, Adam Crawford, Rick Becker, Tracy Smith, Ellen Gable Hrkach, Christian LeBlanc, Jamie Jo, Sarah Thèrése, Debbie Gaudino, Fr. John Corrigan, Cindy Hurla, John Schroeder, Jim Curley, Tony Agnesi, Nancy Ward, Joseph Shaw, Ebeth Weidner, Emily Davis, Ashley Woleben, Birgit Jones, Anabelle Hazard, David Torkington, Virginia Lieto, Mary Beth Brummond, Ruth Anne Holloway, Fr. Ben Hadrich, Anita Moore, Dn. Scott Dodge, Tom Perna, Blythe Kaufman, Nancy Shuman, Rich Maffeo, Sr. Anne Marie Walsh, Michael Brumley, Rose O’Donnell, Larry T, Roxane Salonen, Fr. Chori Jonathin Seraiah, Karee Santos, Jen Steed, Sr. Maresa Lilley, Kathleen S, Ellen Kolb, Michael Seagriff, Bartimaeus Timeo, Anthony Layne, Paul Roy, Leslie Klinger, Kathryn Cooper, Brian Gill, Denise Hunnell, Allison Salerno, Carolyn Smith, De Maria, Rita Buettner, Shannon Vandaveer, Brantly Millegan, Susan Fox, Lawrence Fox, Barbara Hosbach, Sharon Babineau, Barbara Szyszkiewicz, Fr. Adrian Danker, Lisa Ponchak, Fr. Tucker Cordani, Nanette Carey, Barbara Schoeneberger, Melody Marie, Michael Depietro, Jeff Walker, Ishmael Alighieri, Philip Kosloski, Michael Brandon, Sallie Thayer, Kim Padan, Msgr. Charles Pope, Christina Sawchuk, Vinny Carr, Celeste Ciarallo, Laura Pearl, Margaret Felice, Drusilla, Fr. Gerald Souza, Paul Smith, Niki Chris, Timothy McCormick, John Donaghy, Bethanie Ryan, Reese Cumming, Zoe Jumonville, Fr. Errol Fernandes, Allison DeWolf, Justin Soutar, Heidi Knofczynski, Kimberly Lynch and James Milliken.

This monthly “meta-magazine” showcases faithful Catholicism from theology to family life and “everything in between.” Enjoy it now at NewEvangelists.org.

Read Now

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Missouri bishop Robert Finn is an excellent shepherd, teaching truth in an area with many liberals and secularists. They don’t like him and their media works incessantly to undermine him at every opportunity.

Nuns Defend Their Bishop

Thank God for the Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles who have spoken out strongly in support of this holy man. LifeSiteNews covers the story very well. BTW, you may know of the nuns from their very popular CDs:

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When I hear the phrase “death with dignity” I think of how congress names bills. Often the bills do the opposite of what their titles suggest. This is the same. True death with dignity is remaining in God’s hands and is the opposite of suicide. Christopher Stefanick produced this new video:

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OneBillionStories.com has a new video on devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe. If you somehow are not familiar with the story, it is quite fantastic. The full story is told many places, including here. The video is a somewhat abbreviated version.

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Dennis Prager explains the Ten Commandments, for those who have not figured it out:

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We are making a lot of progress in prosthetics, in the range of motion, the compact size and control. This project at John Hopkins is one of several which will control limbs by thought. Yes, reading the person’s mind sufficiently to interpret their intent.

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Prosthetics are for species other than human too. Derby was born with deformed front legs but has been helped by 3D printed prosthetics. Such technology will work its way up “the food chain” and help people too.

Some random thoughts or bits of information are worthy of sharing but don’t warrant their own full post. This idea was begun by Jennifer Fulwiler and is now continued by Kelly Mantoan. So, some Fridays I too participate when I have accumulated 7 worthy items. Thank you Kelly for hosting this project!
