7 Quick Takes Friday (set #179)

7 Quick Takes Friday

This week: The national 54-day rosary novena for the family begins tomorrow! Video #6 documenting Planned Parenthood’s baby organ sale business has been released, contradicting their assertion of mothers’ permission. Andrea Bocelli’s view on abortion. A video introducing the excellent Council of Majors Superiors of Women Religious. Guardian angels in action. The Admiral X Force 145, a seagoing vessel for the whole family. Finally, we find out what really happened to Hillary’s missing e-mail messasges.

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54day Rosary

Tomorrow, Saturday August 15th is the beginning of a 54-day rosary novena for family and marriage. Many dioceses around the country are urging their flock to participate in this initiative ahead of the fall’s continuing synod on the family. Details are at 54days.org. Their poster is here.

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The 6th video on Planned Parenthood’s widespread sale of baby organs has been released. It directly refutes PP’s claim of harvesting organs from freshly killed babies only with the mother’s consent.

PP’s political and media backers continue to parrot what PP tells them to say. Part of that is to claim they have not seen the videos. Instead, they are told to remind us of the important role PP plays in women’s health, such as life-saving mammograms (a service PP does not offer anywhere, BTW) and that abortion is only 3% (of a large number PP fabricated) of PP’s “services.”

Eye of the Tiber (a Catholic satire site) makes a poignant observation in their piece: World Somehow Shocked After Sting Operation Reveals Corporation Widely Known For Murdering Helpless Babies Involved In Unethical Practices.

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The very troubled Leadership Council of Women Religious (LCWR) is having their annual get-together this week. They are continuing their prideful march to oblivion since the Vatican has effectively given-up on them.

In contrast to the new-age focused LCWR, the faithful and obedient women of the other US council is thriving. Here is an overview of the Council of Majors Superiors of Women Religious:

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Yup, sure, there is no such thing as a guardian angel. I suppose these people were just “lucky”:

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I need to relax more and a little bit of sailing might do the trick. I have recently had my eye on this little beauty, the Admiral X Force 145. It looks comfortable enough. Why don’t you pick one up and we could sail together? Details and plenty of pictures are here.

If you put aside just $1 per day, you will have enough for this in no time (about 3 million years actually).

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A popular Internet meme (one I featured aspect here several times) takes a movie of Hitler in his bunker, speaking in German, but “translated” to something hilarious. Finally, a spoof based on a different (but still Nazi) movie segment. This one explains what happened to Hillary’s missing e-mail messages:

Spotted by my friend Tom.

Some random thoughts or bits of information are worthy of sharing but don’t warrant their own full post. This idea was begun by Jennifer Fulwiler and is now continued by Kelly Mantoan. So, some Fridays I too participate when I have accumulated 7 worthy items. Thank you Kelly for hosting this project!

7 Quick Takes Friday (set #178)

7 Quick Takes Friday

This week: The latest issue of New Evangelists Monthly awaits your perusal. Three more videos have been released of Planned Parenthood peddling baby organs. A good, short video from Christopher Stefanick on the existence of God. An unusual (but good) approach to Christian evangelization from Letters to the Exiles. Spike is in a love triangle, between a Marine and a Capitol Police officer. Wild Bill shares some thoughts about those superior, intelligent atheists. How to use an 8.5 ton excavator to serve a hot dog.

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New Evangelists Monthly

Issue #32, August 2015, of New Evangelists Monthly is ready for your enjoyment! Scores of faithful Catholic bloggers have contributed their very best pieces from July. Contributing authors this month include: Virginia Lieto, Nancy Shuman, Stephen Korsman, Matthew Coffin, Matthew Plese, Birgit Jones, Ellen Gable Hrkach, Barbara Szyszkiewicz, Tracy Smith, Adam Crawford, Jennifer James, Brantly Millegan, Frank Rega, Kathleen S, Connie Rossini, Fr. Chori Jonathin Seraiah, Fr. Vladimir Echalas, Rick Becker, Margaret Felice, Michael Seagriff, Laura Pearl, Jenn Tatum, Nancy Ward, Kathleen Laplante, Christian LeBlanc, Shannon Vandaveer, Melissa Overmyer, George Sipe, Rich Maffeo, Allison Howell, Dn. Scott Dodge, Carolyn Astfalk, Jamie Jo, Allen Hebert, Denise Hunnell, Cindy Hurla, John Schroeder, Robert Collins, Elizabeth Reardon, Paul Roy, Sara Boyle, Rose O’Donnell, Anthony Layne, Sr. Maresa Lilley, Leslie Klinger, Larry Peterson, Roxane Salonen, Tony Agnesi, Bartimaeus Timeo, Lisa Ponchak, Matthew Rose, Molly Oshatz, David Torkington, Christina Sawchuk, Vinny Carr, John Shimek, Shannon Ball, Rick Rice, Fr. Tucker Cordani, Anna Coyne, Brian Gill, Andy McNutt, Fr. Ben Hadrich, Jeff Walker, Larry T, Joe Simmons, Susan Fox, Larry Fox, Dave Wanat, Rita Buettner, Tom Perna, Fr. Richard DeLillio, Amy Parris, Sr. Margaret Obrovac, Sharon Babineau, Justin Soutar, Joseph Shaw, Jessica and Manny Archuleta, Pat and Nicole Padley, Fr. Adrian Danker, Barbara Hosbach, Theresa, Lyn Mettler, Melody Marie, Bethanie Ryan, Julian Barkin, Fr. David Bird, Monica McConkey and Tara Baker.

This monthly “meta-magazine” showcases faithful Catholicism from theology to family life and “everything in between.” Enjoy it now at NewEvangelists.org.

Read Now

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Planned Parenthood apparently lives by the adage that a lie told loud enough and often enough will be believed. They, and their liberal political and media backers, are doing just that in the face of an avalanche of undercover videos documenting their baby organ sales.

I previously featured aspect the first two videos (here and here). Here are the next 3. I understand there are plenty more. This is systemic, not lone wolfs acting against policy. The videos are not all edited in some magical manner to make them say anything other than what the PP executives happily said (the full, unedited versions are also available for doubters).

If you are a supporter of these ghouls, do NOT believe what you may have heard about the videos. Watch them yourself. These are human bodily organs, harvested from the human beings PP kills.

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Christopher Stefanick gives some quick proofs for the existence of God:

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The Letters to the Exiles folks take an unusual approach to Christian evangelization. This video is called The Drink for What Ails You:

I like it. It is funny, makes the points well, and does so in a way that can reach people that other approaches do not.

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A Marine combat veteran and a Capitol Police officer both share a special bond with a life-saving friend — a dog named Spike. CBS Evening News has the story:

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I am not completely comfortable with Wild Bill’s approach, but he does make a good point about how impressively smart those elite atheists are. Or so they think.

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A gas station / mini-mart chain in Norway wished to promote their hot dogs. For this, they build one with an 8.5 ton excavator. This is not exactly a piece of “precision equipment.” The operator displays some very impressive skill.

Some random thoughts or bits of information are worthy of sharing but don’t warrant their own full post. This idea was begun by Jennifer Fulwiler and is now continued by Kelly Mantoan. So, some Fridays I too participate when I have accumulated 7 worthy items. Thank you Kelly for hosting this project!

7 Quick Takes Friday (set #177)

7 Quick Takes Friday

This week: Planned Parenthood’s summer baby organ sale continues (for special customers only). Their explanations are confusing, so here is a translation table. Britt Hume (and others) see this for what it is. 4 Marines were sacrificed to political correctness. Some more wonderful technology for the disabled. A vortex created by a dam intake, seen up close. Robotic brick laying machines.

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A second national Planned Parenthood executive has been recorded selling baby organs. Here, Dr. Mary Gatter haggles over prices because she wants a Lamborghini. To that end, they use “less crunchy” techniques (when killing the baby to be harvested).

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Many people may be unfamiliar with the dialect of English used by Planned Parenthood when discussing their business. Here is a short table of common terms and phrases used by PP and their actual meanings:

breast exam imaginary service
choice only abortion
client mother
clinic abortuary
fetal tissue baby
legal legal or illegal
procedure abortion (v)
reproductive rights abortion (n)
product of procedure   dead baby
safety 1 or more human deaths
termination killing
tissue donation organ sale
tone honesty

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Following-up on the initial baby organ sale scandal, Brit Hume offers these comments:

Please read these other excellent, thoughtful reflections on the scandal:

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4 Marines were sacrificed to political correctness as we continue to ignore the threat posed by radical Islam. They did not die on some far away battlefield, but right here at home. Instead of addressing the root cause, the administration will in effect blame them — they wore the uniform. We are so messed up. This young (22 years old) reporter gets it:

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Here is another good project to help the physically disabled. This electric powered wheelchair balances on two wheels while driving on even ground. To climb and descend stairs or overcome bigger obstacles, a set of tracks can be lowered dynamically keeping the user level.

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Drones can go to places that are far, far to dangerous to otherwise get near. In this case, the intake of a dam near the Texas/Oklahoma border was opened creating a swift vortex. You wouldn’t want to get near this…

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Lately I have noticed the emergence of robotic bricklaying machines from several companies. These machines work alongside people to make the process much faster and uniform. Interesting…

Some random thoughts or bits of information are worthy of sharing but don’t warrant their own full post. This idea was begun by Jennifer Fulwiler and is now continued by Kelly Mantoan. So, some Fridays I too participate when I have accumulated 7 worthy items. Thank you Kelly for hosting this project!

7 Quick Takes Friday (set #176)

7 Quick Takes Friday

This week: Now we know why Planned Parenthood has been such a staunch defender of late-term abortions (hint: the lucrative market for baby organs). Long neglected tropical diseases are being tackled by a San Diego non-profit bio-tech firm. A good shepherd in Madison, His Excellency Robert Morlino. A satirical take on unruly children at church. The New Horizons spacecraft has finally reached Pluto. Sensing “in air” motions for device control using a tiny radar chip. What are the causes of Islamic extremism (hint: it is not mostly poverty).

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I do not understand the outrage people have over Planned Parenthood’s latest “PR kerfuffle” (or as the AP refers to it simply the “disposition” of a fetus). Is PP somehow more evil for developing another revenue stream related to their abortuary operations than they already are for killing millions of innocent human beings? They are evil. This is what they do. They kill the innocent for money.

Lifesite News covers this particular outrage (and has a lot of additional coverage).

For those who think the above 9 minute video is out of context (I don’t see how), the entire uncut video (2 hours, 42 minutes) with PP’s national executive, Senior Director of Medical Services Dr. Deborah Nucatola (an accomplished abortionist in her own right) is here .

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A San Diego non-profit bio-tech firm focuses on long neglected tropical diseases. This is an area that can help many poor people but which offers little financial reward.

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Inheriting Madison is a tough beat for a faithful, orthodox bishop. Of course the diocese has (somewhat miraculously) many devout Catholics, but it also has quite a sprinkling of those with “less orthodox” viewpoints.

Anyway, since becoming bishop His Excellency Robert Morlino has grown the number of men in priestly formation from 6 to 35, ordaining 6 this year alone (the first time in 42 years). This is not at all unusual. Where faithful, orthodox bishops reign seminaries flourish. Where “progressive” bishops rule, they wither.

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Those wacky folks at Lutheran Satire have done it again! Here, “Mr. Thompson” and “the Vicar” ponder what to do with those annoying ragamuffins who interrupt the service.

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The NASA New Horizons spacecraft reached Pluto on July 14th. This trip began 9 1/2 years ago. Pluto is not exactly nearby. When it zipped by, it began sending back high-resolution images of the planet’s surface for the first time ever.

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Virtual, “in air” sensing can be difficult, bulky, expensive and inaccurate. Google has been working on this in their “Project Soli” resulting in a tiny chip which senses via radar. This could open all sorts of new possibilities.

Project Soli is developing a new interaction sensor using radar technology. The sensor can track sub-millimeter motions at high speed and accuracy. It fits onto a chip, can be produced at scale and built into small devices and everyday objects.

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What makes someone become an Islamic extremist? Is it poverty, lack of education, a search for meaning? Dr. Haroon Ullah, a senior State Department advisor and a foreign policy professor at Georgetown University, shares what he discovered while living in Pakistan.

Some random thoughts or bits of information are worthy of sharing but don’t warrant their own full post. This idea was begun by Jennifer Fulwiler and is now continued by Kelly Mantoan. So, some Fridays I too participate when I have accumulated 7 worthy items. Thank you Kelly for hosting this project!

7 Quick Takes Friday (set #175)

7 Quick Takes Friday

This week: The latest issue of New Evangelists Monthly awaits your perusal. Fr. Barron puts the Supreme Court decision in historical perspective. Faithful Christians can expect increasing persecution, under the full power of government, as shown in an Oregon case. Marriage is a “sacred bond,” a “sacred union” “between a man and a woman” — or so said Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. EWTN offers a 3 Minute Catechism on “What is a Man?” Wild Bill gives his perspective on manhood. Drones are now used in professional photography, not always to plan.”

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New Evangelists Monthly

Issue #31, July 2015, of New Evangelists Monthly is ready for your enjoyment! Scores of faithful Catholic bloggers have contributed their very best pieces from June. Contributing authors this month include: Virginia Lieto, Stephen Korsman, Kathleen Laplante, David Wong, Jennifer Cerino, Susan Fox, Larry Fox, Melanie Jean Juneau, Thomas and Deborah Richard, Adam Crawford, Cindy Hurla, Jamie Jo, Shannon Vandaveer, Larry Peterson, Nancy Shuman, Frank Rega, Monica McConkey, Theresa, Barbara Hosbach, Jennifer Fitzes, Tony Agnesi, Lisa Ponchak, John Schroeder, Sarah Thèrése, Jenn Tatum, Matthew Plese, Elizabeth Reardon, Fr. Ben Hadrich, Ashley Woleben, Fr. Chori Jonathin Seraiah, Allison Howell, Rich Maffeo, Sr. Maresa Lilley, Rick Becker, Jim Curley, Dn. Scott Dodge, Anita Moore, Fr. John Corrigan, Ruth Curcuru, Larry T, Chibuzor Ogamba, Molly Oshatz, Sr. Margaret Obrovac, George Sipe, Ellen Kolb, Michael Seagriff, MC, Denise Hunnell, Christian LeBlanc, Brantly Millegan, Carolyn Astfalk, Sue Elvis, Melissa Overmyer, Dave Wanat, Brian Gill, Fr. Adrian Danker, Matt McCormick, Leslie Klinger, Christina Sawchuk, Fr. Errol Fernandes, Anthony Layne, Lianna Mueller, David Torkington, Ruth Ann Pilney, Bethanie Ryan, Birgit Jones, Rose O’Donnell, Bartimaeus Timeo, Barbara Szyszkiewicz, Rita Buettner, Pat and Nicole Padley, Aaron Martin, Jennifer Elia, Bonnie Way, Lora Goulet, Lyn Mettler, Robert Collins, Joseph Shaw, Margaret Felice, Jessica and Manny Archuleta, Shannon Ball, Laura Peredo, Laura Pearl, Justin Soutar, Roxane Salonen, Rick Rice, Celeste Ciarallo, Fr. Tucker Cordani, Matthew Coffin, Drusilla, Gregory Watson, Julian Barkin and Reese Cumming.

This monthly “meta-magazine” showcases faithful Catholicism from theology to family life and “everything in between.” Enjoy it now at NewEvangelists.org.

Read Now

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Fr. Barron does a good job putting the Supreme Court “gay marriage” ruling in historical perspective:

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A Christian small business declined to bake a “gay marriage” wedding cake so they were fined by Oregon. There were many other bakers happy to have the business, but that did not matter, an example must be made. So they were fined not $100, nor $1,000 dollars, not even $10,000. They must be severely punished, eviscerated, bankrupted, ruined for daring to object to participation in this sin. The fine: $135,000.00. This is their story and one that will soon be a part of the Christian persecution landscape:

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At least Hillary and Obama believe in marriage as a “sacred bond,” a “sacred union” between “a man and a woman.” That is what they said, as a matter of faith.

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EWTN has a video series they call “3 Minute Catechism.” Here is the latest entitled “What is Man”:

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Wild Bill speaks on manhood and gender:

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A wedding (of the real, man-woman kind). Magical moments. A drone captures the joy — almost.

Some random thoughts or bits of information are worthy of sharing but don’t warrant their own full post. This idea was begun by Jennifer Fulwiler and is now usually hosted by Kelly Mantoan. This week however, Bonnie at A Knotted Life guest hosts. Thank you Kelly (and Bonnie) for hosting this project!
